Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

when i first met tom mccannon

Compendium Entry

Behemoth’s Brim

Jutting out into the sea is a desolate shoreline made of ragged slate and shale. It is a place of nightmares, with barren trees piercing the thick fog that always seems to hover over the blackened stone. Disembodied sounds and whispering voices send chills down your spine, their source nowhere to be found.

05-06-2022, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2022, 07:08 PM by Campion.)
All Dragonford members welcome to hop in at your own will !!

 There was a slight brisk of a cold breeze that still struggled with winter. It swept through the area that was, to his surprise, not as foggy as the woman had suggested to him. At least not now as the afternoon sun held high in the sky, gazing over the land and purging most of the mist. Camp was eager to see what it looked like, coated in the pale white veil of fog, though still impressed with how he couldn't see past the nearby tree line.
 The man wasn't sure if he should yell or call out or just wait patiently for a member of her group to come around, catch his scent and find him. Occasionally he would look back at his trail of paw prints in the sand, intrigued by the sand and how it perfectly captured the visage of his massive feet. He avoided the water so did not bear witness to how the waves would reach up and clear the shore of any sign of his passing.
 The ocean wasn't much his forte, so most of his life he avoided it. Though being this close was nice so, he stopped every once in a while, to observe the waves in the distance and how they appeared to go on infinitely. Alaska had plenty of ocean to view but, he only ever did see it from extremely far away. Never had a reason to get this close. 
 His brothers would often romp around and play in rivers and ponds though, Campion rarely let any fur above his knees get wet. The man was desperate for a bath but, was lucky that his habit of rolling around in the snow and pine made him smell significantly better.

 The smell of two packs lingered, one more north and the other more south. Camp could just barely recall the smell of the woman he had met but, it was enough to know where to go and who to avoid. He was careful to approach the territory more easternly so as not to seem like an enemy and he thought long and hard before stopping and raising his head. A howl, long and stretching, emptied his lungs into the brisk and fresh ocean air.
 He hoped that it would bring out whom he was looking for and not the others, who he would likely not fight personally but simply threaten to leave. At least if all they did was bark back. The man knew his voice was foreign to both groups and it would be just as likely to intrigue them both.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WF32jc7.png]
The Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.
Dragonford Isles
05-07-2022, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 06:58 PM by Vendrussel.)
gonna mark this was before talking with serenity

She searched through the brim, smelling for anything that seemed unfamiliar. Many passed by as it was part of the entrance into the tundra itself. That was simply a drawback to owning some land so close to so ; and for the wolves of Dragonford, the brim was a hunting ground. She would not mind passerby's and often greeted as so, but they continued to guard. Preferring, to halt anyone who wanted to hunt within the beach and forests — for she held that unofficial claim to the land.

Guarding as so she patrolled the beach, watching through the fog to whatever shadows may be. A familiar scent hung within the air, and Vendrussel sniffed cautiously while attempting to find so within the shade — but then she heard his owl, that led her directly toward the individual, and she smiled, "Welcome to the Behemoth's Brim," to the familiar face who promised to join seek her out onto this claim.

the staff team luvs u
05-08-2022, 08:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 08:17 AM by Campion.)
 Just as his howl died out, echoing on nearby borders alike, a familiar voice called behind him. He lowered his head and turned around to see them and smile wide when they came into view. Why, it was the sea-dog! His proportionately large tail whisked and whacked back and forth, causing Camp to coyly attempt to silence his own excitement. Softly tapping the sand with his right paw in an effort to direct the emotions someplace else.
 He had seen much on his travels; met a strange woman on a frozen lake, met a grumpy old wolverine, even went head-to-head with a great blue tiger. There was a strange sensation of relief that came over him when he saw her, knowing that he could take a bit of a rest now when in good company.
 Camp mouthed the name on his lips, trying to solidify the memory and remember how to pronounce it. 'Behemoth's Brim.' 
 In all fairness, he did not expect to see her right away. In fact, he expected to have to try and attempt to explain himself to all her subjects, though he was more than pleased to be able to avoid it.
 "I'm glad I found you!" He barked, walking towards her to better greet her.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WF32jc7.png]
The Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.
05-11-2022, 11:56 PM
She smiled at the man — a glancing around to see if anyone else was within the brim. Her nose twitched to the smells, any smell of so ; but only upon the wind was the one within the borders of the dragonford. Hunting grounds to be exact, where their claim was weaker compared to the isles and edge of the ocean brim — but she also, invited him directly into so. For she was awaiting his return, and was glad there was none other then himself to the shores. 

