04-30-2022, 10:03 PM
@"Aruna's Misfortune" — but everyone is welcome!
the staff team luvs u
Haleia had awoken peacefully in the meadow, spectacles of blue flowers surrounding her and her slumber. She had a soft coven about her, as she did every day, that glowed in the light when dared to be. Haleia was everything in her mother, and nothing of her father.
That's how it should be.
What would the maiden come across today? So many opportunities presented themselves before her, so much to discover. Her favorite places were the dense forests or the raging snows of the tundra— no one ever appeared to be there, and there were so many things to collect. It wasn't that she didn't love others- she did! She did! However, she's been surrounded by a crowd her entire life...and the silence was nice...
Wasn't it?
Well, she thought so at least...
Yet the warmth of another at her side called for her distantly. The need, the urge, the pleasantry of someone smiling downward at her beckoned her. It needed her, just as she needed someone else. A soft sigh perched at her lips at the thought, but she rolled to her side. Destined to dream of something else.
That's how it should be.
What would the maiden come across today? So many opportunities presented themselves before her, so much to discover. Her favorite places were the dense forests or the raging snows of the tundra— no one ever appeared to be there, and there were so many things to collect. It wasn't that she didn't love others- she did! She did! However, she's been surrounded by a crowd her entire life...and the silence was nice...
Wasn't it?
Well, she thought so at least...
Yet the warmth of another at her side called for her distantly. The need, the urge, the pleasantry of someone smiling downward at her beckoned her. It needed her, just as she needed someone else. A soft sigh perched at her lips at the thought, but she rolled to her side. Destined to dream of something else.
so excited!
the staff team luvs u