Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Motion is Medicine

04-19-2022, 07:17 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 11:48 PM by Kuhn. Edit Reason: tagfix )
Starting to feel slightly more mobile, the cat's daily walk of pain, became longer and longer by the day. Straying further and further from the heart of Northfall.

Eventually, he reached one of those lupine piss borders that had cashed him all this trouble. The difference was this time he was inside of it. He had to admit he was thankful for @Ragnar 's lodging and protection for the time being. Though, the lack of a proper diet for a predator of his size was taking its toll. While not unhealthy, a bit of his ribs where visible though his coat.

Walking out of the borders, the big cat exhaled, then breathed in again. Hopefully he could smell something easy to hunt.

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04-20-2022, 10:26 AM
It was by chance—pure, unfortunate, circumstance-born chance—that he happened upon the beast again, there in the mountains and the woods.

And it was slimmer, now. Its beginning ribs shined through its coat of black striped fur and orange and white, the light playing off every muscle, every tendon, every bone. Scarred and scabbed. Some new, some old.

But it was still fucking black and white and orange, and how many different fucking cats could run around looking like that, and not be the one from before?

The witch was back, and now, the cat was too

Some things never changed.

His head dropped, and he growled, low, in his throat.

Frozen, mid-step, a front paw still partially raised.

His hackles raised and bristled, stiff and furred.

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04-21-2022, 12:34 AM
Inhaling through his nose his eyes opened up, alarmed.  It wasn't prey, it was wolf.  Already on edge he didn't really want to be seen right now, and this smell was vaguely familiar; not in a good way.  

Snapping his head in the direction of a growl, his own hackles came up as his entire posture hardened.  Fuck no did he want to fight.

The striped feline's eyes met the somewhat familiar form of a golden wolf.  It appeared to just be one.  Turning and clicking behind his eyes, the gears finally snapped into position.  It was wasp guy. 

"Not you again! Not right now!", growled the cat, with a bit of pleading in his voice.
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04-22-2022, 11:37 AM
It whined.

A low, throaty, almost pleading sound that rumbled from within, deep inside its chest. Its blue eyes watched. Its blue eyes stared.

He thought of the crow, and the ravens, on the ocean.

And faltered.

His ears rolled back, splayed, at an angle, on the sides of his head, only to roll forward again.

He licked his laps.

Smacked, loud and noisily.

And stepped forward, once.

His posture coiled and low. His legs stiff and tensed.

He growled.

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04-22-2022, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2022, 07:37 PM by Kuhn.)
What was up with this guy? Again they where going to repeat some unspoken feud they had. It was like this guy couldn't even understand him.

As the strange wolf took a step forward, Kuhn took a step back, puffing up.  Returning a short roar.  "No!" 

It wasn't that he didn't think he could handle the lone wolf, but this was going to nullify all of @Harper 's hard work.  If he had to go to the ground with this guy, all his treated wounds would get dirty again.  Undoubtedly, he would also bleed all over the place again, if the wounds opened back up. 

Loading himself into his hind legs he bared his teeth, warning the wolf of his fangs.  Hopefully this guy would chill out. 
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04-22-2022, 06:52 PM
lmk if i need to redo her entrance, x)

The Thornweaver was out gathering supplies for Kuhn and Northfall - wanting to replenish the supplies of theirs that she’d used, and wanting to grab some additional herbs, and maybe even a bite to eat. She was sure that Kuhn would like a little something to eat, too, so off she’d gone -

But what she didn’t expect to find was Kuhn out here, growling at someone. Not just growling, but it sounded like someone was harassing him. Her mind instantly went to those names he’d given her, but upon coming to the scene, it was a lone wolf - and judging by the conversation she’d heard, she couldn’t tell if Kuhn knew him or not -

But it didn’t matter, someone was harassing her friend right after he’d just been ambushed and well, that didn’t sit right with her. She dropped the herbs, running towards them from Kuhn’s backside, and taking a slight detour to scale a nearby hill and leaping off at an angle, as to land in between the two males with Kuhn at her backside.

Her hackles rose, canines exposed, and Harper released a gut wrenching snarl that might have made lesser canines think twice about continuing their actions, but let’s be real here - this was Daighre.

“Healer’s off duty tonight, boys.”

Well, maybe for blondie - but never for Kuhn.
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04-22-2022, 07:28 PM
Some bitch came running

And he growled when she landed and planted herself between him and the cat, her back turned to the beast.

“That fucking yours?” He snarled.

With that being the fucking big-ass, orange and white, black striped cat she was stood in front of.

She must've been a shitty fucking owner, with the way it was fucking acting.

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04-23-2022, 04:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2022, 12:12 PM by Kuhn.)
For a moment as Kuhn sat there growling, he found his malice building beat by beat of his heart. He didn't feel bad about what happened to his enemies in the Everfrost, if they where left to bleed in the snow it was their own fault. Here in front of him was another one of these wretched idiots.

Like the others, all Kuhn was waiting for this fucking waste to start something. Growing larger his pupils dilated, as he let out a steady rumble. Staring at the blonde man's neck, he could remember the taste of wolf's blood, the crack of the spine.

With his face contorted into a cruel snarl, his Jaws dripped with a single strand of saliva. He was just, waiting... waiting... waiting!

All at once something snapped him out of it, as Harper came leaping down between the two. Quickly adapting, his face showed, mirriad of confusion, as to what just happened, and what he was just thinking.