She moved closer to see his figure within the fog ; there wasn't too many that stood above her within height. Most, either fell a bit short or matched, none truly within the gigantic height. A rarity that was welcomed though, for the muscle that one could take — if that was his view though, and if he was a warrior. She was curious if he held a pursuit elsewhere.

"If you've come to my shores, I suppose that means a welcoming to my ford?" She twisted to a jest of a smile, though hoped for it to be true.

the staff team luvs u
05-12-2022, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 11:49 AM by Campion.)
 The beast calmed and took a deep breath. Again remembering the journey he had had, and the things he had encountered. The tiger he had fought over a bird was one he remembered most clearly, for he had a deep, but healing, wound on his shoulder. The pain clearly didn't bother him much, for his stride was just as strong and noble as always.
 "I've made quite the journey, the tundra is beautiful here." The man began, further reminiscing. He enjoyed the sights of nature and the animals he had seen. The mountains in the distance made him feel close to home. One would not immediately guess his fondness for nature at first glance.
 "I believe I am ready to rest and make your ford a home." Camp was charmed by the way she referred to her pack and thought it quite strange how all the wolves here were. They all spoke in tongues and accents he had never heard before and used words he had never heard before. Everything was upside down and right-side up again.
 The man took a moment to gaze around further, particularly at the rocks that jutted out from the water in the not-so-far distance. He had been sitting about a field of flowers when he first noticed them, studying them as he ate, and here they looked so much larger when up close. They nearly casted a shadow down over the brim, to which he was made to think of old gods and beasts. 
 "A very interesting territory." He admitted, looking back to the woman.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WF32jc7.png]
The Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.
05-14-2022, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2022, 02:01 PM by Vendrussel.)
The behemoth moaned, letting out its sound that no knew for certain what it was. She was calm so, only smiling as a wind rustled and it song continued on ; a neighbor that the ford grown used to but never knew. A beast that though searched remained unfound and seemed now but a calling of something, not of an aggressive nature but almost sad.. But they could not help for what they could not properly understand, or even find.

"Isn't it?" 

Then her gaze drifted to the ocean, "but the true home is hidden," a say that though part of the claim, the dragons lay elsewhere within this fog, "if you truly are ready to make this your home, then follow me," said the dragoness as she would part from him and dwelve deeper to where the scent of salt was high within the air. Her paws, splashing against the currents as slowly would she descend into it's depths, and looking back, to see whether this man follows her or not.

He would be tested.

the staff team luvs u
05-14-2022, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2022, 09:52 PM by Campion.)
 Though unseen, a prickly cool chill ran up his spine when hearing such a strange wail. He would look off into the distant islands and rocks, and then back to Vendrussel's face where he found merely a smile. For some reason, her lack of action or disturbance towards the sound calmed him, and silenced his questions. Perhaps it was just the wind.
 Campion nodded seriously when the leader spoke, observing as she turned and stepped into the cool waters of the ocean.
 It was clear, though he did not speak, that the water made him a bit nervous. Would he drown under the weight of his own thick fur? He mustn't let his own body weigh him down. To drown and be eaten by whatever beast lays at the depths of the Sepulcher.
 The man took a deep breath, steadied his beating heart, and braved the waves that opened to swallow him whole.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WF32jc7.png]
The Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.
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