Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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05-10-2022, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 12:45 PM by sunchild.)
backdated to before the hunt

he watched the newcomer.

she came to the temple while he slept, belly filled and content. he disliked the change, and the way @Nyra seemed to keep close to her. as much as he acted disinterested in his caretaker, jealousy budded at the sight of two adults near-identical in appearance.

when will his own coat turn white and ears perk up like theirs?

the pup was hunched and seated few lengths from a wall, brows furrowed and eyes focused on @Sabira. who was she to come into their densite without his permission? the child frowned.

he continued his tactless staring, trying to chase her away with the power of his mind.
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[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-10-2022, 11:03 PM
 The disinterested and queenly woman sat not alone in the coolness of the cave, her head on her paws as she waited. What exactly was it that she was waiting for? Sabira was starting to lose track of exactly what she wanted. They had been keeping her here, away from the sky. Away from any idea how much time had passed.
 She would notice an unsightly little beast, scowling at her from across the room. Their hair far too curly to be that of a wolf's, though they looked pup-like enough.
 For a moment her static and expressionless face turned and stared at the creature, her honey eyes looking as if to study them further. When stoic and flat faced like this, her features were sweet and almost innocent.

Her lip would curl up in disgust.

 "My, what an ugly pup you are." She would tease, though not one funny enough to make her laugh. To which she would turn again, continuing to ignoring the little creature, and stare towards the exit of the cave.

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05-28-2022, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2022, 06:33 AM by sunchild.)
her words were not nice - not that he expected an attention-thief's to be. he poofed his cheeks and straightened his posture.

"aah'm nat aghlee!" arcanis stated, pride bigger than his body. then, she turned her head away. the curly hairs along his nape bristled.

he marched up to the woman, deep frown on his small face, until he was right beside her. he got onto his hindlegs and placed two paws on her side, to show dominance.

"aah know what yew are." the pup said, with malice.
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[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-29-2022, 04:21 PM
Sorry this was so late !! I forgot ;o;

 She would continue to ignore the little creature as it stirred and whined in response to her comments. All the way up until it touched her.

 A instinctual and crazed look took place in those once sweet looking eyes. She would kick her back leg out, hoping to hit it and knock it away. Teeth following with, snapping with the intention to catch hold of their curly fur. Though they would smack into air if they fell just short of his skin.

 "Never touch me again you disgusting creature." True contempt lie in her eyes, burning with the fire she had become known for since her arrival. It didn't help that the woman tended to hate children, let alone ugly, smelly, sticky little children.

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05-29-2022, 05:52 PM
it was like a lightning flash - just as white. a moment he was saying these words, the next his jaws clamped shut about his tongue as the boy rolled backwards. the snap of teeth right before his snout sounded like a thunderclap.

her words were electricity. his fur bristled as arcanis maintained eye contact with the insolent attention-thief, untangling his limbs and getting to stand with a sticking-out tail a leap away from the woman.

there was blood in his mouth, the taste metallic and warm. he growled, his own eyes wide to the point of showing whites. such was his own anger that he heaved as if winded.

for a moment he stood still, then - sparing only a passing thought to the difference in size - charged at the she-wolf, baby teeth bared.
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[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-30-2022, 12:10 AM
 Surprised to see him still eager to fight her, she stood. Tall in comparison to the little worm.

 Snarl nearing his face as she dipped her head down to meet him. "Go find your mother, little rat." She hissed, her tongue sharp and cruel. Sabira hadn't any idea who this kid's parents were. Perhaps they belonged to Nyra. Fitting. Only a bitch such as she could create such ugly offspring.

 Sabira was clearly willing to spare the child no quarter and lifted a paw to strike. Perhaps killing the child wasn't in her best interest but, the look in her eyes showed that she didn't mind. Any beast who touches her without her permission is worth killing and dying over.

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[Image: 89HrhAg.png]
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05-30-2022, 07:20 AM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 07:21 AM by sunchild.)
she rose like a tower before him, whitesand giantess to be subdued by his budding canines. her head dropped down and despite the lack of fear - that is, understanding of the situation - the boy skidded to a halt until he was right before her face. her breath smelled of the temple waters and the dust which gathered there.

mother. one eye twitched into a grimace. the boy lacked understanding of what parents were; he was sure @Satan was his мама, but not necessarily his mother. @Nyra was the provider of a comfy spot to curl into at night and chewed-up meals - nothing more. the boy was all alone, and he took pride in that perceived independence.

the head rose again, as did a paw. arcanis growled, a child's sound.

then, he readied himself to bite the paw the moment it struck.
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he does. he speaks. he thinks.
[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-30-2022, 12:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 12:25 PM by Nyra.)
points toward Warrior!

