04-22-2022, 08:07 PM
The sun has slipped past the proud horizon, scarlet sinking into deep purples. Small, distant stars blinked playfully in the growing darkness of twilight. Valmúa watched, waiting to see if the clouds would part enough to bring the sky dancers out that night, as they had battled for top position since the coming to Northfall in the storm.
She lay beyond the cave that @Ragnar had offered to them. They had taken the shelter quite willingly, finding its sanctity a welcome world away from pack happenings. Though she had promised herself to an extent to Ragnar's cause, she didn't know how long it would be for and knew quite well that the suncat had no interest in playing politics. She was just pleased that he was recuperating well enough. He had been able to venture out of the cave and do his thing. Several members of Northfall had even brought him food and care; the prinsessa was not handling things on her own.
For her part, she still had lingering pain in her hip. The holes in her neck were largely covered by fur and kept tidy, but were raw and painful to the touch. She had never complained. She would happily have given her life to keep Kuhn alive from those backstabbing girls.
Sighing, she placed her head on her paws.
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