Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

thinned new fragile yellows

Sunrise Fog
07-29-2022, 06:39 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2022, 02:28 PM by Olive.)
A week had gone by in her new life as a mother. Seven sunrises that rose up to greet four puppies growing bigger by the day, and seven sunsets that fell to kiss the infantile concerns from their tiny, velour heads as they slept. Seven days that days almost complete and entire transformation within the sylph herself, almost into a woman she was no longer able to recognize.

Not that this was ever a bad thing, for the changes she was able to notice were deserving of their own commendation. As sleepless as she and Tiberius were in tending to their squalling brood of daughters, and how addled her mind felt from the experience of birth and postpartum, she felt more fire in her soul these days than she ever had in her life, 

more than when she had left her birth family to venture beyond, alone;
more than when she had been taken prisoner by the great Boomba Bes;
more than when she had built a court out of thin air, with nothing more than her bare hands and a good cause;

Such things were not her destiny, but mere events on the roadmap of what her life was meant to achieve. Her four children (five if one included Archon, though he was now grown) commanded her presence, better nature, god-sense, and spiritual reasoning more than anything ever had before. They were hers (and Tiberius's of course) but they were hers to protect, to nourish, to mould into the types of beings that she would want to steward the world when her own corporeal being was gone and made into dirt. These four tiny, fragile, precious foundlings were the beginning of her legacy.

Legacy — something that she had never valued before, but now overwhelmed her every sense. Olive leaned back, blinking the tired from her verdant eyes, and settled her gaze to watch the grunting, squeaking pile of cubs suckle in all their glory.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
07-29-2022, 12:03 PM
Aurelia yawned sleepily, struggling to stay awake. She could feel the steady rise and fall of Olive's chest next to her, radiating warmth and goodness and safety. It was all she knew - an entire world condensed into one silken form called Mother.

Something kicked weakly at her flank, and she stirred irritably, wriggling around so that she might discern its source - but she could not see yet, even now. With a beleaguered whine, she settled back into her space, snuggling grumpily against her mother.

How awful it was to be an infant.

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07-31-2022, 01:08 PM
Aries came to the land with nothing to her, all but memories and lost family. Embraced by Duskguard, and served as but another helpful medic to the wispful Priestess ; she didn't have the heart to call herself a midwife when the mother was far more experienced, and barely needed her so. Yet she tried to give ample support, but appropriate space.. Especially as she knew by nature, someone so new would not know to be trusted. She only hoped in due time though, the hare could repay their kindness for allowing her to rest within the vale, as her future was so uncertain.. But she knew, she would be around for quite some time.

Olive was blessed by four lovely children, and surprisingly, twins to the boot. She had never seen such a way, and was all more fascinated and felt warm by looking at their mewling forms. Now time passed by, no longer covered in goo and blood and just the bathing of mothers milk and the overall family love that was brought.

Any herbs requested, Aries was quick to bring at any request. She approached the den, with some jewelweed and huckleberries for the mother, helping her ease from the after birth. God had blessed her so with nothing too difficult for the aftermath or to worry the pack altogether.. Now the best they can do is support so.

Herbs within her pouch of a slain caribou, the woman would chuff lightly to announce her presence, and if so, just a visit and a friendly check-in.

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07-31-2022, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2022, 01:24 PM by Kuhn.)
When he slew his prey he told himself that he would eat all of his kill, and that he would not share. Somewhere deep down he knew it wasn't possible.  Never before had he eaten a caribou of this size in one sitting.  Curiously as the beast ate, a large haunch was left untouched, preserving its appeal.  

Sometime later, the same striped beast made his way into the heart of Frostfang veil, holding that preserved haunch in his blood matted jaws.  He supposed he would 'share'...

Approaching Olive's den, the scent of milk attacked his senses, causing a twang of anxiety.  Apprehensively turning the corner into the mouth of the den, the big cat stepped gingerly into the view of Olive and her pups, large paws hardly making a sound.  Checking his step he entered taking care not to squish any stray pups.  

Planning on just leaving the food in the corner and sneaking out, he made eye contact with both Aries and Olive.
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07-31-2022, 01:33 PM
Twinset though opposites, as the other stirred, Euphemia was within a comfort that of the Gods themselves, as she snugged closely to her mother in a warmth and bless. She did not hunger for the meanwhile, and was relatively quiet besides the few trinkles of needing attention elsewhere of mixture of bodily needs and hunger itself ; although she made it more clear when love was far more needed, for a needy child that she was becoming, to adore her family closely. Snug and tight.. She snoozed.

