Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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Pools teem with tiny feet,

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Dragonford Isles
09-18-2021, 12:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:18 PM by Vendrussel.)
The northern dragon hunted for @Kei. As now they were settled within their scent and territory itself, numbers gradually growing.. There was trouble brewing in the north. Vendrussel was aware they had neighbors all around, but it seemed that some were desiring more land beyond their capabilities, and it caused trouble when they were claiming her own land. Already so they have conflicted with them on a numerous of occasions, and she thought about it..

Their numbers were unknown but with at least two children. If it came to, a fight may break out - or even more, a war crossed to thought. When she came to such a conclusion, her mind wandered to @Altair who mentioned of Empyrean, and their helping hand. At the moment, it was the best bet to go to, especially when she needed numbers to simply threaten them to stay away.

Vendrussel didn't truly want to go to war, rather she was fine if they stayed away from the beaches ; all could've been friendly, but now that tie had been cut. When she looked for Kei, it was time to mention so.

"We are having issues with the neighbor.. I met a boy long ago who mentioned of their pack, Empyrean, perhaps can ask them for a lending paw."

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09-19-2021, 01:03 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:23 PM by Kei.)
The black dragon had found herself perched amongst the more jagged islands that faced the beach, her gaze locked to the distant sands and rock that lined the shore. At a glance, she almost appeared to be made of the same stone that formed their home, but in actuality, she simply sat as a sentinel.

Her friend's voice was noticed before her steps, but all Kei would give was a flick of her ear back to catch the other's words. Yeah, I noticed. I was kinda there when the kid trespassed. The corners of her jowls lifted ever so slightly, annoyed that the girl even had the gall to ruin relationships before they could be formed. They hadn't harmed any of the balance here. There was no reason for her to lash out.

Vendrussel continued though, her words bringing forth another pack she had not yet heard of, but sounded all too familiar. Maybe Crux had known them. He seemed to know everyone in the stretch of mountains. What do you plan to do with the extra paws? She was interested now, her head tilting to look her way, though couldn't tell yet if her friend spoke of war. What would aid us more is bolstering our own numbers. We have settled faster than they have it seems. If we show that we are not weak then perhaps they will leave us be.

She had seen plenty of war in her short life. What reason was there to go stirring more. If @Ragnar was their leader then maybe they could be talked down from the building tension, but what would the rest of his family think. They already knew what one thought.

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09-19-2021, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:19 PM by Vendrussel.)
"Though it seems some are fine, half are not." She couldn't help but sigh at the headache, though Kei mentioned their seemingly leader, Ragnar, was fine of their location, the rest overall were upset over such notion, "we are meeting the whole family." Though Vendrussel couldn't help but wonder if that was all of them or some had yet to decide to greet the neighbors. The mother, the father, and two of the kids of so far, and all but trouble to their name.

She wasn't interested in such members, nor' did she want their mountain. Vendrussel wasn't too power hungry, she was satisfied with their claim of the isle and the hunting ground of the beaches, but like all wolves, there only be a time for more if they had gained more numbers. What peace that could've been. She could only smile back with a shrug, an annoyance to but their newly desired group.

"A lending paw to call if it truly came to war. Lessen our possibilities of removal with more behind, having more support while we bolster our numbers."

In truth she never considered.. Allies, for it was not something that her people knew of. They held peaceful notions with The Order due to a rather blood-full history, but kept many at bay for privacy and secrecy. To rely on another felt there was no need, and embrace such challenges to those who come to harm their pack - so was her homelands ways, but the wolves before her were not the same ambition nor' culture that she was from. If to be a leader, Vendrussel could not follow the same steps her ancestors had taken, especially if they desired to live around with so many.

More careful.

"What do you think of alliances?" she so asked her companion. Vendrussel was rather reluctant to throw such words around, especially as the bonds with other packs were so.. Little, to even consider such an option. Yet her suggestion earlier, as the exact same notion of an 'alliance.'

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09-20-2021, 02:58 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:22 PM by Kei.)
Just means someone isn't telling the truth or someone is out of line. It was always so annoying when packs got greedy. The Order had lasted for generations in their privacy, yet there were always others who wanted more than they could chew...and it was always them that had to snuff the flame. It hardly surprised her that the same happened here, even if they were so far from home. Great, but don't expect me to bring a meal offering. They had lost that decency long ago.

She couldn't argue with Vendrussel's reasoning. She'd rather not use the strength of those she didn't know. You never know who will come around trying to redeem favors for what should have been gifted and a pack large and secure could lean two ways. Either they would be beneficial or see the potential to push them under their reign.

