Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
〔❁〕My god, I'm so lonely,

Sunrise Sunny/Clear 75° F
Group Only
10-02-2022, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2022, 09:31 PM by Izumi.)
@Tōuma! Set a few days after this thread. Other members of the group welcome to join!

Dawn had come. The light was dim and the sky had still been somewhat dark, but the crane was still awake. It seemed she never could break out of the habit of waking before the sun met her first, but perhaps it was instinct even after her nightmares lessened with time. It helped Izumi get alot more done before later in the afternoon at least...strangely enough though, she didn't feel like doing much right now and would slowly lay her chin back between her paws.

She wondered how Aika, Taro and Hikari would react to meeting Chiharu again. Ecspecially with little Kohaku now in the picture....how big he must've gotten by now....and how her heart still clenched within her chest after leaving them both in Shiroshika without so much as a word. The fear that her sister might've wanted to follow after, but she couldn't risk her or the baby shed still been nursing for her own selfish endeavors. Izumi didn't feel she had much of a choice.

Her mind pondered wordlessly towards a ladybug balancing on a blade of grass -- of whether the silver dragon would ever even consider looking at her after the departure. Yet at the very least;

She'd want the 5 of them reunited again. All as one...

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
10-16-2022, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2022, 06:33 PM by Tōuma.)
 Tōuma had not been there when Chinatsu and Izumi had been reunited. But when the sunset dancer came to him with the news, a genuine softness befell his expression. There were only few he had truly cared for in his past life, and he would continue to do so in this one.
 Like any true samurai, he knew better than to sneak up on his liege. So, when he finally found the woman gazing towards the skies, he approached slow, announcing himself with a small chuff. It was the hour of his usual patrols, but there had been a small hope within that slumber would not have such a strong hold. And by this sight, his hope had been proven worthy.
 The samurai waited for her to register his presence and then initiate a greeting first. Tōuma did not see it polite to do so himself. It was a selfish and unbecoming thing — through his eyes, anyway. 

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10-22-2022, 06:02 PM
Gonna make some little assumptions here and there <3

In which she had met wolves like @Chinatsu, she was destined to meet many more and to her surprise, yet another familiar face would appear from the shadows. The crane was admittedly startled to be so caught off guard. To where her vision was focused on the spotted insect, eyes would soon drift toward the blur of silver that materialized in the corner of her vision.

Expecting it to be a member of the group, she would straighten properly and clear her voice, trying her best to appear as proper as a leader should've been -- the girl would do her best to play the part. Though the wolf in question caused her to shoot up to her feet like a spring. Izumi recognized him immediately. “Sir Touma...” and would stride forward to meet them immediately, a feathery tail flagging two and fro behind her.

A samurai within their past ranks and a personal guard within their family, it was hard to miss the scars that marred the silvered warrior's face. A face and demeanor that intimidated her many times as a child, but something she was relieved to see now within her second life.

Slowly and eloquently, her crown would bow towards him while a softness traced her voice “おかえりなさい。”

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
10-22-2022, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2022, 08:03 PM by Tōuma.)

 She was surprised at first; startled, even. He expected as much...
 The woman approached with a wiggling plume, but kept her head held high as any leader would; this being one of the many reasons he held great respect for her. Through thick and thin, she had always been there — just as he intended to be for her in the days moving forward.
 いずみ. Tōuma greeted, voice hoarse, but welcoming. He too returned a small, slow bow of his head. But unlike her form, the man's entire ventral body dipped to the ground. A proper bow for one in servitude of royal blood. ようやくあなたの前に戻ってきてよかった..そしてあなたの後見人だと思いますか? It was a very candid thing to assume (that she would permit him to return as one of her samurai), but considering he had been one for so long prior, much wouldn't have changed.

the staff team luvs u
10-22-2022, 06:59 PM

Still she would not be -- and probably never will -- get used to such formalities towards her. A paw was raised awkwardly to try to stop him, yet it seemed like Tōuma had already bowed his upper half her way....usually it was either her mother or father being treated in such a way, not her. To be reminded of her future position now was....stress inducing, to say the least. Yet a new experience she would welcome. The clan would be reborn again, and she would see that it happened. Her ears twitched lazily on her head.

He was respectful, dignified...had he always been this way? She was ecspecially wary in her youth and seeing as though she always assumed him a cold, distant type, Izumi never made a lot of effort to approach out of natural intimidation. It made her wonder how much she had missed within the presences of her old home after keeping mostly to herself or clinging to her grandfather.

“もちろんするよ、” he and many of the others restricted within this land were always a welcomed presence in Izumi's eyes. Her land and people had been wronged and killed off In a way that disrespected their legacy, and it was here where she would try to rebuild what they had lost to the barbaric actions of Homura's men. The clan would be one again, stronger than ever; that was a promise. “あなたはあの時、私の家族の保護者でした。 あなたがここにいてくれてうれしいです...” she explained to him -- and quite greatful she was, too. They would need more paladins to aid in the group's protection, and having a more farmiliar face around her family again will provide relief. Silently, she wondered how him and @Osamu would get along, too. As he and a few others were fresher faces.

“起こったことすべてについて速報で追いつきたいと思いますが、まず...”Slowly, she wandered off to the side a bit to invite the iron clad to walk with her through the feilds as they spoke more. They had lots of catching up to do. “……お元気ですか。 何らかの形で怪我をしていますか?”

She was unaware of how time had worked whenever another would wind up within Canis -- but for all she knew old clan members could've came straight from the aftermath of the genocide. It was for that reason that she made their wellbeing and recovery one of her top priorities.