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08-01-2022, 01:24 PM
'Alone' was not a thing Olive experienced anymore. It was a blessed thing, albeit difficult — though she always (at the very least) had four little ones always within arm's reach, they made for good company. They behaved as any wolf might, if given a body that could not move, and a mind that could not think. They ate and the slept, and they made little messes that were easily cleaned up. They cried at times, and cooed at others; taking care of them while they hibernated within was easy, but this required attention and energy at all hours of the night.

How she had always loved it — and how she loved it even more when it was her own flock she cared for.

Aries was first to enter the nursery, likely to leave herbs or offer conversation. Olive found an easy sense of camaraderie in the woman, and felt comforted with the ease she had seemed to adapt to her new life, new surroundings, and new role. It was quite a splendid thing, to be cared for and looked after, and many-times she had stopped to marvel at how strongly she relied on the all of Duskguard to pour their energy into her, so that she may pour her energy into raising the next generation. Of course, she had know this before, but it was different now. She understood it in a way that was... prismatic. 

The new mother raised her head from her bed of soft furs and feathers, grinning softly at the ghost-like woman and she drifted in, hoping to beckon her closer. At the moments, the babes slept and might allow for attention to be laid to wolves other than them. Before Olive could whisper a single word, the two woman were joined by Kuhn. He, too, seemed to have the intention of dropping off a recent catch; but she so rarely left the den, that she would not deign to let such companionship slip from her grasp. Olive lifted herself onto an elbow, askew.

“Kuhn, Aries; have you a moment?"

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-01-2022, 01:34 PM
Kuhn was an ah, enigma to say the least. Teasing, that he was with a mischevious glint of a cat but the size of something more big and divine ; where she offered a small smile to him despite some minor issues within a past time of his playful ways. A strong presence indeed, where he was even beckoned into the den alongside herself to ponder what was inside. And she came closer, lifting her bag and gently bringing forth in to see the frail woman of lightened dove-touched, with her variety of monochrome children. Hushed, whispering and whimpering on this new life outside the womb.

"How are you feeling?" Would Aries ask as she then drifted the bag close to the other with the ample of herbs at her desposible, to take if she so wished, but the hare would encourage so. A shuffling, and a golden look toward the tiger who brought a meal to the other — a present. Much well needed for the mother who needed milk —

and the children, as Aries eyes then gazed over to them, were all snug and within health. Although one of the twins she noted, seemed to be a bit grumpy, that couldn't help but widen her smile — an adorable presence, that would make one desire her own brood.

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08-02-2022, 12:21 AM
When eye contact was made, he knew he was caught.  Simply opening his jaws, the haunch fell to the stone floor with a wet slap.  Swishing back and forth, this tail showed a bit of his unease, figuring that he wasn't good with kids, they looked awfully fragile.  

If he wasn't worried that he would be asked to help with those small things somehow, he would have wanted to tease Aries, making some comment about their last encounter. 

A nervous, "Hmm?" was all he could muster lowering his head below his large shoulders.
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08-02-2022, 08:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2022, 12:30 PM by Olive.)
The two creatures were quiet, perhaps uncertain of each other, or uncertain of the small pups who mewled and cosseted her belly. Even in their sleep, their stirred and gnawed upon her with their pink, toothless mouth; the first few days of nursing were always a tender and sore affair, as her body took to task and transformed into a milk-producing being. It was all quit new and delicate for all those involved, even to those who were witness. The mouth attempted a small smile to beckon them forth, and make them feel welcome amongst the dusky light of the quaint den. 

Aries asked how she was feeling, and though there were a million possible answers to such a question, she offered a mellow
"I am feeling fine now," because it was the truth -- birth was an initially strenuous incident, but after the fact (and with no further incident), mothers tended to bounce back quickly. It was in their biology, after all. A brief head-nod acknowledged both of their offerings of meat and herbs, but doubled-down on the business matter that lay in wait, like a recluse in the back of her mind. 

