Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I don't want to know who we are without each other

Sunrise Partly Cloudy 74° F
06-27-2022, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2022, 12:01 AM by Adrastos.)
Perhaps he could happen upon someone from Elkshire?

 The sun, just barely risen, crept along the inner fold of the hazy clouds above. Where the prior evening had been a cold, gloomy travel, the new light warmed his skin. It was a pleasing sensation, but later, it would no longer be. Soon it would be overbearing, scorching, to the point that shade would be desired. But what a curious happenstance. There was a glob of thick topiary ahead. How convenient. 
 Clearly, this was some sign. Yes, the woods were a bit of course from his original trail, but surely it would only be for a short while. Who knows what he'd come by later. Maybe there was more of the lush thicket ahead, and maybe not. Better safe than sorry.
 Proceeding further through the treeline, Adrastos let his eyes wander. It was not too dark of a place, but it was not yet well lit either. Need the sun be higher for it to shine through with brighter rays? Then he began to wonder how inhabitants here would cope. Did they enjoy the lack of light? Or was the defense of the tightly woven greenery a more beneficial sight? The latter seemed more logical, indefinitely. Although, where there is security, one may also require comfort. But who knows... some may find the dim terrain comforting. As the time was, he didn't quite see it that way.
the staff team luvs u
06-28-2022, 03:44 PM
Children were more troublesome then she imagined. Celnes was somewhat on the leaning of regretting her young, and the thoughts anymore would be not. Already had 12 and that seemed quite enough, especially as they all kept disappearing and turning to directions she didn't expect, much less like. Out of all her young there was only a handful she truly liked, and others was a slow gaining of.. Alas, fights broke up, some coming and going — all the blame on them, and not her.

Pushing that aside, lately many unwanted guests were brindling into the Woodlands. Her tail flickered in that mild annoyance ; and the unfortunate cause they didn't have that many guards to supply the claim correctly.. Especially as the supposed 'head' of them, the one who had been around the longest, hadn't returned. Remus was hard to control but he had uses, and now she was seeing so. Celnes needed to find more guards — more brawn, as lately she felt restless at how much her young been wandering without guardians.

But maybe the High Elk was granting some blessing ; as in the distance a loner was there. He smelled of none, and he looked of the holy ways, that how could the Deorwine Queen not read it as some sort of sign? Although her luck hasn't been the greatest, it hasn't been absolutely horrible either ; a general neutrality that occasionally spins up and down but no true evil or greatness coming forward.

"My," out of the shadows she emerged, a smile upon her face as she looked at him. Tall, muscular, "a stranger within Elkshire claim."

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06-28-2022, 04:16 PM
None had come. None, until now. Another emerged, shortly after he had entered. As it was apparent, against his prior assumptions, these lands were not lacking inhabitants. But this was only one. Were there more? Was it a full group that had made their claim? Many queries wandered, unlike his eyes. Set and steady, the golden glare fixed itself upon the figure. Adrastos' muzzle had risen now, shoulders pulled back and tense; all of which had risen his height a few inches more. It took a minute to see, but he noticed a smile curving upon the lips of the stranger. He wasn't sure of whether to consider it a compliment or a reason to proceed with further caution. 

“Pardon... I thought I was alone here.” Truthful words, but missing a tone of complete sincerity. “You live here, I reckon?” It wasn't too difficult to imagine they did, but it didn't hurt to ask and be sure.

The displayed facade told him that there would be no quick aggression; however, he stayed where his step had paused. It was smarter to keep a distance — or so he thought. If they chose to advance, the gap would allow time to prepare and face his opponent to-be head on. But, again, Adrastos doubted the possibility.
the staff team luvs u
07-01-2022, 04:40 PM
She noticed the shift within their body, a language of wolves before words were. He was tense, most likely on guard from her approaching, but ah — she thought she approached with a kindness! Nonetheless it only widened her smile with the lightest amusement, "Worry not, we do not attack so easily to non-hostile wolves. You are friendly, no?"