Nyra heard the commotion from her den, and took off at a sprint to come stop it.
Seeing Sabira trying to harm Arcanis, the Deputy did not slow down, instead charging the brazen slave-girl with bared teeth, aiming her towering mass and wicked fangs for Sabira's neck in an effort to take the bitch to the ground. 
She would not stop her own assault until Sabira was either dead or yielding with submission.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
05-30-2022, 12:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 12:47 PM by Sabira.)
 She could hear her paws thundering well before she came into sight. Her paw hesitated in the air as she looked, down the cave and towards the sound, an annoyed and bothered glare painting the expressions on her face.

 Of course.

 The woman was massive in comparison, so Sabira used her sly, fox like body to slink around. Teeth gnashing just before he own throat before she ducked down and moved to the woman's side. "Come to protect your shameful offspring, Nyra?" The woman hissed, though deep down she was quite startled. The white beast of a woman moved like an angry bear, so Sabira kept up her snake like movements. Trying her best to avoid being pinned.

  "He has to learn to protect himself if you want him to survive, idiot!" Sabira hollered between heavy breaths.

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05-30-2022, 01:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 01:15 PM by sunchild.)
he was tense, curly guard hairs bristled, tiny teeth bared trough beard in a war grin.

he wished to imagine the large pawsteps were of a storm rolling in to add a flourish to his victory against the far larger adversary.

but no, it was only nyra, his puppysitter.

when the two white adults met, the boy was still angry and stood disgruntled as he watched them engage. it was he who was supposed to beat some respect into the slave, not the meal dispenser!

[Image: 1.png]

he watched them, radiating crotchetiness.

skippable unless interacted with! :D

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he does. he speaks. he thinks.
[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-30-2022, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 01:36 PM by Nyra. Edit Reason: typo )
points for Warrior!

Nyra wasted no words on Sabira. She wasn't worth anything more than the beating she was inevitably going to get.
The Warqueen didn't stop or hinder as the slave slithered out of dodge, but Nyra followed on Sabira's heels with a savage snarl.

Teeth would aim for the hind legs of the slave, a feign as she would swing her body towards Sabira to slam into the smaller girl's body.
To hopefully send her stumbling, reeling, as Nyra came seeking for carnage.

The Warmaiden would not cease or tire until she got what she wanted. Not easily, anyway.
If she couldn't yet wrestle the stupid bitch to the sand, she would instead herd her further into the Eye until she had nowhere else to go except the teeth seeking for her flesh
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
05-30-2022, 01:45 PM
 If she wasn't focused on keeping her tail, the woman would scoff. The larger woman must be brain dead, or at least lacking, to not hear her words. Only to ignore them because of where they originated was foolish.

 Seeing the beast on her rear, Sabira would throw out a paw, kicking up sand just before dodging the opposite direction. Her intention to blind the woman, if only temporarily. If successful, Sabira would spin around and gnash teeth back at the woman. Fangs snake-like in the way they curved out of her maw when it opened.

 If not, she would keep up her quick and serpentine movements, waiting patiently for another opportunity to strike. Trying her best to run tight circles around an even tighter cave, getting closer to the eye with every turn.

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[Image: 89HrhAg.png]
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05-30-2022, 01:55 PM
Warrior points

As Sabira kicked out, Nyra would bite for her outstretched leg with viperlike speed and the force of a bear trap in her jaws.

She may be massive, but she was by no means slow.

The sand failed to blind her as she kept up her assault. The arrogant cunt would learn one way or another.
the staff team luvs u
This is my art, and it is dangerous 
05-30-2022, 05:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 06:26 PM by sunchild.)
as the fight continued, aracnis's expression slowly unfurled, and he watched first with carefully contained interest...
[Image: 3A.png]

and then with open, slack-jawed wonder.
[Image: 3B.png]

his knowledge of fighting encompassed only animal instinct and vague memories of tussling with bodies just as small as his. this was no such thing. this was a dance, cobra versus anaconda, wrapping around one another, sharp fangs and powerful muscle competing for superiority.

his tail wagged like mad.
[Image: 4.png]

this defeated every boyish fantasy his mind had made up, and gave him something far superior.

wait i can use this to get more points for paladin, skip skip skip. also;

[Image: MUR_DER.png]

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he does. he speaks. he thinks.
[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
05-30-2022, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 06:05 PM by Satan.)
The man had just come back from exploring the border when he heard the commotion, instantly heading towards it. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it was in his lands and he had a right to know. As he got there though, he took a moment to take in everything. Sabira and Nyra were trying to kill each other and the pup was watching with fascination. Satan wondered for a moment if the small child was a sociopath, but he figured he could learn more about that later. For now though, he needed to know what was going on.

With a loud, booming voice, the man would growl before speaking. "You all have about three seconds to tell me what the fuck is going on before you all lose a limb." He was furious and annoyed, wanting an answer and he wanted it now. His body tensed and he readied himself to jump in, willing to take them both on if neither of them stopped or explained something to him.

