Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

thistle berries and a future?

Morning Sunny/Clear
Compendium Entry

Rocky Outcrops

A grassy field with rocks sticking up out of the ground all over like jagged claws reaching out from beneath the earth.

05-07-2022, 01:55 PM
@Kore — joining!!

Hideo had the herbs he'd collected in his jaw, the assortments of Skunkbush, Comfrey, and Thyme. He always thought Thyme had a weird taste against his tongue, and now it proved to almost be unbearable as it dared to touch the back of his throat. 

When he knew he had to stop, he dropped the herbs at his feet, awed by the large rock structures that stood before him. The sun had just peaked over the horizon, glazing the rocks with a soft bronze, a glittering sparkle appearing in his own eyes. 

Just beside the Nestle, the area must be a hotspot for Sagebrush. It must be, right? Hideo will look soon, surely, but he just wanted to soak up the sun. Just for a moment.

the staff team luvs u
05-10-2022, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2022, 12:30 PM by Persephone Florakis.)

A new path had branched off in the stars for her, as told by the night sky she had read a night or two ago. The petite she-wolf had been buzzing with energy, unbridled and consuming. Despite always being drawn to the alters where the magic oozed and hummed, that morning had her drawn instantly.

Someone had found their way through their borders and stood, basking in the sun and the alter. Kore could not blame them if they were in awe, it was a sight to behold and it had been part of the reason she had chosen it for their home. Magic aside, of course. Tall, grey and dappled with brown, earthen touches. Some might have felt that horrid aggressive need to check them, to remind them that they stood in claimed land though Kore held no such inclination. One day when her circle was built, it would likely not be a continuous occurrence. 

Certainly even she felt that primal possessive touch as he stood, basking in the beauty of the prime spot of her home yet she held no desire to greet him with hostility. "It is beautiful in the morning," the woman uttered softly as she approached him, nose twitching with the plant scent he carried with him. "Even more so in the night, I find, with the moonlight." Though she held no true favourites, a neutral player, Kore knew the feel of the night was quite different to that of the day.

"It is blooming with magic," the Irish woman mused softly as she drew herself to stand side on to him, delicate features soft with a smile as she peered to the outcrops. "Do you feel it?"

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˚ · .˚。 ⋆❀⋆。˚ . · ˚
Join Greenwood
Misc Skill
05-11-2022, 11:19 PM
The man was entranced by the rays of sunlight that warmed his skin, the herbs becoming numb to his tongue, and all was well. Even if it were just for a moment, all was well. 

He didn't notice a woman come to his side until she spoke to him, causing him to drop the herbs at his feet with a startled gasp. A huff came from his nose with frustration, but turned to face her— well, she had already decided to place herself beside him. She was speaking in what he thought was to be a riddle, but he'd figured with her displayed poetic words, that she may have depth to what they meant. It was true, as far as he could tell, that the sunrise was beautiful. Something that he could never get tired of. 

The woman talked about finding light, even in the darkest of corners, and he thought it to be rather optimistic. He wasn't necessarily the brightest thinker himself— often throwing temper tantrums when he couldn't find a particular remedy— but in equal time, he was doing just fine. Going with the flow, somehow. 

"I don't think it is magic," he admitted, still peering off into the sunrise, "it is power, bursting in these lands that provide such gentries." Finally, Hideo would face her. An accent that was fermented into something gaelic— he presumed— brushed his ears, and a pelt of gingers and ivories reflected in his iris'.

"Hideo." He'd introduce himself shortly, tilting his head as an indicator of wondering what hers was.

the staff team luvs u
05-15-2022, 09:25 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2022, 12:30 PM by Persephone Florakis.)

It was interesting to hear his sound of frustration given the fact he was the one trespassing but she supposed it was from being surprised -- which she could appreciate, to some degree. Her mismatched gaze twinkled with some mirth, her tail wagging behind her slowly and in rhythm with the beat of her heart. Magic, power, was it much different, in the grand scheme of things?

Kore hummed, "it all comes back to here." The alter, the claws. How could it not? It thrummed with life. And she had chosen well for her home, even if the path had already been written in the stars for her to end up here.

