Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Slow down, it's a science

Afternoon Partly Cloudy
05-21-2022, 01:29 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2022, 01:29 AM by Vendrussel.)
Would love a @Rökkvi or a @Freya

Vendrussel's list of enemies were slowly growing, and she knew not most of them. There was clashing though, for the friends of her enemies were also her friends — the constant shifting between and the few who wished to settle such differences. Her fur bristled at the thought of all that has happened to this place ; wolves who came and went, others who accused her of what she done, and not without a good reason to it. Her own tears flaking at regret, and the shifting of tides of learning — what was right. She held regrets, but could only move forward, with the continual thought what was best for the ford and it's wolves. She would not look back anymore.

Though if she thought about it — her only enemies were the singular group, and the very few rogues she fought with on the shores. Unknowing the few who were against her actions had fled to the enemy itself ; and the true betrayal that would occur once she found that out. A wonder if she went to Northfall's claim and demanded to be done ; would they accept that, or throw her off the cliff once more? Well, she would.

She crossed to the tundra — a layer of flowers greeting her. A variety of violets sloping around that didn't seem much of the north, but a cold wind passed by. When she looked out she could see the familiar ice and snow in the mix and knew at heart, this was the barrier that brought the tundra, and the mountains together. The smell mixed, she could tell others been around and ignored so ; an official claim was not met. 

Vendrussel thrown herself in a pile of these violets, on one of the highest hills she could find. To the sky, she wanted to see, surrounded by a serenity of flowers to cool her mind and soul. She closed her eyes, and inhaled.

Not everyone could be happy, but she would try her best.

the staff team luvs u
05-21-2022, 01:41 AM

Freya frequented the Moors, having fallen in love with the rolling hills decorated in enchanting flowers. More often than not one might find her here instead of Northfall, finding a certain peace within the flowers. Perhaps it was because it reminded her of one of her lives when they had had human and she sought to give all of her Soulbound little flower crowns. @Tyr had been the one she fought to give, the memory rolling through her mind and causing an affectionate, wistful smile to blossom upon her face.

Oh, the memories. The good, the bad -- she cherished them all. Though each time death came to claim them, one by one, Freya felt no fear because she knew like always they would return... it still had been painful to watch when she was unable to save them or that she had not died first.

Freya sighed softly as she swept through the flowers, the touch of sickness she had experienced on the morning long since gone yet still did it leave an uneasy feeling in her belly. Freya would wonder who's children it was that grew in her belly but without the Old Witch and her powers, in this life Freya would not know. It mattered not, the children had her, they had Tyr and they had the wolves of Northfall. So long as the children remained good and did not try to outshine Freya's beauty, they would be able to blossom and thrive. It was easily done, to think despite her towering height that she was no more than a pretty face with her soft colours and splattering of freckles but it was what Freya enjoyed.

It was more satisfying when she killed someone to know that they had underestimated her. She thought of the battle that had brought her here to begin with and she laughed softly. She had died but she had taken three of them with her and for her, she was always reincarnated. It was unlikely they were offered the same grace. Freya's lips were tilted in amusement as she roamed the Moors, breathing in the crisp air.^^

the staff team luvs u
"A deep, lasting emotional or spiritual connection between characters, typically of a psychic or magical nature."

To find out more about Freya's soulbound adoptables, please look here! Interested? Drop me a message. 
05-21-2022, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2023, 06:24 AM by Rebel.)
He hated the moor and the floral aroma that tore at his senses, but he was obsessed with Freya - so he followed her.

It felt so unnatural to Rökkvi, this powerful desire in him to remain close to her. Throughout his years as a bachelor and more recently in testing his luck with strangers, he'd never once felt any pull to check in on any of them. If they bore his bastards, the ironborn never cared. Perhaps it was the absence of his own kin that fueled his protective drive, for should his tryst with this she-wolf bear fruit they would be the only blood family he'd have left.

So he trailed her at a distance, keen not only to protect his assets but the vessel who would nurture them.

He didn't care if she noticed him, or even if she attempted to repel him. As stubborn and headstrong as they came, he would carry on.

the staff team luvs u
05-21-2022, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2022, 01:23 PM by Tyr.)
The soulbound had found his divine and now, as he jogged across the moors, she could potentially be carrying his spawn. Tyr wasn't one for emotional ties, however Freya and he had been on and off for eons without much of a complaint. Sure, she was needy, somewhat childish when she didn't get what she wanted, but the woman was powerful and could command the attention of anyone whenever she so wanted. It didn't give him room to see anyone as competition, but a child had also never been born from their union. 

