Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I hate luxury

Sunrise Fog
05-18-2022, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2022, 06:58 AM by Genghis.)
For @Archon
The brute groaned as he rose, his body pushing itself up from the ground that he slept on. His coat was littered with dirt and sticks, something that he absolutely despised. With a growl, he would shake out his long coat, sending thorns and pebbles flying to the trees and earth around him. After a few moments, he was content with the fact that his coat was clean and continued on. He was still kind of sleepy from the night but it was sunrise and therefore time to wake. He always liked to rise when the sun did, a way for him to get an early start and find something to eat in the morning. Now, he was searching for food, something that sustain him for the first part of the morning.

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
05-18-2022, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2022, 08:52 PM by Archon.)
mild pp okay'd by Roslyn

Archon decided very early on that he did not like the fog. He did not like not being able to see where the heck he was going, and the constant squinting of his eyes was beginning to give him a headache.

He wanted to go home, but not the home of Elkshire, but the home of his mother. He just wanted to curl up into his mother’s chest and take a nice nap, and tell her all about the mean girl from Elkshire that Archon was currently avoiding.

Cursed. She had called him cursed, and while he was naive and innocent, he would like to think that he would have known if he were actually cursed! His mother loved him, and he was sure Benry did, too - and Tib-daddy would come to love him, and - oh, what’s that?

Well, it was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen! But because of the fog, he couldn’t see it clearly and had to get close. There was a tree that had fallen over, and attached to this tree, was this weird formation of growth that he’d never seen before.

Getting closer, it rumbled to life, making all sorts of sounds he’d never heard before. Huh, neat! You know, that was, until a mass swarm of little black flying things came right at him. They sounded angry and Archon did what he did best - he screamed and ran.

Running for his life, as this black buzzing mass was chasing him, and he thought he saw a cave coming up, so he ran into it, and —

THUD - what’s this? He ran right into someone else? Someone who looked like a giant black mass that wasn’t the entrance to a cave??

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05-18-2022, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2022, 06:58 AM by Genghis.)
The giant of a dog had been minding his own business when he heard a scream. Was that a child? The man lifted his head only to let out a loud oof as he felt a tiny body run into him. Maybe that was the screaming kid? Looking down, he would snarl slightly, about to tell the boy off for not looking where he was going. That is, until he heard the swarm following the child. 

"бүгдийг хараал ид" He snarled out before attempting to push the boy forward, away from the wasps. "яв!" He would try to use his body to block the boy, though also trying to use his weight to shove the smaller boy away. He had a very large, thick pelt and really didn't want to have to deal with wasps stuck in his fur.... again.

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
05-20-2022, 08:30 PM
^^There was a snarl, and Archon stumbled backwards, ears pinned back with a whimper. He didn’t understand a lick of whatever this guy was telling him, but he did take notice that his fur looked... partially thick. Thick enough to protect him from the wasps?

He didn’t have time to think; he eyed the weird talkin’ guy, and saw his opening when he moved towards him to push him -

And Archon moved quickly, (attempting to) darting forward and under the guy in an attempt to protect himself from the wasps.
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05-20-2022, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2022, 06:58 AM by Genghis.)
He wanted to child to move so that he didn't have to take the brunt of the wasps, but it seemed the little nugget had other ideas. With a growl, he would let the boy hide under him, lowering his ears and narrowing his eyes to keep them from being stung. He used to tail to flip around, swatting at the wasps much like a horse would. His fur did protect him, but he still got stung in quite a few places. Thankfully he wasn't allergic. 

After what seemed like forever, the wasps finally seemed to let up, leaving the man groaning with pain. Several of them had gotten under his thick pelt but most of the stings were on his face, where his fur was thinner. However, he had done everything he could to wrap him body around the boy, trying to take the brunt of the stings. 

After it was all over, the man would try to walk away from the boy long enough to lay himself down on the ground, giving himself a moment to recover. His face was red and his while body hurt, but he would glance over at the boy. "You get stung?"

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
05-21-2022, 07:27 PM
^^Two things could happen here, Archon knew; either Sir Fluff would do his best at protecting them both, or Archon was about to be royally screwed. Thankfully, Archon wasn’t really all that big, nor was he the most muscled boy out there, and was easily able to slip under the covers that was this really fluffy stranger.

It was like a hurricane made out of bees, all he could hear was the buzzing, and he did his best to cover his eyes, but that left his nose and various other places on his body exposed. He had received a few stings, but they were minimal compared to what might have happened if Fluffy hadn’t been there.