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05-30-2022, 07:44 PM
 She would spin to face the woman, becoming tired of her avoidance- the water of the eye drawing closer.
 Teeth gnashing, tempting the beast to make a move and experience her teeth. Maw making the occasional snap in between snarls.

 The tension was broken when the man stepped in, voice echoing off the walls of the cave. She didn't falter, and kept her eyes on Nyra. Mouth half hung open, still ready to shrike should the woman make another move.
 "I was just giving this overprotective bitch's pup some proper discipline." Sabira hissed, still glaring daggers into the white beast. "Ugly little shit won't survive if he can't handle himself."

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[Image: 89HrhAg.png]
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05-30-2022, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 08:25 PM by Nyra.)
Nyra stopped when Satan arrived, but her death-promising glower never left Sabira either. 
"The slave looked ready to kill Arcanis, so I thought it fit to teach this arrogant cunt where her place is. But it seems she's too braindead to catch the drift." She shrugged dismissively, as if Sabira was nothing more than the dirt under her paws. 

Satan knew as well as she did that Sabira was in the wrong and deserved to be punished. At least she hoped he knew that.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
05-31-2022, 10:57 AM
so engrossed was he in the fight, that the boom of the king's voice startled the boy into leaping up in the air like a frightened cat. his head whirled around, overlarge ears briefly obstructing his vision, before they came to dangle on the sides of his head again -

and the wagging of his tail immediately resumed.

"мама-!" arcanis yapped, but it was drowned out by satan's demands. still, he remained with a wagging tail and smile pushing up at his features behind the juvenile moustache. 

the threat of losing a limb was, somehow, processed as a positive.

then the slave said some bull-shit that had the boy looking away with an expression once more hostile. he was certain that had nyra not intervened, the servant would've lost a paw or toe.

arcanis huffed and straightened, miming seriousness before the leader, but still the happy wags of his tail betrayed him.

мама мама мама.
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[Image: tumblr_pm5gv3kXrz1qgcqgi_400.gif]
06-07-2022, 08:38 PM
The man growled as he stalked closer to Sabira, partially ignoring what Nyra was saying. He had learned enough. If she didn't move, he would loom over her, a very threatening growl escaping him. "And you believe that you of all people, are good enough to train any of the youngsters within my pack?" A sly and bloodthirsty grin would appear on his lips as he quickly turned away from her, beginning to walk outside. "Lets test that. Follow." He said simply, the warning clear in his voice. He wouldn't look back until he was at the mouth of the cave and only then would be turn to see if the woman followed. If she did, he would take her outside into the endless sands. However, if she didn't, he would ready himself to attack her, only giving her one chance to do as he was told.

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06-11-2022, 10:04 PM
 Her eyes widened slightly as he approached. Anger leaving her body in one quick breath, immediately being replaced with a respectable amount of fear. Why was she afraid? Such fear betrayed herself and she tried to arrange her face in a way that would not show it.

 Yet he spoke and again in betrayal, her ears perked to listen to every word.

 The way he spoke told her that he wasn't looking for a response to that question. Instead, she would only respond by following her paws out. She made sure to hold herself especially high and pompous when she walked past Nyra. Feeling especially narcissistically proud that he only addressed her, and she was getting a free pass out of the cave to boot.

 She looked at him, wide eyed and ears forward when he turned to ensure she was following. Feeling a cold shiver run down her spine despite the outside heat. A deep swallow dropping into her stomach when he looked back. She was hoping that his looking away would bring relief to this feeling. Yet no relief would come. Only the anticipation for what this test would hold for her remained.

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06-20-2022, 08:16 AM
He almost smirked as he saw the fear flash across her face, but kept himself neutral, walking outside of the tunnels that they called home. Once he was outside, he would turn to look at her, waiting until she crossed the threshold. 

Without a word to ready her, he would lung towards her, teeth bared and aiming for her throat. His large body would try to slam into her, hoping to push her down. He wanted this to be a surprise attack, needing to see how she responded to such. After all, she did talk such a big game about training another.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
06-27-2022, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2022, 03:36 PM by Sabira.)
 Though surprised it was somewhat expected. The feeling in the air hung in the same way bricks don't, making her fur prickle and her feet twitch. Sure enough he did lunge, and though anticipating it, the woman was still caught slightly off guard. Moving just fast enough to avoid getting caught by the throat, but not enough to avoid his mass entirely.

 This took her well off her balance, to where she stumbled and nearly fell. Quickly assuming a shrunken, snake like stance as soon as her brain caught up with what was happening. Maw slightly open with razor sharp teeth, pointing upwards, prepared for whatever direction he chose to take his assault from.

 She wouldn't be surprised if the man would allow himself to get bitten just to get access to her. Perhaps she would take advantage of his brash audacity.

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