04-19-2022, 09:21 AM
She patiently waited, being perfectly still. Waiting for the right moment. Waiting and waiting.
A large fish swum by her paws, moving slow and lazily. Now! Her paws captured it under them as her jaws came down on the fish, killing it. She lifted it up, then waded out of the river to where she and her sister had made a little clearing in some bramble.
As she neared the bramble, her nose picked up the scent of her sister already inside. She brushed the bramble aside, and stepped into the clearing, her sister coming into view. She padded over to her, dropping the fish at her side.
"Look at this big one, Yang." Smiling, Yin dropped down and cuddled with her sister. Focused on just the both of them and nothing else.
the staff team luvs u