Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

and so she arrived

Sunset Drizzle/Rain
08-21-2022, 05:45 PM
It was a strange thing to have happened.

One moment, the dame was sleeping inside her den alongside he who had saved her. He had offered her a place of rest for the night, far away from the blazing fire she had found herself trapped within. And now, she was here in this strange place. The only reason she knew that it was different was because of the drizzling rain that she could feel against her fur. It bounced off her muzzle, surprising her once in a while with some particularly fat droplets. All around her were the wonderful scents of flowers and berries, more than she had ever smelled at once. And she was laying in the center of this large meadow, not hidden in a dark cave like before. 

Melinoë lifted her head, golden yellow hues uselessly darting around. All she could tell was there were fat, dark clouds overhead. Very little light was reaching her blinded eyes; very faint shadows were the only thing she could see. But there was nothing of the sort, meaning there were no trees around her either. The female slowly rose to her paws, eyes slightly widened as her other senses worked hard to figure out what had happened. A single paw moved forward, feeling the lush and wet grass beneath it. Another step, and more of the same.

The scent of blood tickled the edge of her nose, making the dame wonder where it had come from. Nose low to the ground, she moved slowly through the meadow. Long pauses were taken between each step; such was her life ever since losing her sight. But then her nose brought her to the source of the smell. A pair of antlers sitting alone, but fresh blood was easily scented upon them. Her head lifted abruptly at such a sign. Carefully, she placed a paw on one of the antlers to feel where the blood was coming from. With some careful observation, it appeared most of it was near the very base.

This could only be a sign of what had happened. Uprooted from her home, separated from where she came from; and the reason behind it wasn't a pleasant one.

Slowly, Melinoë lowered herself onto her haunches. Closing her eyes, her head lowered slightly as she attempted to feel the earth around her. She wasn't where her spirits normally spoke, but perhaps they had followed her here. Or they had reaches far beyond what she even believed them to be. Either way, she allowed herself a quiet moment of meditation, reflecting on what she was shown and what could've sent her this sign.

the staff team luvs u
"Look to the stars. They will guide you."

Melinoë is a 3-3-3 rated character.
08-26-2022, 02:56 PM
Oh dear, she thought, as she jogged through the fields. Out and about as an outrider, Uriel had caught herself in a mild weather storm as rain dribbled on. It wasn't a huge issue, however with the plains that lacked proper coverage.. It was a struggle to find somewhere. At the moment it was but a faint drizzle, but as she gazed upward with silver eyes the clouds were high and dark, light did not shine through and caused her to gulp lightly, knowing well she may be caught in a wicked storm.

In the distance as she tried to round and find some coverage, blood slipped to her nose.. But there was no prey as far as she could tell or someone injured, rather a wolf stood in the distance, curiously by some bloodied antlers, "Uhmm," Uriel called out, "do you know where to find some cover? It looks like a bad storm is coming.." But majority had to be ignored, as both would be in trouble if they didn't find somewhere to take shelter.

the staff team luvs u
09-05-2022, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2022, 05:52 PM by Melinoë.)
Her moment of meditation was interrupted quicker than she had hoped it would be. In truth, she hadn't expected any wolf to find her out here, not having known anything about where she ended up. Clouded golden hues slowly made their way to the extremely faint figure of another wolf as the uncertain words were called out in her direction. It took her a few moments to realize that the stranger was indeed talking to her, and so she looked quite strange just staring silently in the direction of the other.

"A bad storm?" she questioned, her voice slightly hoarse as it left her throat. Her muzzle lifted to the sky, still feeling the slight drizzle slowly wetting her pelt. "I'm afraid I don't know of such cover." Melinoë didn't offer much in terms of her words, seeming rather uncaring about the impending doom that was presented to her. A sudden harsh breeze ruffled the long fur along her thin frame, seeming to pull her towards the stranger. As quickly as the wind came, it left without a trace. Her head lowered once again to face where the voice of the voice had come from.

"It seems like the spirits wish for me to trust your judgment." Slowly, she rose to her paws but made no indication of moving towards the other female. "Perhaps you know of a place to take shelter?"

the staff team luvs u
"Look to the stars. They will guide you."

Melinoë is a 3-3-3 rated character.
09-13-2022, 04:34 PM
They were a pretty wolf. They had rather striking features, a stark contrast with the white and browns, an opposite gaze of her own silvers, for they had a pretty dim gold. Ethereal, was perhaps the right word she was thinking off, being star-struck just a moment before her refined voice spoke out, having Uriel return from that momentum. Although she was saddened that they too didn't really know anywhere, and squinted lightly as the drizzle poured down, and her eyes blinked from the water. It looked it was coming, faster and faster.. They would need to find cover soon. The way the clouds continued swarming by the wind and the haste of movement, was worrisome.

"I don't know any either.. But surely since we are near mountains, maybe we will find a cave?" a strained smile, an offering that maybe they could attempt to look for something together. Wolves were generally strange and she has met a few who were religious ; the words of spirits were foreign, and she did not comment on it.. Destiny has a way.

the staff team luvs u
09-13-2022, 08:28 PM
Slowly, it seemed, the light drizzle was starting to increase in its power. Surely more rain couldn't be far behind. Finding shelter would perhaps be welcome, even if normally she would subject herself to the elements. Perhaps this stranger could even give herself some insight into where Melinoë seemed to have found herself. Her fur was slowly starting to become more soaked, fur hanging down beside her face and along her belly as she rose to her paws.

"Admittedly, I cannot see the way," she spoke, voice still a bit raspy despite her younger age. "But if you don't mind the closeness, I could follow in your footsteps." Being that close to another wolf was something she usually hated to do. Even admitting to her blindness was difficult, especially when she had to ask for help because of it. But if her spirits wished it to be, she would follow them.

Taking a few tentative steps forward, she hoped the other wolf would be open to her proposition.

the staff team luvs u
"Look to the stars. They will guide you."

Melinoë is a 3-3-3 rated character.
09-29-2022, 08:28 PM

Lightly, did Uriel jumped as the sky cracked. When she would gaze up, she could vaguely see between the clouds a flashing of light, an indication that thunder was forming as the rain was continually pouring, and harder. So focused on the upcoming storm she hadn't realized the pretty wolf was in-fact blind, but was growing more worried how they were out in the open as so.. She never seen a wolf be struck by lightning, but she heard of it.

"It should be a bit north, we should go," to her feet Uriel went, as she was slowly picking up the pace with a squinting gaze ; looking for that cave she spoke of. She remembered it was somewhere near the forests by here..

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