Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

How do you like this new world?

Evening Overcast
03-09-2022, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2022, 07:54 AM by Quinn.)

Quinn was pretty surprised at how much her life had changed since she woke up in this unknown place. But, it was a pleasant surprise. It had started out horribly, with the incident with the wolves. But, it had turned around when she met @Moosebellow. Her serious heart lifted every time she thought about him. She hadn't realized how much she had wanted a great friend like him. She just didn't know what she was missing since she never had it. 

They had plans to meet up the following morning with the cats they had met so far. Quinn was astonished that they had met any, considering it seemed they were alone. Was fate bringing them all together? Moosebellow had mentioned his clan had ancestors. Were they somehow involved? Quinn didn't know. But, she also didn't want to question a good thing too much. The "why's" weren't all that important to her anyhow. 

She had crossed over into the southern plains to check out a small forest she had seen across the river. Spring was bringing back the flowers that bloomed under the canopy of the trees that seemed spaced out perfectly. A few butterflies flittered away as she walked by them, and she paused to watch them. They weren't a prey item, so she had no interest in trying to catch them. But, she took a few moment just to enjoy.
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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-26-2022, 01:17 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2022, 01:21 AM by Momo.)
 Main Street had treated her well in the winter. The downtown neighbourhood adored her when she came to their steps. Many of the elderly placed cat food hoping that she, or one of her many collegiate street cats might come to their door. Momo had always held a special place in their hearts. Unwilling to stay in one house, she often made the rounds.
 Compared to her younger days, such rounds were very slow. She would spend nights, sometimes even weeks on end on warm pillows. She would even use litterboxes if they were provided to her, and was smart enough to choose bathtubs or tile flooring if they were not.
 It was with Mister Lidel that Momo spent her last night in Main Street neighbourhood.
 For many days, he had been ill with a cough. A second-generation Italian, he had long carried the bad habits of drink and smoke from his father. Then into his eighties, he had only one grandchild that had ever bothered to visit him in the last few years. Perhaps it was because he was content in his own shabby little house with his outdated appliances and scheduled television programming. Perhaps it was because he had some "interesting" and "old-fashioned" ideologies.
 Cats always come to those who are in need of them. So, Momo came to Mister Lidel in his dying days. The mornings were chill, and Momo was, for a time, there to warm his chest. The nights were eerie and quiet until the sounds of squealing tires and drunken shouting would wake him. But Momo would be there, chirping and purring to set him back to sleep.
 Momo was beside him when he took a final breath, a result of some undiagnosed ailment of aging. Thinking to move on, she slipped from his restful and lonely bedside out of the sliding door he always kept open for her.

And then there was grass under her paws where there should have been concrete.

There was wind. There was no smell of gasoline or iron. There were no pigeons. There was no shouting or chimes from nearby transit buses.

 Blinking, Momo made a low, chirping noise. She bent her ears and her eyes flew open in dilated wonderment. The place where she stood was lush and filled with trees. Ferns and wisps of wildflower brushed at her. Confused and suddenly fearful, her entire backside and tail fluffed up as she spat like a cobra at nothing.
 The sound sent a host of butterflies scattering away from her as she flipped about.
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03-27-2022, 07:24 PM
The chirping noise caught Quinn's attention and she immediately went towards where the sound was coming from. She moved through the brush easily, her body small and flexible. By time she laid eyes on the cat who made the noise, the other feline was all fluffed up and spitting at... Well, Quinn wasn't sure. Her eyes scanned the immediate area quickly to find what the cat was afraid of, but Quinn could find nothing except for butterflies looking to escape the scene. 

Quinn let out her own meow, hoping to get through to the scared cat. Are you okay? she asked, keeping her distance for the moment. She was a little worried the other cat might turn her freight onto her, and Quinn would rather avoid that. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
03-29-2022, 08:43 PM
 Momo was not ready for anyone to respond to her. Already on edge, she was more than startled when a strange cat appeared from beyond the trees. The flowering brush parted as she came forth.
 The young feline had a wildness about her that spoke of exoticism. Momo had never seen markings quite like them. The approach was gentle and slow. Though the seasoned street cat was wary of strangers, there seemed something very old and familiar about this one.
 “No,” she answered in a loud guffaw. “What's this wizardry? Why'd you bring me here?” The natural assumption seemed the only possibility. How else could she have gone from a porch door to whatever wild place this was?

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04-02-2022, 08:30 PM
The other cat expressed that she was not, in fact, okay, and then blamed Quinn for bringing her. The surprise on her face was evident. I-I didn't bring you here, Quinn responded, a little bit of a stutter accompanying her shock at being accused. It was obvious this cat had been stripped of her former life against her will, and Quinn's heart went out to her. 

Her expression softened as she tried to explain. Many of us have had the same experience as you. We don't know what brings us here, or why. We're just trying to make the best of it. She tried to keep her voice calming in hopes the other cat would feed off of that and feel a little more relaxed. My friend and I have started a clan, she added. You are welcome to come stay with us, for as little or as long as you like. Even if the other cat didn't want to fully join the clan, Quinn couldn't simply leave her here alone. She would make sure she was taken care of while she settled in to her new world. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
04-05-2022, 05:20 AM
 She didn't like fucking anything that was happening. She didn't like any of this bullshit. The world seemed to bend to the will of the earth, and the earth was not happy. Of all things that were known, zero was certain, and thus Momo knew that this stranger could not quench her curiosity.
 The girl said that this was normal, that others had felt this strangeness. She saw their fear. She hated her own. She drilled her voice like a low and awful powertool.
 “Clan?” Momo laughed. “You mean a colony,” she corrected, for based on the telling, a group of cats was just that. “I doubt I could give your group, clan, colony, anything.” She admitted it easily. “I'm...” she stopped. She thought. These days could be starvation. If she played the part of this woman, she might find better. “I'm a good hunter. The rest, I fear my skills are not useful at service level, unless Man is here.”

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04-07-2022, 01:49 PM
Quinn's eyes narrowed at the attitude that was given to her. She didn't much appreciate it, especially when she was simply trying to make the other cat feel better. We're a clan, she corrected. It was what they choose to call themselves, and Quinn would correct it every time. 

Her kind nature had been replaced with a cool neutrality as the stranger first said she had nothing to offer, but then went on to say she could hunt. Quinn didn't really know what a "man" was, and she didn't care enough to ask at the moment. Well, if you can hunt, then you can feed yourself, Quinn said flatly in response. Good luck to you, she added, before she turned to head back home. 

It was rare that Quinn displayed such open indifference, but she didn't like being laughed at, especially on behalf of her clan. But, she would not tolerate such disrespect. 

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[Image: b5lRX7D.png]
04-12-2022, 10:35 PM
 Momo's defensive nature and the culture shock of the world she'd been dropped into did not go over well. The elder cat sneered at the re-correction, finding such language foreign and poor in the throat. She shook her head.
 The young, strange wildcat was quick to judge. Momo too felt indifferent as the stranger simply dismissed her and turned to leave. She didn't know this place, and knew well that the companionship of a colony might do her good. Yet, surely, man places were here somewhere. If she could find them, she would do fine on her own like she had most often done in recent years.
 She said nothing, breathing out an annoyed sigh through her nose as she turned away, slipping off toward a direction she would immediately regret.

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