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
10-22-2022, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2022, 08:02 PM by Tōuma.)

 And so, he would continue on with his life as samuari. It was a relief, really; as the life of a samurai was all he'd ever known. Since his youth, he had trained to be such and fought harsh battles even from an adolescent age. With Izumi, Tōuma knew he would never be deprived, nor disrespected for his life's work.
 そして、私は彼らのためにしたように、あなたのためにそうします. A solemn oath — something he never broke.
 The woman invited him beside her as she began to move; then she spoke more. There was information to catch up on-.. but first...? 耳が欠けていることを除けば、私は元気です. And the added scars, but that was the least of his worries. Tōuma's eye then befell Izumi's body as they walked, searching her for injuries as he had done with Chinatsu. 私と千夏にまた会えたのに、他の人は戻ってきたのだろうか?

the staff team luvs u
10-23-2022, 01:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 03:55 PM by Izumi.)

While Tōuma had always been a man of many scars...the missing ear was a new addition to the fold, and Izumi recognized that much -- all while the Ironclad confirmed it. The skin on her muzzle twitched ever so slightly in discomfort, just picturing an image back in time when the massacre had taken place, with a new image of someone ripping the skin of the Samurai's ear. The thought sent chills throughout her body, both in hatred and disturbance. The femme never liked remembering the horrors she had witnessed in her teens and shook her head to try shaking away the feelings that resurfaced. “傷はまだ気になりますか? もしそうなら、できるだけ早く治療する必要があります。”

As for surviviors -- “私の姉妹と兄弟は元気ですが、私が最近会った一族のメンバーはあなたと千春だけのようです. ここにはまだ見つけていないものがあるかもしれないので、それまでは平原にとどまりたいと思います.” -- who knew how many were still out there. Most seemed to be appearing in this specific biome and the crane wanted to scope out what she can before getting a move on.

“それ以外にも、後をついて手伝おうと決めた原住民がかなりいます。 私たちの故郷の言葉を話す人もいます。 機会があれば、私たちは皆、お互いに慣れ親しむべきです。”

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
10-26-2022, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2022, 08:01 PM by Tōuma.)
 いいえ、大丈夫です. Truthfully, he could no longer feel anything from the area. Not since he'd woken.
 There were only few survivors remaining, according to Izumi — though, it still seemed to be a decent number. 私たちだけではないことを嬉しく思います。そして、あなたの親族が残っているという事実は、あなたにとって良いことです. It would certainly make things easier for their adjustment- having family present.
 And there were others that had joined them too. This made Tōuma curious. これらの新参者に会えることを楽しみにしています.

the staff team luvs u
11-06-2022, 05:46 PM

“私はあなたがしたことを期待していた--” the crane commented on his curiosity. It was important that the group got farmiliar with each other, ecspecially members of the clan and newer folks. She would've imagined there might've been more tension towards outsiders after the raid within their home and the crane could only hope no bad blood would form over this. Introductions early on before they formed might help with this, that's what she believed. “私たちに参加することを決めたおさむという名前の男がいます。 彼は私のメンターであり、あなたのような武士です。 おそらく、あなたの共有の興味は、会話のスターターをすることができますか?” Maybe those two might.....get along?

Speaking of introductions, the crane couldn't say she knew much about Tōuma himself, as the last time they'd met had been so long ago with little interaction. Her gaze turned tentatively towards him, seeking his scarred face as if pondering what to talk about.

“こんにちは...私たちが最後に交流したとき、私はまだ小さな女の子でした。 あなたと他の人が私たちの家族の洞穴を守っていた間でさえ、私はあなたのことをあまり知らなかったと思います。” As a matter of fact, they looked roughly the same age now. Had time paused within some paradox from the moment they died and ended up here?

“笠井--あなたの家族の名前ですよね? 彼らは戦うためにあなたを育てましたか、それともあなた自身の意志の範囲内でしたか?”

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
11-21-2022, 08:17 PM
Izumi hoped that he would curious of their joiners, but he did not think they felt this way for similar reasons. She should know the process of his thoughts — he would share them. それらの多くは見知らぬ人になります。誰があなたの領域に入り、どのように行動し、彼らの意図が何であるかを知ることは、サムライとしての私の義務です: 忠実か反則か.どちらか、わかります.

Osamu. 治. Mentor, eh? He wouldn't have guessed; but it was a good thing, supposedly. Stepping into a role as she now had, it would be good for Izumi to have guidance. 彼から指導を受けられて良かったです. 選んだメンターを近くに置いておく必要があります. 帝国を支配するのは簡単なことではありませ. 彼らはあなたを助けてくれるでしょう、あなたの兄弟や私もそうです. Touma had been hesitant to add in the last comment, but it was indeed a true statement. He would be present to both protect and guide the new, young ruler.

When her gaze turned towards his, he met it with cold, but curious eyes. She then spoke of her childhood, engaging with an interesting topic. それは本当です... 私たちはお互いのことをほとんど知りません. 繰り返しになりますが、あなたに近づくのは私の場所ではありませんでした. 私はあなたとあなたの家族を守るためにそこにいました. これ以上何もない. A harsh reality, but the one that sadly existed.

私は強制されませんでした. それは選択によるものでしたが、私の血統の歴史に多少影響を与えました... 葛西の血の男はすべて武士でした.私が彼らの足の道をたどるのは当然のことでした. 祖先は、私がそのような伝統を破ったことを許しませんでした. Perhaps it had not entirely been his choice, but what else could he have done? The plan of becoming a samurai had been stuck in his mind since the day he could understand the meaning and purpose. It was what he had been brought to this world for, surely. What else was there?

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