It was a lovely morning for a cup of tea.
Day by day, Olive was feeling more like herself. She felt herself blithely content to stay amongst Cloudrest and its surrounding areas, appreciating how anything she needed was easily within reach, within a moment or two of needing it. Food was plentiful in the cache. She felt safety from the mountains that stood guard, protecting her from anyone in the tundra who might wish her ill. Fresh water ran freely from the runoff of such mountains —oh gods, she hoped to never be that thirsty again! Company and friendship was only a stone's throw away, if she desired it.
If only Tiberius were here, Olive might have no reason to ever leave Cloudrest for the rest of her days.
On the rare morning that she felt a burst of energy, after a night that her mind has quieted to such a degree that she could sleep peacefully from sunset to sunrise, the wasted sylph rose and plucked some of the season's newest Hawthorn — well, she more or less gnawed off an entire bough of the small bush, as to not prematurely release its magic and medicine.
She brandished the small, oblong leaves and red berries proudly as she walked over to the area where the convalescing polar bear resided. As his scent became thicker, the woman slowed down to a near stop and dropped the Hawthorn branch to chuff, announcing her presence and nonverbally asking @Thraximundar if it was a good time for her to approach.
Day by day, Olive was feeling more like herself. She felt herself blithely content to stay amongst Cloudrest and its surrounding areas, appreciating how anything she needed was easily within reach, within a moment or two of needing it. Food was plentiful in the cache. She felt safety from the mountains that stood guard, protecting her from anyone in the tundra who might wish her ill. Fresh water ran freely from the runoff of such mountains —oh gods, she hoped to never be that thirsty again! Company and friendship was only a stone's throw away, if she desired it.
If only Tiberius were here, Olive might have no reason to ever leave Cloudrest for the rest of her days.
On the rare morning that she felt a burst of energy, after a night that her mind has quieted to such a degree that she could sleep peacefully from sunset to sunrise, the wasted sylph rose and plucked some of the season's newest Hawthorn — well, she more or less gnawed off an entire bough of the small bush, as to not prematurely release its magic and medicine.
She brandished the small, oblong leaves and red berries proudly as she walked over to the area where the convalescing polar bear resided. As his scent became thicker, the woman slowed down to a near stop and dropped the Hawthorn branch to chuff, announcing her presence and nonverbally asking @Thraximundar if it was a good time for her to approach.
the staff team luvs u