04-01-2022, 07:28 PM
^^It was mid-afternoon though you couldn’t tell it; the clouds were dark and the skies rumbled - some soft thundering calls, some deep, loud ones that seemed to shake the trees. Mother Nature was not pleased, and the clouds overhead moved at an alarming rate. There were flashes of light here and there, beneath the clouds as if the gods of thunder were having an argument.
Amata strode up the Phantasm Brook until she straddled the Silent Hill and Sleepy Hollow ‘state line,’ glancing from one side to the other, unsure of where she wanted to go, as she’d had no destination, the first few drops of water had already begun to fall, leaving Amata with little time to decide.
Silent Hill was rocky, whereas Sleepy Hollow was woody - but there was a Weeping Willow that Amata could take shelter under - at least, for now. So there she would go, lying beneath it though the bottom dropped out about half way there, and Amata still ended up getting at least half soaked.
She grumbled lowly, hoping that something tasty would run by for her to make a quick meal out of.
^^Amata strode up the Phantasm Brook until she straddled the Silent Hill and Sleepy Hollow ‘state line,’ glancing from one side to the other, unsure of where she wanted to go, as she’d had no destination, the first few drops of water had already begun to fall, leaving Amata with little time to decide.
Silent Hill was rocky, whereas Sleepy Hollow was woody - but there was a Weeping Willow that Amata could take shelter under - at least, for now. So there she would go, lying beneath it though the bottom dropped out about half way there, and Amata still ended up getting at least half soaked.
She grumbled lowly, hoping that something tasty would run by for her to make a quick meal out of.
the staff team luvs u