Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Most People Are Good

04-14-2022, 07:52 PM
For @Harper
The man found peace in the mountains, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Though he couldn't entirely remember his life since he got here, he did remember that he didn't live in the mountains. This was where he landed though, so it was where he stayed. Honestly, he never really tried going to any other place, but he didn't mind. The wolves around here were interesting but not always in a bad way. He had plenty of fun times here already and thought that maybe a rest was in his future. 

He had been in this area before, though didn't know it as well as he would like. Perhaps he should explore more, but that could wait until a nap happened. Laying himself down, he yawned and closed his eyes, though keeping his head ready to listen out for anyone moving around him.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
04-14-2022, 08:39 PM
^^The Rippling Heights had once been home to a pack of nomads and while Harper had never known them, she found herself glad that they had moved on to greater pastures. While the nomads had lived here, Harper hadn’t visited, keeping away to avoid any sort of confrontation though she could handle herself.

They were gone now, so the visits would resume. They held a memory that was close to her heart and with her husband gone, it was one of the only ways that she could feel close to him. Today, she bought the kill of a boar pup with her; she couldn’t quite look at deer the same after knowing and loving one of their own as her adopted son.

So she’d taken a boar pup and brought it up the hill where she’d met her husband and sat down, glancing into the sky. The storms had passed, and there were creatures in the sky. She pondered what it meant; pondered, even more, what Valeska would think of them.
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04-14-2022, 09:08 PM
He had only barely lowered his head to the ground when he caught the scent of another. Typically, he wouldn't mind it and would be happy to meet another, but he was tired and a tad grumpy. But, he knew better than to take his annoyed mood out on someone else, even if they were the reason for his annoyance. So, instead he took a deep breath and lifted himself up, duel colored eyes glancing around to try and find the source of the smell.

It took him a moment as he finally found the woman, eyes trailing over his body for a moment before glancing down at the boar in her mouth. Standing up, he would begin to walk over, a soft smile on his face. "Fancy some company?" His accent was deep, but his voice was strong and deep, something that he already had to deal with. But, when it came to women, it someone was a good thing.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
04-15-2022, 05:15 PM
^^A thick accent rolled through the air, and for what felt like the first time, Harper stiffened as though he had just insulted her with his very basic questions. He looked and smelled very much as if Autumn, the season, had been transformed into a creature.

He was a vast combination of shades of brown that matched moreso with caramel, beach sand, and mud - though she thought fondly of the Poop Lady from the Before, who had smelled as though she’d just gotten laid.

This one had a thick accent, and smelled like Autumn and the wetness of rain. Almost similar to that of Crux, who she had met here, who had smelled like thunderstorms. There was thunder about her attitude now, as she turned towards him with a snarl.

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04-15-2022, 10:15 PM
He had to admin, he wasn't expecting her to have such a spicy tongue, feeling the aggression as she spoke the simple word to him. But, he didn't mind and he wasn't going to push the topic either. That would be rude and he was anything but. With a shrug, he would nod his head politely before shaking out his fur. "'Ight den, I ain't gonna intrude." With that, he would turn away from her, laying himself down back near where he had been.

His ears turned towards her though, wondering if she would leave or linger now that she knew he was here. She was an interestingly fiery creature, but he was raised right and wouldn't come onto a woman that didn't reciprocate. "Hope ya'll have a nice day milady." He held no anger in his voice, not mad or annoyed at her snapping at him. As far as he knew, she might be having a hard day and just needed some outlet. He didn't mind being said outlet either.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-04-2022, 08:39 PM
^^It was perhaps the first time that someone looked at Harper and didn’t immediately think her to be some sort of warrior or titan, that Harper had snapped with a show of fangs and unjust aggression. Aggression that Vinny here didn’t deserve - at least, not that Harper could see.

Yet he did not snarl back; he did not grow angry, and he did not fight her. Instead, he lingered; he respected that she wanted space, and Harper was felt with a wave of sadness; sadness that she could not control any longer.

She could put up a front with Valeska just fine; doing things in her garden to keep her mind busy, but now there was an unjust silence, that left a big enough crack for the sadness and heartbreak to seep through.

It was too much for her to handle, even with the strange gentlemen lingering on what she might assume to be his home. She could not stomach her meal; could not fight this sadness and just.. -

She lifted her head to the sky and just sang a sad, mourning song with tears coming down her face.
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05-09-2022, 08:15 PM
He was fine with leaving her alone, however he really didn't get that far when he heard what he could only explain to be the saddest thing he had heard in a while. He paused mid step, a heavy sigh escaping him. There was no way he could just leave her like that, not without at least trying. He glanced around for a moment before pulling up a few dandelions, not really seeing anything else around. When in doubt, give a woman flowers. That's how you showed that you cared... right? At least that's what he was always taught. 

