Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Lay their bodies,

11-27-2021, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2021, 08:03 PM by Célnes.)
optional! Celnes informing of the religion — at this point the pups know of her opinion of it.

"For us Deorwine, that is mean 'friend of the elk.' We are blessed with the name in honor of the High Elk, and the Apostles that follow Him — accept us. It is said our ancestor made a pact, and for us to abstain true hunting of them, He would lead us to Prosper." As her children grew and wandered around more often, especially further away from the Crown itself.. The Queen took them out within the forest stroll, a lesson to them all of their noble blue-blooded lineage. Bits and pieces were shared, as well as to hold themselves in the pride of who they were. But she couldn't remember too many moments that brought them all together, to explain once in for all, the thought of pelt colors.

"Not all of us are related, for some can gain the name. To approach the King of Elk, and he who does not react in an anger of displeasure, is shown they have the ability to become a Déorwine. Though the chance is only given twice." A few of her children may question in the future for those of the many 'cousins' Celnes holds, but the reality was she was not truly related to many of them. It felt easier to simply refer them in friendlier terms, a false sanctuary of a smile as she held a familiarity of a title before them. A few were though true in blood, but many were far from the branch to truly be related to the noble one. At the time being, only herself.. And her children, were the heirs to the clan.

"The High Elk was betrayed at one point, and due to that he took away the colors of those who sinned. Stained in white — proof of a sign of what had been done.. And those who follow the path of the same sin, without correction." A slight glance looked upon her two daughters in particular, though a brush besides her youngest son, Aldritch. He carried no white, unlike the two, but instead he was fully pitched into a gray love. She flickered her tail, and motioned onward. They were following the herds path, a circle around the forest as on occasion they would find a stray Elk, peacefully in slumber.

"That does not mean they are true evil, or even purely cursed. For us, that is the sign from the High Elk Himself, to either that has been done, or can be. It is up to us, to see if they have strayed from the beloved path, or if they haven't — to push them to the right path of holiness, and righteous. Abstain from evil that was once destined from their path, as white foretells us."

Ah — but it remained unknown if the Queen truly believed this. She often flaked between religion, and more then believing, grasped it within her palm and twisted it how she saw fit. As the time being, white was said to always be cursed, and that the Déorwine should avoid. Though she touched it up ever so slightly, a mention that rather then purely detested, there was a chance of change. Even if documents that were forged for the Déorwines A smile passed to her face, as she warped the religion ever so slightly, to turn it more weaponized to her beloved rule.

Only a few new the true factors, but there was only one in the forest that took that seriously. At least Corliss, was absent within her children's life.

"It is up to us, the royalty of Déorwines, to observe all who cross our path. It is up to you, to determine whether they strayed from sin, or continue to that path. Protect oneself, and those you love."

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11-28-2021, 03:11 AM
Calhoun followed with eager ears as their mother babbled on about the High Elk and the colors he had bestowed upon them. It was unknown to most, their mother especially that he had actually heard parts of this story before. Only the youngest of his brothers knew what he knew, though even then he had shared only parts, but it was unknown if Aldritch had told anyone else, or Warwick for that matter. Though he had his back turned, he recognized his brother’s tones as he questioned their mother originally during his midnight tale.

A secret the three of them held amongst their lesser favored siblings…but now there was more to learn, and Calhoun would take each piece of information with favored ears. Already he knew what it meant to be a Deorwine. That was one of their first lessons they were given as soon as they could learn their names. Friends of the elk, something he would likely always take pride in. The elk were so cool and strong, plus way taller than the other creatures that were often preyed upon in the woods. They were superior in his eyes to all the other prey even if he only knew what was in their domain and not what else existed beyond their fragile reaches.

Perhaps what interested him more than the pelt colors though was how not everyone who was named Deorwine was actually related to them. Anyone can be a Deorwine? All they had to do was walk up to the elk? How did they know they weren’t already one of them though? THe herd never seemed bothered by anyone in Elkshire even if they couldn’t speak to communicate with them that they were friends. How do they know that they aren’t already blessed though? Then again if they were apostles…whatever that really meant maybe they could communicate it the High Elk and he could just say if someone was already a Deorwine or not.

