11-16-2022, 11:08 PM
For @Hikari! | Nomad
While she didn't think she'd have to tell anyone else about M'Jakuna, part of Aika wanted to go check in on Hikari, and that same part also knew they'd have nothing to talk about, so . . . why not talk about boys? The girl chuckled as she made her way through the blood-red forest, oddly happy for the dark nature of the trees. She hummed, coming upon her sisters scent.
Quick to follow, as always, Aika put her nose to use, stumbling across her sister grooming her pelt, seemingly quite proud of her work; while "vain" was a word she didn't frequently use, it seemed to explain her snottier, older sister quite well. Aika gave a chuff, a playful smile decorating her features, though her stomach filled with anxious butterflies at the thought of explaining the crush she had on the chocolate-y man.
Well, may as well start strong, right? “ヒカリ? 私はあなたと話をしたいです,” She called, taking a seat a few ways away from the lady and wrapping her tail around herself, an expectant look flickering in her eyes as she studied her sisters expression. This could either go well, or . . . terribly awful. “私は男の子に片思いを持っている、と私は何をすべきかわからない。 ヒカリ、私 . . . 私は彼がかもしれないと思います . . . 私のように戻って?”
She just hope it didn't go too badly.
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