Carrying a small mouthful towards her, he would quietly attempt to set them down in front of her, not wanting to stop her beautiful yet sad song. If she let him, he would then how his head to her and back away, wanting to give her as much space as he could. However, he didn't mind giving her a shoulder to cry on, it just seemed like if he tried to offer that, he may leave with one less patch of fur.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-12-2022, 10:19 PM
^^The logic here was that perhaps her song would reach him and bring him back to this plain, with her. That he would realize what he felt behind, and he would come back for her.

That did not happen.

Instead of Crux returning to her and making the world right, the only one who had returned to her was Vincent. Vincent, who had been polite and kind to her, despite her show of aggression. Vincent who was now laying weeds at her feet.

She was singing and crying the song of a broken heart from a loved one gone too soon, and Vincent thought he could fix the situation by giving her weeds.

Dandelions, to be exact.

Her song had stopped and she took a moment to look at them with the arch of her brow. Harper, the plant nerd, receiving flowers (weeds)… for the first time ever.

She looked at them.

She looked at him.

Then she tilted her head and simply didn’t know what to say aside -

“You know these are weeds, right?”

Time to school you in the art of flowers.
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05-14-2022, 02:06 PM
His ears pushed forward as she spoke to him, though instantly pull back to pin against his head as he caught her words. Weeds? He seriously just gave weeds to what he could only assume to be a knowledgeable herbal wolf. Great. He might as well just dig his own grave and lay in it now because he was certain he was going to die from embarrassment. 

His face flushed as his eyes widened. "I.. uh... weeds? But deys pertty." He didn't know that weeds could be anything other than brown, gross, non flowery grass. But, for weeds to be a rather beautiful plant with fuzzy white flowers. That's what they were, right? Now he felt like his whole perception of reality was off, and all he wanted to do was give a girl some flowers....

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-14-2022, 06:33 PM
^^Most people are good, but Harper wondered if she would be classified as being such; here was Vincent, trying to obviously make some pretty stranger feel better in probably the only way he knew how to. And here was Harper, poking holes in his logic that not every flower was a flower.

In fact, just because something was pretty, didn’t mean it was meant to be picked. At least he’d given her harmless Dandelions, and not the petals of an Angel Trumpet, which were toxic to all life forms.

The Dandelion was a weed, at least, to Harper - but a weed was also anything that a gardener did not want growing in their garden. It could have been something native, like this dandelion here - or a true weed, like Bermuda Grass that chokes and strangles everything it touches.

The Dandelion was more than a weed. It was also a herb, and a great source of vitamins and minerals such as Folate, Calcium, and Potassium and therefore making them good for overall health.

Glancing to the green eye’d gentleman who probably didn’t know any better, especially when giving them to Harper (of all wolves), the plant nerd smiled. “I not say they were not purday. I say they weeds, cus they is; also a herb, but mostly a weed.” Harper nodded, seemingly blind (not just not caring) to the embarrassment on Vincent’s face.

“But am sure you’s did not want nor care for a lesson in plants.”
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05-14-2022, 07:07 PM
The man didn't know any better, he didn't know the difference between weeds and flowers, herbs and poisons. However, the fact that she knew, made him even more interested in her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also very smart too. His tail flicked idly behind him for a moment as he laid there, heterocolored eyes watching her intently. He was mildly grateful that she didn't talk about his embarrassment as it quickly turned into fascination, though he didn't really expect her to catch that either. Not that he minded though, he was happy to just hear her talk about something she liked. 

Hearing her words, he would shake his head, finally pushing himself into a sitting position as he curled his tail around himself. "I would love ta learn more bout herb 'n plants if ya willin to tell meh more 'bout them?" He would understand if she didn't want to tell him more as he, clearly, didn't know anything, but he thought he would give her an option.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-14-2022, 07:25 PM
^^ The embarrassment faded and, somehow, transformed into something else; something new. Harper saw it happen, like witnessing a shooting star, and she stared for a moment longer.

Despite that she had uncharacteristically snarled st him, he had tried to comfort her and remained here to listen to her ramble on about plants? Hm.

A smile on her lips now, as the Thornweaver nodded her head, as he had come to a sit. Slowly, she would stand, shaking out her coat.

“Come, I tells you more back at me office,” Harper cooed, turning and heading back home.

She did not and would not wait for him.

Exit Harper.
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05-15-2022, 09:05 PM
The man watched her with a curious expression, cocking his head to the side slightly as he did so. It seemed his interest in learning more about herbs caught her attention. Her words left him sitting there for a moment before he quickly scrambled to stand up. Without trying to shake out his fur or groom himself, he would race after her, though quickly trying to cover up the fact that he was chasing after her like he was. Nonetheless, he was going with her. He didn't know where this adventure would take him, but he certainly liked trying new things.

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