Kei flicked an ear as her friend asked for her opinion on allies. The Order had few friends, the dragons being one, but never were they really in each other's faces or solved each other's problems. The Order gained few. Most did not like how unreliable we could be. Keeping balance means keeping friends at an arm's length and holding your enemies close.

There were those who understood of course, the ones who could keep themselves in check, but any surrounding packs, well, it was hard to say. Crux came to mind, but she doubted he'd want to pull Event Horizon into a war, especially when he wanted to befriend as many as he could. Playing neutral was what would benefit him.

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09-20-2021, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:19 PM by Vendrussel.)
"Neighbors with an unstable pack isn't ideal." Going along with Kei's lines if that was true, the northern group had an internal dilenmia that was being lashed out to Dragonford, "Ragnar is the leader?" she so asked in the curiosity, though the assumption that he was, Vendrussel asked to make sure. Such a man who could not tie the woman nor' his own children to his lands and place. There scent was no where around, and assumed only they have claimed the mountains yet explored. It was laughable they tried to claim more then they are qualified to, and more information presenting itself, she would hope it was a large misunderstanding.

Though wary on terms, and most likely on future discussions, the thought of war was not a desired thought that loomed between the two groups.

"As was my home." Some part of stubbornness fell through the desire to solve what they already have. Gain more members as stated to the suggestion, yet still held a bit of curiosity if they could solidy their fragile land with such help. But was it truly wise to rely on someone she didn't know? It was the firstmost solution that came through, and presented so with the hope of discussion of the thought. 

"They're east, when the time comes maybe to request for some help. Though we do need more members. Not too many would want to take a dive on the cliff," Vendrussel laughed a bit, thinking of the moment she launched the others off.

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10-06-2021, 03:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2021, 02:23 AM by Aso.)
The shadow flicked an ear at Vendrussel's idle comment. She could hardly call them a pack, more so a family looking to claim beyond their reach. She would nod though at the question, Or so he implied. In the end he had never claimed to be a leader, just that he belonged to the mountains...but what was a family man to a claim? Maybe he was not the one calling the shots and a disagreement had formed between the two. All she had was his word, a word he had now walked on.

If we need the help. War wasn't even certain. As far as they knew this could all still be a misunderstanding that could be worked out. Unfortunately, the future of their relations depended on what their neighbors were willing to give. It was aggravating that they would seek blood with children, all while they too sought a home. The only thing they were seeking through their actions was violence.

Kei snorted as she sucked a breath through her teeth. Well...worry about the initiation later then. See who stays as is, those willing to fight for their new home will jump. Hell if Vendrussel had waited at least five seconds she might have even jumped herself, but instead she resorted to tricks.

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10-06-2021, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:19 PM by Vendrussel.)
"At least we generally know about a few if the time ever came ; but with time and hope, we will stand on our own." She agreed with Kei, to find who will remain around. It wasn't a truly pleasant feeling to need to rely on others, for a true wolf pack would rely on itself. To come in strength together as a group, it was what she hoped the Dragonford would eventually be. Yet they were at the moment weak enough to be bullied by a family who was barely claimed. 

"Ah, but sometimes it's more fun for the surprise," she mused. At the same time.. She sometimes preferred to give them without the choice, for the dragon felt they were destined to join regardless. Just as Kei was, Vendrussel didn't see her denying the jump nor' the invitation.

the staff team luvs u
10-09-2021, 06:06 AM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2021, 04:38 PM by Aso.)
Well, I can't really argue with that. It would be better for them to focus on themselves instead of the forces of another, but knowing what resources were available never hurt. It could only aid them in the future and when you have a resource, why not use it? They were not war-hungry, nor did they wish to conquer land out from under the paws of another, they simply wanted to be left alone.

Even the order would have agreed with that reasoning. They only sought to right a balance not disturb one. Ideally, the northerners would leave them to their devices just as they had to them, but only time would tell how they would receive their intervention.

Kei rolled her eyes as Venny continued, clearly satisfied with shoving people off cliffs willy nilly. You want strength don't you? If someone can't make the decision for themselves then they aren't willing to do what is needed.

What of those who refuse to swim after? Those you will push away for not letting them make the choice? I know this is your culture, not mine, but I'd think someone who makes the jump shows more for it. They are the ones who earn their place.

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10-14-2021, 04:31 PM
"If they reject all that there is, even after taking the fall - then that is their peace." She would count them as fools to deny such an entrance after already taking the fall - the biggest hurdle of acceptance within the Dragonford already done, but would someone deny? Vendrussel would make peace with that, though most likely would remember such individuals, and if they tried to come back, she wholly deny them for what had been done, was now gone. 