It was something she rarely brought up with her Chieftain @Tiberius, as he seemed ambivalent in it all; though still she did keep him updated, as Olive felt it was a great concern to their family.,
"There is a matter Duskguard must attend to," the woman explain in a voice sotto-voce, though newborns could (and would) sleep through an entire orchestra. I just felt obscene to speak in any loud tone of voice around such innocent beings. 

Olive leant down to kiss the ashen crown of @Aurelia , but her eyes flicked towards Kuhn. She would bring Aries into the fold in a moment.
"You know of the murder committed by the Queen of Dragonford, against Northfall?"she inquired, assuming the answer to be yes. The tiger spent significant time on the coast, and his lover had even pledged themselves to Ragnar's cause. To think that Kuhn was completely unbiased in such a scenario was a fool's errand, which might have been why Ragnar was so keen to see Kuhn's opinion reflected in the collective court.

However, Olive felt as though she knew Kuhn, and could trust his opinion and verdict. Who at all, these days, was ever completely unbiased anyways?

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-03-2022, 02:03 PM
Spent as a midwife and a medic of help around Duskguard — Aries in general was very naive to the politics that came around the tundra. She didn't even know who Duskguard allianced too, much less to who else was within the land of snow. Vaguely she could sometimes smell the scent of others, rogues, loners, pack-wolves, while foraging for herbs and other uses beyond the vale — but has yet to truly live to know what else was beyond that realm of herbs. She raised her head and looked at Olive, blinking lightly within a surprise.

"I am not aware," she would confess, "that sounds dreadful. Is Northfall our ally?" A murder to happen? But Aries knew it was not so simple when it came to wolves, especially if it inferred a pack versus pack.. Winterglade was of a scholarly kind and their own alliances had little troubles, much less crimes to be held. But it'd be a fools game if she didn't know of territorial disputes or differences that came between groups and land altogether, and if someone was murdered.. Was it a simplicity of anger about Dragonford, or something more that was?

And importantly, is Northfall someone important to them? It was her own fault for not asking earlier about friends and foes.

She dread to think if to be dragged into something so soon, especially as Olive had just given birth!

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08-05-2022, 01:46 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2022, 01:59 AM by Kuhn.)
Briefly, the cats slate grey eyes turned to Aries who interjected with her: concern.  Well concealed behind his eyes, he wondered how much of that concern was genuine and what portion of it was a conditioned response typical of a pack animal.  Without getting to know the woman to much, he let the thought go.    

Pivoting his head back to Olive he let a moment pass responding, "I have heard of it..."  

Truthfully, he knew a lot about it, having already heard both sides of the story.  Frankly, he couldn't say where he stood on it.  The whole ordeal seemed like another biproduct of the pride of wolfkind.   Silence was left after his statement and the calculating twitching of his tail and slightly tense posture would probably be enough for Olive to know he was holding out on her.

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08-05-2022, 08:16 AM
Aries assumed immediate concern, as Olive had when she first learned on the coastal goings-on. The newcomer asked if they were allied, and though Olive's inner dialogue knew that Northfall must prove themselves in this very instance, her better mind responded "Yes. The alliance has been long-standing, existing before Duskguard even, when I ran with the wolves of Evenrise..." This was likely a lot of information for Aries to take in, especially when it didn't directly affect her. It only vaguely affected Olive through some past offer of second-hand support. Kuhn, however, was directly wrapped up in each and every wolf involved in this calamity. The woman turned again to regard his, watching with carefully attentive eyes at his haughty and withheld demeanor. "Then you must know that Ragnar and Sindri are intent on vengeance, even if it causes a war." Her tail wiggled virilely on the earth, causing the puppies at her belly to fuss.

The pale mother reached to her farthest laying cub, the sweet @Dalmatia, as she squeaked and made movements as if to wake. She spoke softly into the little bundles as they resettled themselves, allowing her breath to dust them with warmth.
"There was a time that Evenrise failed in our duties as allies, which may or may not have prevented this murder from coming to pass... Since then, the entire situation has compounded immensely." She took one last deep breath of their sweet baby-scent, before lifting up her fine point head to explain what had changed for her, since then. "Now I see the necessity of getting involved." Riannon has been lackadaisical in her diplomacy and a recluse of the mountains, but somehow still saw fit to cast down upon Olive's ability to lead, whilst at the same time, being a mother. and speaking of mothers,