His last life was one of the wolf, but Freya had not been in it. The insane emotions he'd felt before for so many others had been aimed towards his goddess and to put it lightly, he was still on the comedown of such a euphoric moment. He felt more protective of the woman, but like the loner he was, he also refused to trail her like a lovesick puppy until her season had ended. Once or twice was enough for him before he felt his emotions beginning to back peddle so he'd put a distance between the two while allowing her room to express her affections to many others.  

Tyr felt nothing but awe for the woman, and protectiveness was part of being one of her soulbounds. 

If she lost her immortality, so did he.

So he'd been trying to think of the best ways to keep her safe. What other way was there? He kept close to her now, the scent had died off after all, but he wasn't glued to her. Today however was a different day, they hadn't conversed in a while and although Tyr didn't often speak in great lengths, he sought out the deity was eagerness. Two scents were on the air other than her own, each of opposing genders but potential threats either way. The freckled man found himself on alert, eyes peeled as he surveyed their surroundings before he came upon the blonde woman.

He'd slowed to a gentle trot by then, tail straight behind him as it flagged. He wanted to look impressive, but annoyingly calm at the same time so he kept himself cool and collected. Tyr's head raised a fraction as he spied Freya wandering the flowers of the moor and if he could, he would have smiled. The picture of beauty - he almost said innocence but caught himself - and yet little did anyone know, she was a demon. 

His lip pulled back into a sneer before he rushed the woman with the intention of stopping as soon as he was about to collide with her, just double checking to see if her guard was up enough to expect such an attack from out of the blue; especially since they had friends coming. 

Always expect the unexpected.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: by-whiteliesart-dewg0ex.png]

this characters thoughts, feelings and opinions do not reflect my own.

05-23-2022, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2022, 09:51 PM by Vendrussel.)
She shuffled, moving to her stomach and prowled into the flowers itself as the scent of Northfall filled into the air — her ears lowering and tail too, shifting herself to the flowerbeds in a basic coverage. She had not seen them in quite some time and wished not for a current brawl, or much less the calling of their entire pack. Her tail swept, petals falling and an eye toward now a group, forming. But as she sniffed between the alpine flowers, the scent of loners filled in the air and she couldn't help but wonder what, was happening?

It was not wolves she recognized though.. Instead of a laying low like some kind of deviant, she stood tall within the bed. Though not announcing herself, and looked over to them.

the staff team luvs u
05-29-2022, 07:36 AM

She had scented @Rökkvi through the flowers and though she had not sought to stop for a conversation with him, Freya found the more primal part of her thoroughly enjoying the way he stalked her. Hunted her -- whatever it was, it stroked at the egotistical side of her that only grew with attention. Freya wasn't sure on who's children she carried or if realistically (was realistic a good word, when none of her life had truly been realistic? A goddess who held many lives and different forms... it was all magic. Realism had little room in the lives she lead) she could be carrying offspring sired by more than one of them. It didn't matter, not really -- because unless a child come out looking like a complete and utter mini-me, Freya would have no idea. So if the fathers would want to know, they would be disappointed and it would be up to them what they did with that information.

One of the possible fathers came to her then, barrelling from the distance with his thundering paws thudding against the flowery beds of the hills as he made a line straight for her. Freya's curved ears twitched and swerved, her large frame coming to twist amongst the flowers as her bicoloured gaze looked for him -- so close, he was so close and her toes shifted to splay in the soil as to ground herself from the onslaught -- the one that never came. Tyr would stop before he crashed into her, his darkened face inches from her own. Freya's laugh was soft and amused as she lifted a paw to bat at his chin, "you seek to test me," she cooed as she danced away from him with a laugh. "Or perhaps you wanted to scare me, General. Do I come close on either guesses?"

She saw the body of a tall blue woman, not seeking to hide amongst the flowers but instead she stood tall. Proud. "Company from all directions, how lucky am I?" For @Rökkvi was in the distance behind but @Vendrussel was off to the side. "Hail," she greeted, wondering if there would be a response. Freya was... giddy.

the staff team luvs u
"A deep, lasting emotional or spiritual connection between characters, typically of a psychic or magical nature."

To find out more about Freya's soulbound adoptables, please look here! Interested? Drop me a message. 
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