Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

sing it for the world

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
04-05-2021, 02:35 PM
Annika didn't know where to go, so she simply.. wandered. Her thick fur prepared her for a wicked winter, and so she left the warmer climate behind in order to find somewhere more suited to her needs. The Russian ambled slowly, her paws crunching through the snow as she lazily approached some big ass lake. Frozen, naturally, but she knew a few tricks to weaken the ice enough for a drink. Annika began to paw idly through the snow on the hunt for a rock, sighing as she contemplated what to do with this new life she had been given. The bear of a woman was forlorn as she dug, wishing more than anything she had been stranded with a friend. Or food.

the staff team luvs u
04-05-2021, 03:01 PM
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the staff team luvs u
04-07-2021, 08:15 PM
Annika was coming up rather short, but she supposed hoping for a rock to magically appear beneath a thick crust of ice and snow was being a bit too optimistic. Still, it was preferable to melting snow in her mouth or risk getting her tongue frozen to the icy lake. She dug for a few minutes more, wishing she had something better to do than rock hunting.

A figure approached, naught but a blur in her peripheral until she turned to look upon the woman. The woman who.. stared and not much else. Annie glanced to the left, then to the right, trying to figure out if there was something worth looking at besides her beauty. No, no, it appeared not.

"Hello," she spoke with her butchered English, the heaviness of her accent turning the simple word into a whole ordeal. Did lady need something?

the staff team luvs u
04-07-2021, 08:32 PM
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the staff team luvs u
04-08-2021, 01:10 PM
What was she doing? Why, wasn't it clear as mud? Annika took a moment to asses her situation, gauging just how bizarre she must appear to the stranger. It was confirmed seconds later as the inquiry, and Annie's paw came to rest idly in the snow beside her. "Looking for a rock to break the ice if possible. Otherwise not much." Annika rolled her shoulders in a lackadaisical shrug, knowing the truth was like more boring than Thalia would have cared to admit.

"I will head that way next, thank you. Been a bit lost since waking up here." Food sounded appealing, actually, so she wouldn't mind making the trek. Annika was curious about the other but not enough to strike up more conversation, so the Russian doll furrowed her brows as if asking what else?

the staff team luvs u
04-12-2021, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2021, 08:23 PM by Hothieriel.)
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the staff team luvs u
04-13-2021, 01:39 PM
Annika couldn't understand why her methods were so perplexing -- after all, she'd just barely wandered into the lake when she'd begun to dig. Still, it made no difference to her one way or the other as those in her life came and went fleetingly. Whoever this woman was, she was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things because Annika did not have friends or any remotely close to it. At the end of the day, Thalia simply did not matter.

The wolf said nothing in response, simply nodded yo acknowledge the advice. Yeah, right, don't fall in. Annika did her best not to bristle at the intrusion, but truth be told her patience was running quite thin.
Hopefully the woman would simply leave her be.

the staff team luvs u
04-13-2021, 01:50 PM
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the staff team luvs u
04-13-2021, 01:54 PM
A sigh of relief slipped from her lips as the woman began to move on, tossing a few breadcrumbs of advice as she went. Both phrases certainly piqued her interest, but Annika was a capable woman with a pelt bedazzled with scars -- surely she could hold her own. She glanced towards the stranger's retreating form, silently enjoying the view, before rising to her paws and wandering in the opposite direction.


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