"Valeska, Harper and I convinced Ragnar that putting Vendrussel on trial would get him the justice he requires, while saving the lives of many innocents..."  The trial hadn't event occurred yet, and its success had yet to be seen, still it was still one of her crowning achievements. Within that singular conversation Olive had seen dynamic variety of personalities represented, and she remained even more convinced that this was a necessity, not only now but for matters to come. "They've been open, but they have not been patient. We have until the end of the summer to organize such an event, and the time is nigh." She attempted to peer 'round the opening of then to glimpse the lateness of the season, as she had been largely preoccupied with her litter the last several weeks. The hours passed by so slowly, by the days and weeks seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

"Each pack of the North is to produce a single representative to sit on the court. Kuhn, your name was brought up several times as a voice for all those who know no pack loyalties." the woman raised an eyebrow at him. There was a lot she had said, but she wondered what he would make of this in particular.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-05-2022, 10:28 PM
Aries listened without disruption, entangling the information within her mind and connecting pieces together to get a clearer image. Murder within the packs of an ally, but rather then dwelve into a war there was speak to form a council. Her home was voided of such treacheries, not knowing that of war itself.. But she knew what it looked like, even if her sister held no memories of such a time. The cries of wolves falling to battle, the smell of thick blood within the air, the cries of anguish and revenge from all sides — it was a lot to bare, and she feared to think if it truly were to brawl out.

But the Priestess desired a council, a retribution for what Vendrussel had done, and Aries was left within a thought, "What will happen if they are left unsatisfied by what is sentenced?" she couldn't help but ask with a calmness, though wavering and thumping that strode within her heart to think if all that it was — and the one who suffered did not get the ending they desired.. Would war still reign?

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08-06-2022, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 06:12 PM by Kuhn.)
Scanning the cave, the big cat looked around the den as if he might see loose pups hiding amongst the stones. The tiger had his preconceptions about the whole thing already.   Checking underneath himself first, he lowered himself down, getting comfortable on the floor.  


The talk of all these lupine politics was painful, but he was listening.   It was basically exactly what he would expect.  Pack on pack and blood for blood.  One one hand @Vendrussl never needed to do what she did and stupidly did so over a matter of lupine pride.   On the other the crippled child got herself killed over a border of piss as well.  The despair was wrought over the whole idea of a 'pack'.
Nodding, Aries was right.  Likely no matter the outcome of whatever this was: neither pack leader would accept the outcome. "Trial?", asked the cat, the gravel in his voice rumbling in the den.  "Me?"

His tail thrashed across the floor sweeping some dust with it, the cat's face seemed equally confused, the two woman knew something he didn't, he looked like he needed a bit more explanation; about the trial part.
the staff team luvs u
08-08-2022, 02:16 PM
Her two guests seemed to settle in, and take relative interest in what she was saying. Olive had to admit, it was all rather dramatic and fascinating, like a story of lore playing out right in front of her eyes. Perhaps one day she would regale her children of the court, and what prophetical things took place there; but the woman knew better than to romanticize the horrors of war, no matter how all of this politicking tickled a fancy she hadn't realized was within her.

Aries then asked a good question, one that probed deeper into the matter at hand. Impressed, Olive nodded and licked her lips. This possibility caused her no small amount of anxiety.
"Seeing how Northfall behaves during this process is almost as important as holding Vendrussel accountable for her crime." At present, their alliance was tenuous. Olive had begun to see the leader of Northfall as impulsive, and holding their allies to standards that Olive was unsure she was willing to keep. Would Olive and Tiberius ever allow Duskguard to be dragged into a war over (what currently seemed to be) a misunderstanding? Not a chance; not unless it could reasonably save their own hides, somehow in the future. "Ragnar and Sindri were hell-bent on vengeance, even if that meant war swept across the North. Should they not heed cooler minds, I daresay they are just as dangerous as Vendrussel, albeit they have not committed any sin that I known of."

At that, she glanced towards Kuhn, unsure how she felt about saying such a thing in his presence, but saying it anyways. Such was an inherent aspect of a loner; one could never be truly sure where their deepest loyalty lied. Kuhn was tied to the welfare of Duskguard through his friendship with its leaders, but their sense of self-preservation was not as intertwined as if they were of the same pack. Even still, if word somehow got back to Northfall that Olive was critical of their response to Ynness's unfortunate death, then allow it to spread far! She had stated such, more or less, in the meeting that had taken place at Elysium, all those months ago. So, she spoke this with confidence, though quiet (see: sleeping puppies).