Are all Elkshire wolves Deorwines? He hadn’t really heard any other last names in the pool to assume otherwise, but it made sense if they were. This was their home and they were friends of the elk so surely they all had to be family, er… by name maybe not necessarily blood. That was fine though right? Their father wasn’t here so non Deorwines were probably cool too sometimes.

Celnes might find it interesting that it wasn’t the pelts he seemed to fixate on, but again he had heard essentially the important parts before. He thought it was terrible that anyone would go against the High Elk, but it seemed that they may have made up for the mistake already aside from those stained white. Something was destined in their future that would betray him again…but if they were careful then maybe they could prevent it all together. If a course is changed would the stain go away? He had mildly suggested it to Aldritch before, but really he didn’t know if it was possible.

the staff team luvs u
11-29-2021, 03:41 PM
It wasn't surprising Calhoun had the first of questions. She side-glanced at her eldest @Warwick, and wondered if he would ask any. The two were similar and yet, held a difference within their gentleness. She couldn't help but see her fire-born enter the same route as her cousin did, but the Queen hasn't noticed any true remarks against the reign of any other color, especially the discrimination of white. Only her eldest so far had gained true lessons and wonder, especially as she held a moment of madness through her desires coming to fruit, for the control of her young, meant more loyalists to herself and of the name of Elkshire. He seemed to understand it was a delicate topic, where he has to protect them — not throw them aside.

The Déorwine Queen nodded at her son, "We accompany one to grant them this name, as we are the witness to their embrace of the High Elk's grace. No one truly knows they aren't blessed until a rejection. Though those born under the blessed are given the same-grace, for the High Elk sees the connection between the two. None of you need to go through the trial, for already, to be blessed under the name." As far as she knew, no one of pure white had taken the test under the gaze of another Déorwine. Who knew if they were actually graced or not, "but at the same time a blessing one day can be changed another if they take of sin. A name only means so much, a honor to us, but holiness is under the High Elk's eyes." As she thought of those who held the name, those who betrayed herself and even the religion before times.. The Déorwine title was strung across the lands, and not all were of pure ways, and no longer blessed, but cursed by herself, and others. 

"It is said we are born within a specific path — and those marked have a more likeability to stray to that pathway. Though they may be pure and beloved, it is unknown if they'd ever go back. That is not to say though, for those not marked are always good. In any color there is the good or bad, and the High Elk can only prophesize so many for us to watch for. To stray to the right path — for just maybe, it is a blessing to us to guide them the right away. The stain will never go away, but in the next life, or even their children, will be within His Grace."

Though the truth of the religion said otherwise. Those of white would always be cursed — always impure and sinful regardless if they changed their ways. The white stays forever, and wouldn't that mean they always held a darkness? Celnes has met wolves though of other colors that are sometimes better then those of the Déorwine love — she couldn't help but stray away from such a belief. It seemed more of a sign given by the High Elk, of those who have a more likability to stray away. She looked over to @Maral and @Vermillion, who were dashed in the faintest of whites.. An inkling that they were more likely to sit within the darkened path.

She gave them both a reassured kiss on the head though, and a lick toward Aldritch as well ; for he was the enigma of the litter.

"It can be said many have different beliefs toward it, and through history has often been debated."

the staff team luvs u
12-03-2021, 01:03 PM
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He was the shadow to mothers tail, with his teenage-lopping gait nearly matching her own whilst all the royals were in tow for a day of teaching and wonders. As a pupil, he kept quiet, with their tutor elaborating further on their religion, on their beliefs and name. He still held in the clutches of his mind the stigma of white, of his two younger oblivious sisters. Only when their shared dam spoke of white pelts and disgrace, did the prince turn his head to watch their reactions carefully.

Calhoun though was quick to fire his own questions, each rolling off from his own compiled mental list. Warwick frowned ever so slightly at his brothers' eager interest, with a brief unsure judgement. If a course is changed would the stain go away. Were his words in association with their two tainted sisters? He allowed his mother to continue on her quest to answer all, keeping everyone on the move as she did so. But when she was done, he posed one singular question of his own... For now.

'Are there any bad Déorwines?', his voice trailed, cautious with his ponder, if it would relight a history that was not to be told today. If there were any, were they alive, in this very same place? He couldn't help but add these to his thoughts.