Perhaps presumptuous, but a wolf who already did not bare teeth at her, and only ask a question did not seem someone who would go on a slaughter of her kin. She nodded at him though, "it is part of the forest we claim. Deeper, is Elkshire." Her head beckoned back, to where The Elk's Crown lay that was beyond the wysteria's and apple orchids. Full bloom now that they were, drenching the ground with that sweetness. The elk loved nothing more then apples, especially when they were fermented.

the staff team luvs u
07-01-2022, 04:56 PM
"Worry not, we do not attack so easily to non-hostile wolves."

So, she assumed he was non-hostile? Presumptuous, and nearing nativity. For all she knew, his behavior could have been a ruse. It wasn't, but there was never a time in this world where caution wasn't admissible.

"You are friendly, no?"

He could have easily worked up a bit of humor for himself, sarcastically. But that wasn't him. Beneath all that muscle and thick skin, Adrastos was a level-headed, logical wolf. Getting himself into a brawl with a wolf not but miles from a larger group was not the brightest idea he could have thought up.

“I suppose you could consider me that, yes. Though, it would depend on just who I am near.” A tad bit spiteful, ushering a vague warning. To those who became his enemy, he was not at all a kindly face to have at present. 

Far past her shoulder, the man's heavy stare fell upon the woodland. “A wise place to shelter a pack. There are two many brambles and roots littering the earth's floor for any to sneak in, plenty of thick lumber and leaves to shelter from various sorts of weather...” If only to hear his own voice, Adrastos would realize he was offering praise far too generously. Not quite something he did often, if at all. “How many are you?” Would she find this a personal question? Whether she was secretive, sensitive, or open with what information she gave, he would know based upon her answer; a slight manipulation to test her personality a bit better at best.
the staff team luvs u
07-07-2022, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2022, 01:48 PM by Célnes.)
Celnes ignored any such warnings ; a man alone may attempt to be so large and mighty, but thrown to the wolves of another they were nothing. Behind her was oh-so close a pack to bring forth of any mere' threat that was given, how small it may be. She looked at him with such amusement, finding it more and more simply 'appear' to this land an attempt to throw their weight with nothing to their name.

"Enough for a pack," though with his nature and him inquiring how many that there is ; Celnes led it to be elusive and just remained it as a vague number.

the staff team luvs u
07-07-2022, 02:54 PM
Such a vague reply. He could almost laugh towards the discretion she kept. Though, he did not. She was simply being mindful of her village.

Enough for a pack. His words mirrored that of her own. “That can mean different things for different groups.” Of course, she was likely aware of this, but he stated the origin of his curiosity nonetheless. A point only; not to be confused with hovering on the topic. Some were sensitive. If he continued to pry, surely he'd be seen out... and not in the kindliest of ways.

Adrastos looked as if he were to speak again, but instead remained silent. He stood, watching the woman. She was a mysterious one. No matter how long he tried, he couldn't quite place a paw on anything particular... but he still knew, in some way, he was very intrigued. Almost enough so to request permission to explore deeper unto this Elkshire. The question lie on his tongue; however, he was not yet bold enough.
the staff team luvs u
07-25-2022, 03:49 PM
"Perhaps so, but many enemies lurk around ; and for what reason would one need to prod how large a pack may be?" Although he may not smell of any pack, she knew that could always be but a fake. Wolves had the ability of intelligence, and with so can camouflage how they saw fit. Who was to say if not of a pack she did not know of, or another she did know that was attempting to seek information about them? But at the same time she knew it could be a stretch altogether, and she was focusing too hard on it, but suspicious of not only his questioning, but his overall persona of being here.