Kuhn seemed incredulous that his name would be put forth for such a role, though.
"Yes," she breathed, "You're well respected amongst the Tundra, believe it or not." A small smile graced her tired lips. That was another thing that she had noticed about perpetual loners: they were not aware of their inherent value to others. Still, she felt it was necessary to address one potentiality before they went further.

"Although there is a chance that Shiroshika is represented amongst the court, seeing as they are... a pack of the north." her small smile pressed into a hard line, understanding that Kuhn likely never wanted anything to do with the mountain packs again. However, was this not the very reason a court was necessary in the first place? "But I would not advise you shrink your own voice to accommodate theirs. With this new system, bullies like Reiko might one day be held for their misdeeds, or be dissuaded from them." There. As awkward and uncomfortable as it was, this was the reality. The opportunity was there, and if he did not take it, Olive couldn't fault him for that.

She released a soft sigh, and her gaze falling to the ground between them, briefing bouncing up towards Aries, then to the ground again.
"There has been far too much imbalance in these lands. We have a chance to create something that lives on, and wields more influence than a pack ever could." A puppy, she wasn't sure which one, mewled in their sleep. It was all for them, really.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-09-2022, 02:44 PM
"I am not aware of most of what has happened, although these situations seem far more complicated then it seems." By Olive description, there was murder, but it seemed the behavior of one had brought suspicions of another. Her words brought only within facts and made truth she sided with neither, and Aries respected that statement as it looked she truly wanted to be making of a court to solve this so. Danger, was fluttering. Sympathized in looks, for a woman who just gave birth, and had to deal with it all during her process of pregnancy surely was stressful.

Unfortunately as much as she would like, Aries could not provide much word to the situation, "I will support your cause and pray that this court comes to fruit." The best to do was be of a support then attempted help, for already most looked to be discussed and thought out ; only to settle the loose knots and bring everything together. Surprisingly enough though Kuhn to be brought through, infamous, or famous to say the least, for he chased her on the false whims of a bad predator, only to be a well-beloved tiger within the tundra.

Strange and interesting realms to say the least, but there was a curiosity within her heart to what the meaning of Shiroshika, and to call another bully. Stories that surely would be told one day but for the meanwhile not, and the best to do was for Aries is to smile and listen.

the staff team luvs u
08-10-2022, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 09:54 AM by Kuhn.)
Still unclear about what a trial was, the cat did a poor job to pretend to be uninterested; his gaze wandering aimlessly around the den, with a ear fixed to Olive, even as his head pivoted.  Partially, he was trying to hide his expression from the woman, who he knew would likely have a working knowledge of feline expression by now.  

From what he could gather, some sort of group was going to help decide.  When the woman stated that he was:  well respected,  the cat's game broke, and he flashed back an easy to read look of surprise.  A thoughtful: "Hmm...", escaped him, and his gaze was quick to lock down to his own paws.   That little statement was a lot to take in, shaking his view on the world. 

Returning his gaze up from a mixture of flattery and surprise, he kneaded his claws to relive the uncertainty. Aries was right again.  Though the cat wasn't exactly sure of the details of this system, the newcomer had the right idea,  support and wish for the best.   The feline would not put his faith in many, though Olive was an exception.  Her vision was admirable.

"Shiroshika wont be a problem...", He assured, implying with a small nod that he would agree to help, whatever that meant.  He had already told himself that vengeance was not priority.  Though, Olive was right, he would not be silenced. 
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08-11-2022, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2022, 06:36 AM by Olive.)
Olive was wondrous of Kuhn's experience, in the moment. She was so deeply curious as to the thoughts flitting through his mind, and the emotions that simmered deep in his gut, that she all but stared at him as he glance about the cavernous den. Though he was a close friend, the mind of a feline was a foreign as that of a bird. He sported values that she did not, and thus was the reason he was so essential to this purported court. 

—but what of the packs that sought him and Valmua dead? What of these potentially contentious words towards Northfall, who had house him and nurtured him back to life? He looked at her as he kneaded the earth, and he acquiesced. The new mother smiled.
"Thank you my friends," she offered her gratitude in words. "It soothes me that you both agree that this is an important standard to set, across the entirety of the North." She nodded her head briefly, closing her eyes and allowing the den to steep in silence for a moment.

