06-29-2022, 01:51 PM
The sudden awakening and even more sudden realization that came forth made her stomach sick. The panic made her paws itch and everything spun. Twisted perfectly into a primordial soup of confusion, fear, and regret. The land curved in waves she did not recognize, all the trees looked back at her with perceived faces of evil sneers.
Yet surprisingly, the girl managed to get through the woods where she shrunk into the rotting trunk of a tree, decaying and falling apart. Her breathing fast, straining her lungs further.
She hadn't even realized the smell of wolves in her panic, though if she had it would not improve such. Instead she stayed laying, until eventually her curled up figure could at least rest. Though her ball did not unwind, only shrunk in more-so as the night came closer and the land cooled.
the staff team luvs u