@Tōuma! Set a few days after this thread. Other members of the group welcome to join!
Dawn had come. The light was dim and the sky had still been somewhat dark, but the crane was still awake. It seemed she never could break out of the habit of waking before the sun met her first, but perhaps it was instinct even after her nightmares lessened with time. It helped Izumi get alot more done before later in the afternoon at least...strangely enough though, she didn't feel like doing much right now and would slowly lay her chin back between her paws.
She wondered how Aika, Taro and Hikari would react to meeting Chiharu again. Ecspecially with little Kohaku now in the picture....how big he must've gotten by now....and how her heart still clenched within her chest after leaving them both in Shiroshika without so much as a word. The fear that her sister might've wanted to follow after, but she couldn't risk her or the baby shed still been nursing for her own selfish endeavors. Izumi didn't feel she had much of a choice.
Her mind pondered wordlessly towards a ladybug balancing on a blade of grass -- of whether the silver dragon would ever even consider looking at her after the departure. Yet at the very least;
She'd want the 5 of them reunited again. All as one...
the staff team luvs u