“Little bit.” Archon’s nuzzle, nose, and elbows had been stung. He glanced up at his protector, grimacing at the damage. “I’m real sorry, Mister Fluff, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

Why was it that he could suddenly speak english tho?
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05-21-2022, 08:03 PM
He found himself chuckling deeply as he heard the boy's name for him. Mr. Fluff? Now that was just ridiculous, cute, but ridiculous. Instead, he would shake his head. "Mr. Fluff? The name's Genghis, хүүхэд. Whats ya name?" He would shake out his fur, pulling out pieces of dirt and any dead wasps that may have gotten stuck in his fur. 

With that, he would turn and begin to walk, gesturing for the boy to follow him. He didn't really have anywhere to go, but they had seemed to be heading in the same direction earlier, so they might as well continue on wherever they were going.

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
05-22-2022, 03:56 PM
^^Didn’t Genghis know who he was talking to? Ridiculous and cute were two words that perfectly described Archon. The boy would smile and shrug. “You’s a mister, and you’s fluffy.” Archon giggled, glancing at the dead wasps with the arch of his brow.

“Oh, I’m Archon! Thanks for um, saving me. Where you headed?” It sure was foggy out, how could he be sure that he wouldn’t find more danger stingers?
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05-26-2022, 07:26 AM
The man raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the boy, Archon. Well, he wasn't wrong per say, so perhaps he would allow the boy to call him that. But only the boy. If anyone else even attempted that, they would get their throat ripped out. Nonetheless, he would allow this. 

Shrugging slightly, he would speak up, "No where really, I was just lookin for somethin to eat. You look like ya have somewhere to be though." He wondered where the small child was going. Sure, he was old enough to be out on his own, but he was so small...

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
05-29-2022, 01:22 PM
^^“Pardon me saying so, Mr. Fluff, but Nowhere seems like a lonely place to be.” Archon arched his brows together, tilting his head. He did have places to be, actually. He’s never really… been so busy before.

And some part of him had that mean girl to thank. His ears flickered with a nod. “I’m heading south a bit, and then back up north, to be with my folks.” He said, honestly speaking.
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06-01-2022, 10:33 AM
The man cocked his head to the side, watching the boy for a moment. He never had anyone speak to him like that before so he wasn't entirely sure what to do with it. However, considering how innocent this boy was, Genghis had no problems just accepting it and mentally vowing to protecting the small nugget if he ever got the chance to. 

He would glance over at the boy for a moment before speaking. "Well, it is a bit lonely, but unlike you, I ain't got any family to go see." There was no malice or anger in his voice, simply stating the facts. "Where are ya folks?"

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
06-01-2022, 07:13 PM
^^Archon glanced the dog over with the tilt of his head, taking in his features and his scent. It would be helpful, should the two ever cross paths — not that Archon ever figured they would. “I’m sorry, that sounds extra lonely.” And sad, but Archon didn’t want to be rude.

“They’re north.” Archon repeated with an arch of his brow. Did he need to talk louder? “I’ve got to tell my pack that I’m leaving them to be with my mom. So I gotta go south, then I’ll be headed back.”
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06-07-2022, 05:44 PM
The man would shrug slightly at the boy's words of being lonely. He had been alone most of his life so it wasn't really something that wasn't new to him. But he figured that for a young wolf that seemed to be heavily family based, it would be very lonely. 

Hearing the boy repeat what he had said, the man would sigh and shake his head. "I get that, you already said that. I meant more so, where? Like in the mountains or higher up in the tundra? They could also be in the north plains." It was clear he had been around the bend a few times and knew the land well.

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[Image: 63161113_aYIpOLLmgPvIAMb.gif?1680739723]
06-11-2022, 08:40 AM
^^Watching all that fur shake, although Genghis had stopped moving, was partly interesting to Archon. He became distracted with the other’s heavy, thick, and long coat and wondered what it must be like hauling all that around.

He listened to the fluffy man speak, nodding his head a few times as he gathered that Genghis knew the land well and normally a honest fella, Archon didn’t really feel comfortable with telling some stranger (that he forced to endure bee stings) about where his parents were located.

“Why do you wish to know?” Archon said, slowly and carefully. He didn’t want to put himself or his parents in danger, and who knew what this fluffy man was capable of?! He could have been a well disguised zombie, or worse!
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06-17-2022, 02:10 PM
Though he was a man of short words and small interactions, he still understood when he made someone uncomfortable. He saw it instantly with the boy and let out a soft sigh. Shaking his head, he would speak up. "Nothin. I just was wondering if they were in mountains or tundra, I know both can be quite dangerous though Tundra more so." He was made to dwell in the mountains and in the snow, but he doubted that this boy was.

Still, he would offer the boy a glance his way. "I won't keep you any longer, but if you ever catch my scent, feel free to call for me." With that, he would nod his head in farewell before starting to walk north. He didn't like being around others and talking for too long, his social battery diminishing quite rapidly.

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