Though she would not mention it to Kei.. The young would be forced to take the fall. Most parents would force their young beyond the cliff, to gain that honor instead of the shame to run away. Better to have died brave then to survive as a coward, so the dragons would desire. Many had siblings, sons and daughters, grandchildren that were all forced into the waters, and many perish - including her own littermates, that she never grew to know. A rare case of young being forced, though parents of the dragon leaders, they always wanted the best, after all.

"I'll keep it in mind though, for some." Vendrussel would take it to heart, though she couldn't help but add the last bit of tease.

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10-16-2021, 02:30 AM
Yeah, yeah, well I can see you have your mind made up. Who am I to question your traditions? She waved the topic off with a mild flick of her paw though she said it in a more lighthearted tone than her words suggested. It didn't bother her, it's not like she was the one who would have to pay for making the decision. She was no leader here nor was she destined to be. So these allies of yours...How far off are they and when do you plan to go?

The way things were escalating it would be better to do something sooner than later before their neighbors decided they would just try to muscle over them. It wouldn't work of course, let them try, but she also wasn't looking to go put some family in their place when they had enough to do. I'd offer to go with you, but it might be better if I stay in case one of them gets a bright idea.

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10-22-2021, 04:33 PM
"I was told in the general mountains, but I'm not sure the exact whereabouts, though down south most likely.. If they claim a mountain, that should not be too hard to find if the time truly comes." When she remembered what @Altair had said, there wasn't a general area where they could be besides the mountains away. Already so at least, she knew it was not the mountains near them as there was a few attempts she could smell, but of no official claims. If the day she had to go hunt for them, most likely would need to go further..

"I'll hold off for the meanwhile, but it wouldn't hurt to see what is around us for more.. Trouble, like them," it rolled off with an irritation of thinking if there was possibly even more groups around to cause such foolery. Her mind drifted to possibly just general exploration, and overall a desire to see the world around.

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10-24-2021, 04:54 PM
She only hummed as she mused over the new knowledge. Scouting around them better would only do them good considering one pack they were unaware of in their settling was now becoming a thorn. They said they had allies too which meant they might only expand their friendly reach and eventually come to swarm them. It's not a bad idea. At the very least, we should know who else settles near us before they decide they have problems with us as well.

Greedy. Every last one of them. The shadow could roll her eyes at how stupid the growing tension was. It was easily avoidable, but some wolves just sought bloodshed. So when do you plan to go? With their small numbers she would have to double down along the borders, especially since there were those who already tried to test them. You want me to do somethin' if anyone shows up lookin' to stay?

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10-25-2021, 02:47 PM
"Maybe in a few months time if war comes to, though I would hope it would not." She said, shaking her head, even in future time.. It would eventually result to. It was assumed they've been longer to the claim, and if the time that battle would result.. Would they have allies? Would it not be safer for her own wolves to have a back-up if the numbers were overwhelming? A shame that she had to rely on another, and yet with so little to their name, Vendrussel felt the fords protection, and the wolves were more important then that of her pride.

"Welcome them, keep them by the beach until I come around to welcome them in their dive," and with a wave of her paw she said so. Personally the Alpha would want to see them all off the edge, even if she did trust Kei to see so.. It was still best at the moment for herself to see them, to trust them with her own eyes.

"May we live in peace," though said with a sigh.

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10-26-2021, 01:43 AM
The land may be different but nothing has changed. The world is still full of greed. Even if they too claimed beyond their ocean walls, at the very least they were not quick to attack. They had only been angered by repeated disrespect and should it come to it, they would have to show their strength to prevent further occurrences from happening. Seems like even in seclusion we will draw those hungry for more. But perhaps they could be bargained with...

Works for me. Go find those friends of yours, we will still be here when you return. Unless Venny had anything else to add she didn't see a reason to linger, so after a pause and a flick of her tail, Kei would turn for the heart of the island to see what kind of meal she could scrounge up from the thinned forest.

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10-26-2021, 02:17 PM
Vendrussel shook her head in a sigh, "truly so, it's a wonder how they've remained there so far.. It seems as if no one lived nearby, until us." Time would only be given, for if it was not Dragonford, another would've attempted to claim nearby. Would they too try and claim the land behind their peaks? Around so? She agreed though, that Northfall were greedy, uncivilized wolves — nordic as they are they knew not of their own courtesy of what could be touched and not, especially with how unstable that they were. Name as they are given, she did not count them as a real pack, for their land was so off-scented, that it seemed they were but ghosts of the mountain.

"Hopefully i'll scavange some other recruits," she said with a nod, turning away so, and bidding a short farwell to the black dragon.

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