Directly after this thread, presumably on her way out. For @benry ♡
It always fascinated Olive how the best parts of life nestled right up next to the most difficult, almost becoming one-in-the-same. The whirlwind Olive found herself in was great and all-consuming, especially in terms of her happiness; but to lean towards one thing meant she must have to cleave herself from another. It was this discussion she had with Riannon, and the reality that now weighed down the sylph — physically, spiritually, energetically — though it was really the thing propelling her forward.
Olive glanced about the clouded meadows of Cloudrest, melancholy wrenching her heart, as if this might be the last time she lay eyes on this particular corner of the universe. Her soul-tie with @Riannon was one that could not be severed easily, but the woman was as much a mystery to her this day as she had been upon their meeting, either in this life or the one previous. Olive knew she would be welcomed back, if she returned; but as a visitor and fortuitous friend, no longer of one name or mission.
The greyscale waif passing through her den site and snuffled about, attempting to pick up scents that were long-faded from the sun and exposure to the elements. Of course her own perfume had been soaked into its very core, but if she scented deeply enough, she could almost catch a whiff of Tiberius. of Benry. of Archon. She looked closely at the ground, finding individual furs of each person mentioned prior, looking distinctly different from one another's. Besides several piles of dried and scattered herbs and roots, there wasn't much there.
Olive hadn't been here in quite some time.
Olive sighed, lifting her head, at least having some clarity about where she stood with the Sotaherra, but entirely unsure about gilded lion guardian — was he even still that, to her? She would scent him out while she still had access to the land he called home, but before she did so, Olive lifted her lips and scrunched her nose to utter a feline chirp, one that she had learned from @benry himself, hoping to draw the cat forth; incase he was nearby.
the staff team luvs u