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the staff team luvs u
12-07-2021, 12:36 PM
She looked upon her chest, any white spots Vermillion held ; with a frown. Some part of her wondered if this was why she was weak and picked upon, was it because she was.. Stained? They were born on a path of darkness, despair and so needed direction. She thought of the times of harshness their mother brought, the training and lessons of all that was in the mixture, hunting, royalty, fighting (though rare).. Was it prepare them for the right path?

Though she was disgruntled, for then why was she born like this? A ruby-gaze casted by Maral, and gazing toward the others. They all held purity, like their mother, except Aldritch. Though why was they so different from the rest? Why did the High Elk say these souls, were the ones decided to be more prone to sin?

Her paws shuffled awkwardly, a closing of the eyes to prevent a tearful process. She.. She needed to know.

"Why did the High Elk decide we were the sinful ones?"

Were.. Were they the bad Deorwines?

the staff team luvs u
01-19-2022, 12:38 AM
So their sins, committed or not, would never be washed away, even if they avoided their fate... Without much thought, Calhoun felt his eyes drift to his siblings, specifically those who had been tarnished. Greys and white staining blessed browns. Forever they would carry those marks, even if they could prevent their mistakes...but there was one thing that now made him curious. If...if they were righted in their next life or through their children...what of those who had children that were marked...like their mother...

The words fell heavy on his tongue as his siblings prodded through their own questions, though it seemed maybe they hadn't thought the same as he. Was there any bad Deorwine? Hesitantly his eyes shifted to his mother again, a faint memory from his dream crossing his mind as he saw her eyes bore into him.

"Be still"

The flash of the white elk charging, the stabbing pain that bloomed in his torso

all accompanied by those warm orange eyes.

Was she—? What about those who aren't marked and sin...is that carried the same as redemption? Had she sinned? The elken boy could feel his heart quicken as the words left his mouth, his tongue dry he was hung in suspense. He would do his best to hide it though, a curious stare cast in the direction of their mother like he always would when he wished to learn more. He was but a child though, and a mask was not so easily carried without practice and poise. Would anyone notice the deer that stared blindly beneath the surface?

the staff team luvs u
01-19-2022, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2022, 01:24 AM by Célnes.)
"There are always bad within this world — some who aren't marked and still drift to do bad. The High Elk tries to warn us to who may cause destruction, stray to the highest evil.. But even then, some move away from their destiny, and cause chaos. Even some family, some Déorwine." She vaguely thought of those who escaped to the plains, though unknown to the Queen at time he wasn't truly related by blood — the other was raised as a cursed Deorwine. And he too, fell into the inky abyss of evil and so, tantrums of unstability like the world shook him closely and warped his mind. Such a short time, she thought, that he changed so drasticly. It seemed that cousin had knocked his head too hard during his supposed comas, that he had told her. In the end it was of no concern anymore, for she hasn't seen him in a very long time — and he knew well, not to get close. She was a vengeful wolf. 

She looked over to Vermillion, where the other children also grazed their gaze to the more.. Unholy, of them all, "it is said he is trying to prevent from your supposed path of evil. A blessing, and a curse, for though now we know — others may see that as an end that will come true." Within the Déorwine dynasty, for generations were the white cursed and scorned at. Evil entities, betrayed by the High Elk — and herself, slightly warping to that truth. For the truth was that they were marked for evil, and the blood that goes through them from previous generation sins.. And the Queen, who was tuning the religion ever so slightly, to make it seem it was both a curse, and a blessing. She didn't want her litter to scorn each other, and yet all those she met who were white stained, have been the devil itself, "there is no need to worry, for you are safe and holy."

When she looked over at Calhoun, there was an expression that couldn't be explained. It almost seemed he was scared of something, and by his question itself.. Though she thought answered, it seemed he was desperate for a more intense statement by her. She had to think for a moment, before Celnes spoke up, "The stain will never go away, but in the next life, or even their children, will be within His Grace. Redemption can help through prayers."

Anyone can become a sinner.. She surely had been one for quite some time now, and that itself has shown through the markings of her children. She couldn't help but gaze toward Rohesia and Calhoun, and wondered if it was them that was the true karma, or her ones that have been stained. Cards laid by the High Elk, and in the end she had trouble reading what they meant. A warning, perhaps? Or but the present of the sins she committed.

A topic that brought a bit of a heavy way, she had to smile lovingly at them, "The world is not just darkness and sin. You must watch who to trust, and believe within your own hearts. It'll lead you to your destiny."

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