But not all matters were concluded. With a deep breath, Olive resumed
"Aries, I require your assistance as well." Delivering a message to the mountain packs was a job that only she could do, truly. She would never reasonably ask this of Kuhn or Tiberius, nor could she make the journey herself. "There is a pack that lives to the southeast, named Vanderfell. They are led by a roan Queen named @Ira, who we both know to be parlous and territorial, so please do tread lightly, Aries." At this mention, the memory of her one and only meeting with Ira flashed through her cognition. She and Benry, against the world. Benry...

She swallowed thickly, refusing to allow herself to feel... whatever it was she felt towards Benry now.
"Share that their presence and representation is requested amongst a Court formed by the likes of Northfall, Dragonford, Elysium, as well as those who hold no pack allegiance. Tell them vaguely that we commune for a trial of unlawful murder, and that all will hear both sides' testimony before the court hands down a sentence. Time and location, to be determined." She spoke slowly and succinctly, so that the messenger-woman could commit such detail to memory. Olive took a drawling breath, glancing down at her puppies, before continuing. "Perhaps, then you might share with them that this courts exists so that all in the North might enjoy a quiet life, undisturbed and unmolested by whatever actions of others have such interminable consequence."

Olive had spoken so much at this point, that whatever energy she had cultivated was utterly spent. Somewhat breathless, she continued. "Then, please ask them to extend the invitation to the pack named Shiroshika. I believe it is best that the request comes from the mouth of their friends and kin, than of supposed traitors." She glanced over at Kuhn and willed herself to laugh at such a thing, as that is certainly what Ira and Reiko thought of them, but it was so preposterous — but she couldn't, the energy just was not there. Olive leant back and surrendered her weight to the earth, a blush of embarrassment rising in her visage at how she had unceremoniously exhausted herself.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-14-2022, 02:55 AM
She was quiet and content, blissfully unaware of the discussion that went on around her. Having drank her fill before the guests' arrival, Dalmatia slept soundly. The speckled babe was snuggled in close to her sisters and tucked up by their mother's belly, with no suggestion that she'd wake any time soon.

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08-14-2022, 07:25 PM
Aries showed mild surprise at this newfound request ; not one that showed of reluctance, but she did not think by any means that the hare would be any use besides an ear to listen. She gathered knowledge and of the relationships spoke, battles that she did not know of and surely, would be involved in one way or another as a member of Duskguard. Her best of use was as extra paws in this time of children, and another body for the claim to hold the scent strong.

The woman bowed her head lightly, "I would be honored to take this task," she so would say, "and will leave as you bid it so." Meaning that Aries was more then willingly to leave by any hour for this momentum, gaining a general idea of who to be sent toward and of that asking. Maybe a bit of selfishness was also a newfound freedom of beyond the land of snow, and to see that of where the mountains are without. A chance to not only show more of use, but to see what was beyond.

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08-18-2022, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 04:36 PM by Kuhn.)
Still, the cat wasn't aware of the finer details about how a trial was supposed to work. Regardless, he would be there to help. As different as they where, Olive was in Kuhn's view: a rare example of a good person.

As Olive went on, the tiger eyed the back of his wrist before starting to lick at the back of his paw. Still listening, Kuhn kept up on this new idle task as Olive conversed with Aries. Well settled in to his position in the den, he only broke from his grooming at the mention of Vanderfell and shiroshika, his face flashed with a look of disgust, as if to taste something vile.

Only a moment later, he was back to grooming, with a small smirk curling the edge of his lip. When Olive cracked into a laugh at the mention of their 'status' with the eastern packs, the big cat's own rumbling laugh momentarily joined in with the pale woman's. A devious smile crept across Kuhn's face, staring at Olive; almost as if to faux bare his teeth. Traitors, vicious predators... Really, how bad could they be?
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08-22-2022, 07:44 PM
Aries seemed eager to prove herself in her task to Duskguard, accepting what was a rather perilous request with little hesitation. Olive grinned at her from her place in repose, cast across the floor of the nursery like a shadow at evening-tide. Olive would ask Aries to visit the packs in the mountains, and would send the birds of both Duskguard and Northfall to alert Vendrussel and her clan.

It was all coming together, right before her eyes. 