But all she could do was smile and wait for answers, on why he was here, who was he, and why was he so interested in Elkshire? Surely by now, she imagined, he would ask to join..

the staff team luvs u
08-18-2022, 12:00 AM
 So, perhaps his questions had become too vexing. Or maybe she was becoming suspicious. Of what? He was no enemy to her or Elkshire. But then, how would she know this?
 “My apologies...” He began, dipping his large snout slightly to show he held sincerity. “To prod was not my intention.”
 If, like she said, they were a decently sized group, Adrastos wondered then whether they were a force to be reckoned with. It was always smart to be on the winning side of any conflict. He had a thought to ask if they had room for one more, but it seemed almost too desperate. He was no desperate creature by nature, but he was (essentially) homeless.
 Settling down would do him some good... if he chose a place to settle, that is. For months he'd been procrastinating on the subject, refusing to give in on dependency. Call it a manly ego, or what have you. But he wasn't the only one. Most men didn't enjoy agreeing upon needing a bit of help. He wouldn't be the first to change this habit.
the staff team luvs u
08-23-2022, 01:27 PM
"That is quite alright," she accepted his apology with a smile, "but ah, it might be a different story to one who wishes to join under our name." To lay down her cards and offer lightly in a favored hand, if he so chose to take. She didn't mind his attitude too much, but all was suspicious to learn so readily of specifics if it were not for any reason, besides to join Elkshire. But.. They needed bodies, and was always welcoming to grown wolves who were more then ready to become able-bodies to help defend.

the staff team luvs u
08-26-2022, 04:33 PM
 Per her suggestions, his eyes shrunk in a thoughtful manner, rather a scrutinizing one. The offer was hinted slightly, but presented nonetheless.
 “And if to do so were my intention, how easily would I be welcome?” He would ask with a curious tilt of his head. 
 Now Adrastos seemed to observe the woman closer, heavier with interest for both herself as an individual and the place to which she called home. She had been keen to withhold information, which could only mean it was worth the endearing protection she offered. Thus, he could only ask himself just how easily she would allow a stranger within the fold.
the staff team luvs u
08-28-2022, 09:47 PM
"To say, very welcomed. Who wouldn't welcome a well-able man? Ah, but like any.. Always to start at the bottom." She was more then welcomed to say more of Elkshire, only if the man joined under their group ; which was all the more welcomed. Not to mention.. Among the Deorwine who ruled the forest, his colors were also favored highly compared to some other recruits as of late.

Her mood considerably changed to a friendlier mood then a guarded light hostility, a refined smile as she was politely awaiting to see if he truly would, pledge to Elkshire.

the staff team luvs u
08-28-2022, 10:21 PM
 A small, composed grin inched along the corner of his lip.
 “What other way can there be but to start at the bottom?” None could ever reach high heights without first having gained the essential structure: trust, respect, loyalty, and experience.
 “If you are truthful in saying I would be welcome, then I can admit no reason to turn away such a generous offer. Nowhere else holds my tail in obligation.”
 So, Elkshire may just become his home after all. Oh, what sweet satisfaction could come from one rebounded interaction. Sure, they'd started rocky — but yet, here they were now.
the staff team luvs u
08-28-2022, 10:37 PM
A joyous occasion indeed, "Welcome to Elkshire," she would say warmly as she turned to face The Elk's Crown, and motioned her tail to have him beckon. Welcoming to the inner sanctions that was their homeland, a well-needed body to help claim such lands, for though she was greedy in what territories that Celnes wanted, it did not mean they were well-guarded.

"I am Celnes Deorwine, the Queen." An assurance she was simply not talking mildly and that her word, was an absolute and wholly able to invite him in so.

the staff team luvs u
08-28-2022, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2022, 10:46 PM by Adrastos.)
 Welcome to Elkshire.”
 They were certainly not words he'd ever expected to hear. Not in this lifetime. But, here he was.

 “Adrastos.” After she had done so, he presented his own name. Though, while she offered both surname and forename, he gave only the latter. Being that his family of origin were no longer welcomed in the view of his life, why present a stranger with the title of his heritage? They meant nothing, and so they would not be mentioned.
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