He looked to her and she smiled, serenely it sat upon her delicate features and she noted the flecks of colours in his eyes. "Well met, Hideo," the she-wolf cooed happily. Was it time yet to be referring back to her birthname? Persephone sat on her tongue but out came, "Kore," she dipped her head as she wagged her tail. "Queen of Greenwood, who call these Alters part of their home," and it housed their festivals, too.

On his being sat only his scent and nature, telling her he was alone and that she need not worry of some strangers trekking through the Outcrops.

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˚ · .˚。 ⋆❀⋆。˚ . · ˚
Join Greenwood
05-15-2022, 09:47 PM
 The woman spoke of the origins of life's creation, how it had all come back to here. Hideo couldn't help but exude a small laugh, knowing that no area had been a particular landing point of being the heart of the Earth. Surely, this land was beautiful and vibrant, but it was the mere outer-shell of something much greater. Hideo knew that he would never find it, but if this was as close as he could get...well, he'd be pretty damn accomplished. 

A soft coo left her jaw and Hideo found himself flickering his tail at the sound, a much more instinctual response than anything. She was beautiful, he supposed, and carried herself with...with some sort of carelessness, yet so much generosity at the same time. She spoke elegantly, at least for as much as she had spoken. 

Wait— had she called herself a queen? Oh shit, what had he gotten himself into? His gaze transferred to the pillars alters— as she had called them, then back to here with a tinge of awe promenading through his eyes. 

"This all yours then?" The male was impressed, letting out a puff of air he didn't know that he was holding. "Woooooow...you've got some mighty fine land here, your majesty." He spoke the title with a bit of mockery and playfulness. "I could look at each plant for hours on end, I'll tell 'ya." Hideo began to fantasize about the things he could come up with, the things that he could explore. 

He lost himself in his own demented euphoria, almost forgetting that she was there too.

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2022, 12:43 PM

Had she thrown him through a loop? She thought she might have. "It is, at it's base, natures to claim," she correctly serenely, "me and mine simply call it home." Though certainly the more predatory part of her did claim it, would die for it, would kill for it, it was not necessary to bring to the surface. He was a funny thing, straddling the line of mockery and playfulness, she thought that he was lucky he had walked into her land and not someone elses.

Kore would giggle, soft and light as he went off into his own fantasy land of plants and she nodded, "we have plenty here. Life is bountiful, certainly." Kore would muse as she cast her gaze back to her Alters, "do you seek to stay, Hideo?" To him she would tilt her chin, craning her neck slightly to peer to the speckled man. "Greenwood is our home but it would welcome you," behind her tail would wag, her smile playful. "You might find our Leighis @Oisin good company, his trade of choice Healing." To be a Healer, you would need to know your plants, of course

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˚ · .˚。 ⋆❀⋆。˚ . · ˚
Join Greenwood
05-16-2022, 02:39 PM
Soft giggles would reach Hideo's ears, the sound traveling straight to the threshold of his heart. Something bumbling at the surface, pounding against the structure of his ears. 

Hideo's jaw went agape when the woman- queen- asked if he had wanted to stay. He turned to look at the pillars that tried to reach the sky, escribed with ivy vines and plots of littering weeds growing by it's undertone. The man could only answer with one cognitive sentence; "Yes. Yes I would like to stay."
The man didn't expect her to offer so much generosity. He simply wanted to collect his herbs and be on his way, but to have all this to himself? Why wouldn't he bite the berry? It was an obvious choice— only a fool would reject such a kind conquest. 

"Yes. Yes...that would be perfect." A dream come true, almost. Surely other skills of value would be important, but Kore seemed to want...exactly what he wanted. Someone who focused their studies on the land. It was almost too good to be true. Almost. Well, she wasn't screwing with him, was she? "I hope you aren't messing with me, Kore. You're about to make my whole world a better place if you aren't," Hideo would confess shamelessly, not too keen on conversation formalities. 

"Thank you. Thank you, truly, I..." The man stuttered over his words; the once playful tone he took had fled in an instant when he understood the sincerity of it all. "I'm sorry I— I'm truly grateful, is all."

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