The tiger seemed to be in a similar state of rest as she, since her request of him was not as immediate in nature as was her request of Aries. The Priestess nodded at the snowhare, essentially dismissing her from audience; as Olive saw it, the journey would not be short, and Aries's destination was not exceedingly friendly. There was little time to lose. Picking up her head from the furs that lined the floor, her stelliforous gaze landed upon Kuhn directly.

"Kuhn… stay a moment?”

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-24-2022, 06:40 PM
Aries did leave with no hesitation. Watching the woman leave, the cat took a moment to track her with his eyes; thinking. Even after Olive made it clear that the task would be dangerous, the woman did not stutter.

It wasn't hard to pick up on Olive's sudden hardened gaze, compelling the tiger to turn his own eyes back to the woman. Licking his chops in anticipation, the tiger cocked his head with ears perked.

If she had something to say, he would listen.
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08-28-2022, 03:29 PM
Aries had departed for her mission, and the priestess and the tiger were alone; as alone as they would ever be, with four greyscale puppies nestled tenderly at her belly. Olive looked from him, to the small cavern's entrance, to her suckling babes, and back to Kuhn again all in quick succession. In truth, there hadn't been any in particular she needed to tell him. All that she had to say, Olive had no issue saying in front of others —

she just hadn't wanted him to leave, yet.

At that thought, a small smile played itself out on her lips; whatever energy she had expended ushering forth so many words and questions and demands was quickly recouped in his presence, which she had always found to be immensely grounding, yet at the same time, empowered to her go after her deepest soul's wants. It was similar to how she felt about the great Tiberius, though he had long-since proven his godliness to her, and she revered the titan as such (see: dedicating to him endless love, and gifting him the exclusive rights to her womb).  

But Kuhn was not Tiberius; they were vastly different, and it fascinated her. In a large way, the feline reminded Olive fondly of @benry. The way his body moved like a snake with legs, how their fur laid flat like it was made of molten metal. Their curt and forward way of being, it all felt so familiar, and that small bit of familiarity gave her a small glimpse into the first sense of home and belonging that she had found in this place, as a vagrant with no one but Benry and Archon to warm her at night. 

But Kuhn is not Benry, just as he is not Tiberius. 

Olive could only blame the hormones of new motherhood for her emotions, or why the past was suddenly coming up to choke her, or why her eyes glimmered as she blinked back a thin wash of tears. Aware that the silence between them was lengthening, Olive reached for her first tactic of deflection: flattery.
"It means so much to me...” she took a necessary breath, mid-sentence, "...to have your support.” Her nose pointed towards the earth between her feathered hocks, and watched as she reached out a willowy arm to touch the soft roundness of his large paw. "In this, and all things.” If he didn't know it, now he did. That he was not Duskguard in name, mattered nothing to her.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-28-2022, 07:13 PM
Already watching the woman intently, the feline's eyes where quick to trace themselves along the outlines of the woman's black lips. Laying content in her presence, even the cat's perked ears relaxed themselves, as he emitted a barely audible rumble.  

Even before he knew her name, he found the woman easy to be around.  There where not many who walked the frigid tundra like this. Briefly he recounted how they first met atop that strange mountain and the odd ritual they had played at together.   In her current state of motherhood the woman still had a grace about her; as tired as she looked.  It was odd to see such an otherworldly woman that: he at one time suspected to be a moonlit spirit; taking to the earthly task of rearing children from her own flesh.  Though even now in her flesh, the woman still had an otherworldly allure about her, both beautiful in the ephemeral, and the everlasting. 

For a moment the tiger worried, as he saw the sheen of tears pool in her eyes, inching himself a bit closer.  Whiskers reached outward to the woman, as if they intended to hold her, until she began to speak with a shaking voice.  Her deflection worked well on the cat as his attention flipped introspectively.  It had always been hard for him to take a compliment.  "Oh... Its nothing...", he gently retorted.  "I'm sure you would do the same..." , he added staring at the woman's paw on his own. 

Over and over the cat had told himself that the opinions of others didn't matter much, but in this case the Shakti's words found their way through the gaps in the cats armor.  It did feel good to help.  So just this once, the tiger let the compliment go to heart. After a moment of silence, Kuhn played at his own diversion, slowly rubbing the bridge of his nose up the woman's whisp like wrist that was planted on his paw.
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