Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

The beginning

Afternoon Overcast 19° F
07-13-2022, 02:47 PM
The weather was cold and crisp to the touch, sky cloudy and dark. The only thing off was the drifting wolf on a peice of dislodged wood, the wolf couldn’t remember anything. How she got there, or when the shoreline had became visible in her dreary eyesight. The she wolf was shivering in the freezing water as the cold bit and nipped at her body that was above water. Frost just barely forming on her fur before her numbing body Had felt the drifting come to a stop. The she stood with fur covered in the wet cold liquid, exhaustion kicking at her mind as the only thing the obsidian pelted she could do was fall over from exhaustion, there the sand cling to every inch of her body that it could reach. It was then her journey began,

As the she wolves eyes fluttered open in her sand coated fur she sat up, fur wet and matted in frustration from the water. If the small thin She wolf wast so preoccupied with figuring out her surroundings, she would have cursed in frustration in feeble attempts at unmatting her usually silky smooth fur she oh so loved very much. The sky gloomy as the she drug herself off the beach, her back legs numb as the bitterness of the cold continued to bite at them. It had seemed like the end was here, so why had her eyes opened once more on a strange land she had no reconciliation of whatsoever.

the staff team luvs u
07-15-2022, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2022, 08:24 PM by Gwyndolyn.)
Gwyndolyn found herself ever captivated by the azure waters; where there was usually foam, the isle replaced it was bioluminescent glow like sprinkled stardust. Legs curled beneath her, the woman watched the waves roll in with an attentive gaze. She could stay here forever, had it provided the necessary food and water she required to, well, survive.

Beyond the shores, a single log carried by the current, nearing the coast. Occasional waves pushing it faster until Gwyn noticed something sprawled across it, lithe legs thrown to the other side. A familiar sense of dread consumed her expression, brows lifting with concern, though she could do nothing to reach it until it came to the shoreline.

When the log came into reaching distance, the ginger maiden loped forwards to assist the wolf who lay on it. Pushing the thick driftwood to the sandy surface, Gwyn gently guided the charcoal woman off the log. "Are you alright, miss?" The maiden questioned, voice lilting but laced with worry. Clearly enduring a lot of trauma to end up stranded at sea, Gwyn was sure she would want to hear something comforting.

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“I crave a love that drowns oceans.”
[Image: 47241255_H11KiMR4SS32oQu.png?dateline=1652273629]
Valyrian · French
07-15-2022, 08:07 PM
Her eyes fluttering open in exhaust as her vision fluttered in and out like the tide that had carried her onto land. It still all felt like a horrible dream she had to endure until she woke up. Her mind was heavy with cloudy thoughts. A voice strangled out of her lips in pain as the she looked up at the ginger wolf giving aid to the blue eyed stranger.

“You… your..argh. My head…”

Her words were shrouded with fear and pain, her very being felt like a rock being ushered onto the ground. Pain continuing to engulf her limbs in an attempt to sway the she’s heavy eyelids to a close as the sea had spat her out. It was then that the dark pelted she wolf stood to push away at the hungry anxiety and gnawing coldness.
the staff team luvs u
07-20-2022, 02:05 PM
"Easy, miss. Your in no state to move much." The maiden whispered, brows knitted together with a climbing concern as the stranger groaned in pain. Gwyndolyn could only imagine how cold the loner must've been freezing. "What ails you? How do you feel?" Eager to assist and tend to the washed up woman, she would offer her naturalistic intelligence to heal or her scouting skills to locate food for the woman.

"My name is Gwyn," She addressed briefly, attempting to refocus her pain, even a little bit. Taking her side, Gwyn faintly sat beside her, sharing her warmth. "How- how did you end up in the ocean? If you remember, that is. People usually don't." The usual part of this world was that few wolves are born here unless their parents were already here. 

the staff team luvs u
“I crave a love that drowns oceans.”
[Image: 47241255_H11KiMR4SS32oQu.png?dateline=1652273629]
Valyrian · French
07-20-2022, 05:37 PM
“It’s all so… hazy. I don’t understand.”

The coal pelted wolf looked at Gywn with her aching headache still attempting to sway the she to a sleep. Fighting it off as her head hung low from her soaked body as the wolf huddled closely to the Ginger pelted wolf who offered her aid.

“My name is.. my name is Marigold.”

The exhausted she spoke, lips dry and cracked as they humbly spoke her name, it didn’t feel like her name at all. It felt like something attempting to disguise it as the she’s name.
the staff team luvs u
08-03-2022, 12:56 AM
A somber expression lingered on her features, a twinge of sorrow stinging in her heart. She herself had remembered little of who she was prior to her arrival at Highvalley Hollow but a faint image of Rowena and Yelena and the language they taught her.

"It'll be alright, Marigold." She cooed soothingly, tender gaze on the older she-wolf. Lifting from her place, the medic's eyes scanned the woman's body, gently nudging large tufts of fur around to ensure she hadn't missed anything. "You don't seem to have any major injuries, but how do you feel on the inside? Any aches, migraines, anything I can help with?" She muttered, trying to seem reassuring.

Before she ran off to find herbs, she'd need to know what the woman needed so she could regain her former strength.

the staff team luvs u
“I crave a love that drowns oceans.”
[Image: 47241255_H11KiMR4SS32oQu.png?dateline=1652273629]
Valyrian · French
08-03-2022, 01:10 AM
Coal brushing her body as her eyes looked around her surroundings, Azure eyes with a tinge of autumn brown looking around in awareness to every little thing before they fell back onto the autumn pelted she.

“My head aches with a weariness not known to me. Thank you, your kindness is noted and I am greatfull to have had come across such a she. Your beauty compliments your fine tuned manor’s as i admire such.”

The she spoke as she took in a breath from the salty air, the unfamiliarity moved her heart to adapt but not without being unsettled. These lands… what was to come for her future.
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