Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I believe you love who you love

05-01-2022, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2022, 05:11 PM by Vincent.)
The man had let her leave from their previous conversation, knowing that she had been mad at him, however he couldn't help but follow after her. As he walked through, he thought about what he could do, wanting to show her that he was apologetic for stepping over the line. He just hoped that she wouldn't slap him in the face when they met again. Not that he would be mad, he entirely deserved it. 

So, along the way, he decided to pick up some flowers, though he didn't know what she liked, if anything. So, he picked up one of every new flower he could see, adding them to a small pile that he carried in his mouth. It the end, he ended up with about fifteen different flowers, all of various colors and sizes. There was a rose, a lily, a carnation, and a bunch of other things that he didn't know. A least a few of them were likely weeds, but they looked pretty so that's all he cared about. 

Moving to the beach that she had spoke of, he would place the flowers on the ground long enough to call out for @Vendrussel before picking up the flowers once more and sitting down. He sat there, flowers in his mouth as he waited patiently for the beautiful dragon to show her scales.

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05-01-2022, 05:28 PM
She left the man with harsh words — but spoke from the heart. He attempted to get closer, and though she wouldn't mind a decent friendship it seemed he wanted more to treat her like a lady, then of a friend. Not something she would truly mind if it was someone of her fancy and it couldn't be denied she enjoyed it ; but Vendrussel barely knew him and felt.. It was more of a weakening, a looking down upon her for her gender in form once it continued. She had not experienced that so in a long, long while. Even within her Clan genders were of complete equal, and simply the weaker bunch tended to do the less physically tasking work, regardless of what sex they be. Though it was true — it was the females who tended to tend to be the gatherers and medics.

She was not one.

The Alpha wasn't expecting him to return either, and left her words of friendship by the beach. She wouldn't mind though, and thought he'd be a fine friend outside the Ford — though surely wasn't expecting his scent upon the wind so soon. Her patrolling around the borders had picked up that scent ; one of a loner, one of Vincent. She of course, raised an eye of suspicion by smiled nonetheless and searched for that throughout the fog. One couldn't simply see, they had to find the other.

"Back so soon?" she mused, as she found his figure in the bone-thick mist. A blue gaze gradually drifting to flowers below.. She would hope this was not a form of courtship.

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05-01-2022, 06:21 PM
The man sat and waited patiently, glancing down at the flowers in his mouth. Was this too much for an apology? It probably was. He glanced around for a moment as he wondered where to put them, however before he had a chance to, he heard her voice. Glancing back over, he would nod at her in greeting before standing up. He walked over to her and placed them on the ground in front of her before walking back to where he sat before.

 "I wanted ta come nd apologize ta ya.
I shouldnta said what I did. I was outta line."
Lowering his head slightly, he showed submission to the woman, hoping that she would accept it. "I understand if ya don't wanna see meh again." He was probably laying it on a little too thick, but he was trying his best.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-01-2022, 08:37 PM
"It's not an issue," she would never turn away a wolf who apologized for something so little. Rather even if he didn't, Vendrussel wouldn't hold it against him — it wasn't something she thought, that needed an apology. Yet he respected the boundries and that was all needed ; she found it sweet he brought flowers along with this apology and smiled at them. Surely, they were from the Highvalley Hollow as well.

"Tell me, you plan to live within the Valley?" she so questioned, as she used a paw to bring it closer. Some petals straying within the sand ; giving it a color not normally within the bleak brim.

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05-01-2022, 08:49 PM
The man lifted his head at she spoke, looking up at her in order to listen to everything she said. He was taught to look at those that were talking and that is what he did. Hearing her words, he would sigh in relief, offering her a goofy lopsided grin as he relaxed in his spot. He watched her for a moment, though instead of his eyes raking her body, he continued to stare at her eyes. They were beautiful and reminded him of the ocean, something he could get lost in and drown in the infinite nothingness. However, it wasn't a death that scared him. 

As she asked him about where he planned to live, he would blink several times, pulling himself out of whatever universe he was zoning out into. He just hoped he wasn't pulling a stupid face or drooling everywhere. With a quick lick to his lips, he confirmed that he wasn't drooling, good. However, that doesn't mean that he didn't look like an idiot. Well, lets just hope she wasn't paying attention either. 

"Probably, I ain't really got much else ta go and I ain't got any reason ta join a pack just yet." There would only be one reason that the lone wanderer would join a pack, and that was for someone else. "If ya pack wants ta claim dat land, I dun mind movin'"

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05-04-2022, 11:02 PM
She waved her paw, "nothing like that, we don't need a mountain," When she gazed to the highvalley hollow, it wasn't just one series of mountains. It was a large ravine of so, extending all the way down the coast-line where it'd simply take a day or so to find its eventual end. Even crossing it seemed like an endless pathway, for it was rigorous, and quite many to plow through. There had already been two packs claiming at one point due to how spacious it was.

She held an isle, and a forest — she thought the ford didn't need anything else.

"More we'll just be seeing each other more," she laughed lightly, "don't get caught in the crossfire of neighbors," her snout pointing toward the north, "we float with enemies."

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05-09-2022, 08:24 PM
He seemed to relax slightly as she said that they didn't need to take the place he had called his home, which made him happy. He didn't want to join any groups as he enjoyed wandering and didn't want to be locked into something that may turn foul. However, he didn't mind sticking around to learn more about her though. As she spoke about seeing more of each other, he found himself smiling at that thought, happy to see her again. When she spoke about enemies though, he would nod, glancing to where she was pointing.

It wasn't something he really had to worry about because other than a select few, he didn't have many friends. "I shall steer clear." He turned his attention back to the woman, a goofy smile on his face. "So ya willin to meet wid meh again?" He looked like a kid in a candy shop because, lets be honest, that's all he really wanted in the end.

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[Image: d455c721-6913-11ed-be62-138f42b8ade7.gif]
05-12-2022, 10:12 PM
"I don't mind," she would never mind friends within the wilds. Whether they joined the ford or not, she would always be willing to make relationships. It was important to herself, for bonds to be created ; and thus did not seek any more alliances then the one that was needed. At the very least she saw them closer then most, for the Alpha's son called the sepulcher his own.

"Make yourself known on the brim, so that ford wolves will not attack," she so advised. A howl, a whistle or a chuff ; a greeting so they wouldn't be on him like a hurricane.

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05-14-2022, 01:44 PM
A clear smile was on his lips, though a rather goofy one at that. It was progress at least as she certainly wasn't biting his head off this time. Still, he wanted to get to know her more, though perhaps today wasn't the day for it. He didn't want to push too hard and have the woman run away again. So, instead he would nod, cocking her head to the side. "I'll let meh presence be known round dese parts." He would nod his head in farewell to her before stretching out his body. "Until we meet 'gain ma lady." With that, he would tip his head towards her in a respectful bow before turning to leave, not wanting to keep her from her duties for too long. But, the happiness in his body was like that of a teenage boy who had just gotten promised a second date.

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