08-03-2022, 02:18 AM
Only light flurrying, welcome to any Haldis member. Forward-dated to when Esmeray is full-fledged Haldis Member!
Falling snow had drawn Esmeray away from the clearing, his eyes twinkling as he watched the sky. It was like... pieces of clouds were drawn to the ground, and the charcoal-hued man found that... beautiful, to say the least. It reminded him of @Izumi and her pale, ivory fur. It was truly a site to behold...
The man stood, though, shaking out his fur before turning from where he had sat, making his way towards the lake.
He was entranced by the dancing stars that reflected in the pool. His paws led him there by instinct – It seemed he'd already made a connection with the land – and he stopped but a few ways away from it. Gaze flicking around the clearing, Esmeray's eyes landed on a similar feature. The boulder on which the queen sat. He had to resist the urge to leap atop it; He was by no means a part of the royal court. Not yet, anyway.
He padded to the edge of the water, glancing around before risking a single touch. The freezing temperature of the water sent shivers crawling up his spine, and he hummed with satisfaction. It wasn't a bad shiver, of course, but one that made him feel as if centuries worth of wolves and guards and royal courts were watching him; Looking at him; Studying his every move, and yet, Esmeray felt... comforted?
It was... odd.
the staff team luvs u