Quickly, he shuffled back a few steps, just looking on at Harper, urgently hoping she could calm all this down.
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04-23-2022, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2022, 10:47 AM by Harper.)
^^There were but only a few times in which Harper had succumbed to using what the only good thing that her father had given her. None of which Harper had ever enjoyed, but as the blonde sat even more insults — Harper was convinced that he didn’t know how to speak anything but; she would come to the realization that there would be enjoyment in this beating.

She would not give him the satisfaction of a verbal response, glaring at him as though he’d been the one to put Kuhn under care to begin with.

Reiko. Ira.

Those were the names that motivated her to the point of seeing red. With a snarl of her own, to match Kuhn’s own, Harper charged.

Either he would hold his ground and Harper would unleash all the anger she had ever felt, including that of Crux’s premature death, upon him - or he would flee.

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04-23-2022, 05:13 PM
“Fuck off. He snarled when she came at him. His ears pinned back. Black lips pulled back, taut, and his muzzle furrowed.

Seriously, what was her fucking problem?

He asked her a fucking question, and she was going to fucking attack him for it? What kind of shitty, broken, fucked-up logic was that?

No wonder the bitch had a fucking cat sucking at her gross fucking teats like a fucking useless kitten. She didn’t know how to fucking act.

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04-24-2022, 01:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 03:07 PM by Kuhn.)
No! Why would he be confused at what he was feeling. Of course it was natural to feel this way!  How dare this guy threaten him like this, telling him to fuck off.  The cat clamped his jaws down tight, foaming through the teeth, seething in anger.  He was not some lap pet to be protected, he wouldn't let Harper fight this on her own.

When she charged, he charged, sending a plume of the forest ground into the air. Quickly reaching his top speed, scabs broke open, wounds now once again seeping blood. Using his momentum he would hit the breaks once he arrived just in front of Daighre's flank, attempting to slide out and tackle him from the side while he was frontally occupied by the large woman.
the staff team luvs u
04-24-2022, 02:34 PM
^^Harper did not mind fighting for Kuhn, but she had not expected for Kuhn to come racing after her, joining in on the fight against the blonde man. And she’d thought, too, that with a tiger and herself chasing him, that the man would flee -

But he did not; he stood his ground in an almost foolishly brave manner, despite being outnumbered. Kuhn flanked him, and Harper steered forward, colliding into him if he did not move; aiming to pin him to the ground, or in the very least, to nip at his shoulder.
the staff team luvs u
04-24-2022, 03:46 PM
The big cat lunged—

And down,



Daighre went. Shoved and then rolled to the ground by the cat’s momentum. Its weight on top of his. He snarled. His ears pinned back against his head.

And he twisted, turned.

Curled, into himself. His tail curled to try and protect his stomach. His legs outstretched. Pushing. Shoving.

Pinned, then, by the big fucking bitch, her teeth breaking skin and finding muscle—

And he lunged, open-mouthed, forwards and up.

Aimed, at her fucking neck.

the staff team luvs u
04-24-2022, 04:10 PM
As far as fights went, the two of them had the blonde man on the ground quicker than expected. Both Harper and Kuhn bored down on the man, yet he didn't give up still snarling and lashing out as Harper punched into him with her fangs, and the cat grasped with large claws. Open jaws shot upwards to Harper's underside. Reacting quickly, all the striped beast could grab was the back of the man's neck. With the wolf in his maw he pulled him out from under the large woman, and tossed him sliding a short distance away in the same motion.  Hopefully he wasn't able to get a piece of her.   

PP ok by Emmett

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04-24-2022, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 04:40 PM by Harper.)
^^The mad man found the ground quicker than expected, pinned beneath Harper as they snarled at each other. His shoulder was open and bleeding, muscle exposed and her teeth glistened red.

He went for her neck, but Harper didn’t care; she was too concerned about unleashing her wrath on him for bothering her friend - and everything else she’d ever been angry with. She lunged forward with a snarl, snapping canines in the air, where his shoulder previously would have been, as Kuhn took him out from under her, and threw Daighre away from them.

A wise move to preserve his life. Her ears perked, attention glaring upwards, towards Daighre, wherever he might have landed and unaware of the now open wound upon her neck that was bleeding.

скатертью дорога!
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Content Warning
04-24-2022, 08:26 PM
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04-25-2022, 12:33 PM
After tossing the man away, the cat turned to face him again. With a wide posture, Kuhn waited to see if the man would charge back into the frey. Hearing the man curse, rant and blather, was somehow entertaining. Perhaps to the cat it was like hearing prey squeak, it was the reaction that was important. He was nobody's pet.

Side eying the large woman, Kuhn tilted his head, raising a brow. A moment ago, he was frothing mad but now, a bit of a smirk was in his face. His eyes drifted to a smear of red on his chest. Realizing that some of his wounds had reopened in the fight, his face reflected the disappointment, now he was bleeding again.

Looking pensively at Harper, he waited to see what she would do, all the while standing coiled ready to play defense again.
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04-25-2022, 02:49 PM
^^Oh look at that, Kuhn hadn’t thrown him into a tree and the boy lived, spewing more insults towards them as if it was the very essence that he breathed. Why on earth anyone would pick a fight with a tiger, injured or not, was beyond her - but alas, her attention returned to her friend.

He was smirking towards her, and she moved to grin towards him with the wag of her tail and a gentle laugh, as if they both weren’t bleeding. “So, that was fun, ya?” Harper would say, hopefully loud enough for the insult-breathing mongrel to hear.

She’d nod her head towards Northfall and lead the way back, if Daighre wasn’t going to come at them for Round 2.
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