08-10-2021, 07:32 PM
She boofed, he boofed back, only to get a bit too cocky with her words of encouragement and trip over his own paws. In his defence, they'd been marching for a hot minute now, not only that, but the cuts along his ankles were starting to make this a very itchy endeavor. Thus, the male caved, body trembling under the immense pressure, sending a now limp Flynn directly into the muddy terrain.
Embarrassed, ashamed, but not beaten. The boy pulled himself upward, slinking heavily from the dirty grasp, all without uttering a single noise. Certainly he'd made a ruckus toppling to his knees, but he wouldn't request assistance. His ego was much too large.
Embarrassed, ashamed, but not beaten. The boy pulled himself upward, slinking heavily from the dirty grasp, all without uttering a single noise. Certainly he'd made a ruckus toppling to his knees, but he wouldn't request assistance. His ego was much too large.
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