11-13-2021, 07:21 PM
He ranged the tundra, high and low, just like he'd done all of his life. Except this time, he'd carried himself further south and east. As a younger bear, he'd kept himself to his snowy peaks and vast wilderness covered in snow. this time, he allowed himself the curiosity to venture southward rather than keeping himself to the standard of the north. He'd only let himself be ruled by his anger and aggression and his drive to survive, now he felt something softer rising within himself. Curiosity, the drive to know more rather than the drive to destroy.
It was what lead him towards the warmer climates, towards the mountains that held not snow but rock instead. Where the trees were not so swept by the blizzards, where the animals did not have to hunker down for the white-out conditions of the harsh tundra. It was here that he found himself, where there were cliffs all around and where he had to tread carefully.
His weathered face turned downwards at the trail around him, eyeing and sniffing the ground so that he did not make a wrong move as the snow still clung a bit from the split of the different climates. He could smell that there were wolves here but he couldn't quite tell their border marks. The ways of the wolf still eluded him, in years past there had been no wolves but now they were popping up all around. Building their packs and living their lives. It intrigued him and he wanted to make a good impression on his many wolven neighbors for why make enemies when you could make allies?
He would stop where he stood, on a patch of ground in between the vast mountains. It was relatively safe here and hopefully he wasn't trespassing. He would be respectful of those that lived here. He reclined back on his haunches, sitting down and resting as he'd come many a mile to get here. His old paws were sore and his worn face would crease into a relieved sigh as he relaxed his body. He'd raise a huge paw upwards to scratch at his chest with his eyes closed in clear bliss while he waited for the wolves to show. There was no rush, while he sat, he could recover himself a bit.
It was what lead him towards the warmer climates, towards the mountains that held not snow but rock instead. Where the trees were not so swept by the blizzards, where the animals did not have to hunker down for the white-out conditions of the harsh tundra. It was here that he found himself, where there were cliffs all around and where he had to tread carefully.
His weathered face turned downwards at the trail around him, eyeing and sniffing the ground so that he did not make a wrong move as the snow still clung a bit from the split of the different climates. He could smell that there were wolves here but he couldn't quite tell their border marks. The ways of the wolf still eluded him, in years past there had been no wolves but now they were popping up all around. Building their packs and living their lives. It intrigued him and he wanted to make a good impression on his many wolven neighbors for why make enemies when you could make allies?
He would stop where he stood, on a patch of ground in between the vast mountains. It was relatively safe here and hopefully he wasn't trespassing. He would be respectful of those that lived here. He reclined back on his haunches, sitting down and resting as he'd come many a mile to get here. His old paws were sore and his worn face would crease into a relieved sigh as he relaxed his body. He'd raise a huge paw upwards to scratch at his chest with his eyes closed in clear bliss while he waited for the wolves to show. There was no rush, while he sat, he could recover himself a bit.
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