Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
Got one foot in the dirt,

Group Only
03-20-2022, 05:31 PM
looking for any siblings!

Ara wanted to find one of her siblings, to show off her newfound scar. In reality the fight was lackluster, with a more confused cat then anything.. And just herself, overally aggressive to asert herself for the first time. To really show what she learned from her parents, and other warriors in general who decided to lend a hand. Overally excited, to say the least, but at least it was finally out of her system. Maybe on the next fight, she'd think more then actually bark.

However, Ara assumed she was the first to be in one of them. She sought out one of her siblings, to show her nose scar and most likely, exaggerate her fight.

the staff team luvs u
03-31-2022, 10:52 AM
Nysa had taken after her mother and her affinity toward skulls. It was this singular thing that none of her siblings had yet to challenge her on, if only because they remembered her food aggressive days and how absolutely relentless she was. Nysa sometimes still could be that way when particularly hungry, but lately her mother had been checking her during mealtime; Nysa was learning, truly, what hierarchy meant now... and that her parents were two beings best not to challenge. Nysa hardly had an authority complex, but she could be possessive.

She stowed her item away in her hoard, and then went off to go train with anyone she could find. It was no surprise at all that the first she was to come across was her sister, and her tail waved to see her. Nysa harbored no animosity toward Ara for their own squabbles. This was her sister, and family was important. Nysa had also come to love their spars; it toughened her skin, she felt. Plus, how was Ara's harassment any more different than their mothers, and even their fathers? Nysa's love language had become nipping teeth and rough shoves, and heel biting when the feeling struck.

Nysa had just that idea when she saw Ara, though was given pause at the splash of pink across her muzzle. Was that...? Nysa's playfully maleficent idea was discarded as she swept toward her yellow-eyed sibling, sniffing. Her brows were knit in frustration, unable to hide her feelings at all unlike their mother (yet), and she demanded: “where are they? You got them, right?” her blue eyes were quick to look beyond Ara, but really, Nysa had little doubt that it was handled. But her parents had taught them all the danger in making assumptions, and so Nysa knew better than to do so.
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03-31-2022, 02:58 PM
Nysa was one of the only siblings that Ara could spare with a true pleasure. The rest of course, held that fun in it but it always held a reluctance. They didn't want to tussle and have fun, they were fine how they were within the pup hierarchy, and Ara, being the self-proclaimed one ontop. Though it was more they didn't want to participate it, and she found it all too dull in that sense. Only her sister, really would have that nice tussling which resulted in a more playful, and affectionate bond. She supposed though, @Raiden was someone she was unwillingly to openly say enjoyed as well.

With a paw to her chest, the young devil nodded her head in a pride, "chased them out." Even though in the end it was more-so their mother that done it, but Ara was very close. They had made a deal to let the other go free, and yet the Matriarch wasn't too happy that the cat, not a wolf, had attacked one of her kids.

She wasn't a liar, but the whole story was left in vagueness.

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04-01-2022, 08:58 AM
Nysa listened to her sister, stepping toward her and sniffing once more. Though her own sense of smell was keen, she still had the typical attention span during tracking of one their age. Still, Nysa hoped to remember the scent. It was strange and pungent, and Nysa found she did not like it. “They better never come back,” she huffed, feeling bothered it had been able to touch her sister. The young Ostrega hoped that she had left a mark on the other too, but it was good to know it had been displaced. This was their mountain, after all.

“Good job,” she tacked on, “I bet mother must be proud,” and here Nysa could not help but feel a slight bit jealous... but the feeling passed. Nysa had plenty of time to do the same, and also knew there was no reason to feel that way. When she had been even younger, it might have lingered... but now, Nysa could process things better. She was happy for her sister.

So, she sank into a play bow and asked with a wolfish grin, “how should we celebrate?”
the staff team luvs u
04-03-2022, 08:53 PM
Though all the siblings had their rivalries (at least Ara at them all), in the end they still got each other. She attempted to put a paw upon Nysa's shoulder as an encouragement her time soon would come too, where she'd show her powess to mother. They were getting much older, and even able to hunt by themselves — that enough was impressive if they brought good prey to their parents. Later though, eventually they'd be able to explore of the land and venture out, cause trouble and defend the very land they claim.

She grinned back and bowed with a tail held high, "let's go knock over someones bone pile," as all Ostrega's tend to do.. Even herself, there was of course someone's they could mess with. But whose?

the staff team luvs u
04-05-2022, 01:53 PM
Nysa liked her sisters idea, and her tail waved at the thought of it. She had just the wolf in mind, too, who had a decent collection—their elder brother, @Osiris! Nysa enjoyed spending time with him when she could, as he was someone who could also appreciate her sometimes more aggressive nature. Springing upward, Nysa proclaimed with a waving tail, “Osiris!” ...and it was not as though he had never knocked over their own piles, either. It was always in good fun, though.

And, she remembered, he had taken one of her favorite bones once upon a time. Sure, he had one fair and square the battle of the bones, but maybe she could get it back today...

Excited now, Nysa regarded Ara, hoping she would be down to pester their elder brother as little sisters only could. Nysa looked up to her older brother, and none of this was born from disrespect... rather, it was done to bond. Ara saw things similarly it always seemed, and since Osiris never shunned their company (yet), Nysa imagined he felt the same.
the staff team luvs u
04-23-2022, 12:10 AM
Devilish, that they were, now there was a prize within waiting. @Osiris was upon their victim. An eldest brother, where the older ones of their siblings seemed to not be around, but they knew about them. Some way or another, names and stories mentioned here and there but besides their own littermates, he was the closest bond they could get ; and bother, as well.

The two would find themselves looking for the man, usually sometimes along with @Leta, but the hope was he was alone. At the very least as they would prowl toward him with a energy, Ara would slowly start to ease up.. Crouching, like a hunter for their prey. At the very least since Nysa voice may have caught his attention, she, could act like someone of a surprise. Careful steps, the closer that they came to his scent trail and hopefully, the discovery of his bones.

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