Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

swept up

Evening Drizzle/Rain
09-07-2022, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 11:07 PM by Nikita.)
A storm was setting slowly in. She could smell it in the air, the heavy scent of rain. Petrichor, musky, fresh... She would not tempt fate by being outside for it. Along the coast she walked, seeking a cave of some kind to shelter in. She found the bluffs fairly easily despite the weather.


She would call within, not wishing to disturb anyone who happened to be there first. When no one answered her, Nikki walked in. She blinked her pale eyes against the dark, adjusting fairly well. There didn't seem to be anyone in the sea cave, but she could be mistaken.


the staff team luvs u
09-08-2022, 12:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 12:37 PM by Ketamine.)

It must be strangely exciting to watch the stoic squirm.


  The Corsair was definitely enjoying her life hidden among these rocks and crags. The sounds of the surf crashing and smashing all night lulled her into nightmares that held nothing but demons and monsters, and not the good kind. She knew the last of her stash was just that, the last, and she was concerned what would become of her fractured mind when it was gone.

 She had grown hungry this evening and decided to succumb to the growing growling inside her stomach. It begged for sustenance and though she oftentimes was too lazy to hunt for herself tonight was a little different. She could see the fish leaping in the air as the waves rolled forward, thrusting them onto the surface, ocher eyes scanned the beach as she smirked devilishly, she wouldn't have to hunt at all...

 Along the beach lay a few plump sea critters that had come ashore in hopes of safety and merely found death. Their deaths would not be in vain, she approached the carcasses and sink her teeth into the flesh with a squelch. Warm liquid rushed into her mouth and pooled on her tongue, coaxing the nature of the beast from her and she growled as she bit harder, snapping the animal in half. She let out a maniacal laugh and she kept at the two pieces playfully and began to tear the flesh off bone and cartilage, then she moved onto the next one.

 She did this a few times till her stomach was full, a plump round belly hung below as a sigh escaped those onyx lips with delight. She hadn't been full like this in ages, she forgot how nice it felt to not be starving. She turned her dark snout to the sky and breathed in deep the salty air and the threat of oncoming rain, a shiver went down her spine as a drizzle began and she decided to head back to the place she had claimed home.

 Ketamine decided to grab a couple fish to take home with her in case she wanted a snack later and let ink dipped paws carry her to the cave. As she padded further from the treasure trove of delicious snacks she looked at the pawlrints she left in her wake. The pirate giggled as she began to drag her feet, making her tracks look like a lame animal and she laughed louder at her own self amusement.

 As the girl reached the mouth of her den she dropped the fish before she flopped her front half down hard on the floor and scooted herself on her stomach to the back of the cave before she flipped on her back and began to roll in the plushness of her darkness, snorting and huffing in ways to make her soul howl, and it did. Suddenly a damp, faint smell, permeated the stones around her and she drew silent as the shadows.

 Her gaze stared at the entrance as another woman pulled forth with a questioning"Hello?" and she remained quiet, she watched this stranger come further in her home and she bared a sharp ivory weapon at her intruder before she rose to her feet, tall and strong Ketamine pulled her own self forward with an announcement of her own,“Oi” “женщина what you doin' in mah house?” She asked with a half threatening growl.

“Curses from the depths.”
"I listen."
“hover for me ”

the staff team luvs u
09-08-2022, 01:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 01:17 PM by Nikita.)
"Your... house?"

The word was unfamiliar to her. Maybe something to remember eventually, bits and pieces had come in and out lately. The stranger was an unusual-looking woman, long of leg and short of fur. Nikita would have easily said she was pretty - if not for the fact they bared their fangs at her currently. She balked, preparing excuses and also throwing them away.

She could have said the scent was too faint to have told her. Perhaps the rain itself caused a bit of discomfort, washing away the woman's smell. She dipped her head, eyes half-lidded as a crackle of thunder banished the darkness, shaking it before letting go. Her view of the weather was that everyone and anyone around outside needed shelter right now.

"Forgive me" Nikki began again, shaking some rain from her pelt. She had backed right up at the woman's aggression, standing clear in the storm now and resisting a shudder "I did not know this cave belonged to anyone" It was the truth "I only sought shelter from the storm, but I can move on if it is uncomfortable to share."

the staff team luvs u
09-09-2022, 03:30 PM

It must be strangely exciting to watch the stoic squirm.


 “Yuh... Mah house...” She responded, pulling herself up and taking a step forward, upon further inspection Ketamine could tell this woman meant no harm, otherwise she would have quipped back with something far more threatening, The woman dipped her head a little, relaxing as she cocked her head to the right in curiosity, why didn't she know what a house was? That's all the gruff men ever called their dwelling of survival. Ketamine is unaware wild wolves didn't know these human terms.

  The woman explained she didn't know Ketamine was in there and asked for forgiveness as she hid from the crashing outside. Ketamine roasted an eyebrow while she slightly lowered the other,“Aye you good, I can share... Yuh hungry? Wanna feesh?” The woman asked in courtesy, she wasn't a complete beast, as she nudged the dead creature are the wet woman before her.

“Curses from the depths.”
"I listen."
“зависай для меня ”

the staff team luvs u
09-09-2022, 03:54 PM
The girl had a very interesting way of speaking. She was amused and amazed by it, trying to be polite and listen first before replying. The main thing she got from it... was the girl saw she was of no harm to her. "Sorry, I haven't heard of that word before" Nikki replied pleasantly "is 'house' your, ah, permanent residence?" As in, was this where she considered her home to be? Or was it a fleeting location, sought for shelter?

Her stomach heaved slightly, grumbling at the offer. Yes, take it. Take it. She was starving. Nikki tried to remain polite and not 'wolf' down the food in her company. "Oh, thank you, miss" she said politely, smiling at her "how kind of you" Walking a bit closer, back under shelter, she settled into a sitting position. The smell of the fish was heavenly to her, who enjoyed fish over heavy meats like deer "fish is my favorite meal."

Not really needed to share, but she did it anyway. "My name is Nikita" she added, dipping her neck.

the staff team luvs u
09-09-2022, 04:08 PM

It must be strangely exciting to watch the stoic squirm.


 She asked what a house was and gave an example and Let laughed, a gruff tinkling of amusement.“Oh yuh, s'where I live... Dunno if imma stay here but eh... S'good fer now...” She shrugged with the words as if to affirm them. The newcomer thanked her and complimented her kindness, smiling Ketamine relaxed her defensive stance a little and wagged her tail above her hindquarters,“Oh thank yuh...” she responded as the bus colored figure proceeded to introduce herself and share fish were her favorite food.

 “Mm'Ketamine...” She also introduced, pulling a paw to her chest in a singular sound of her name.“I gotta 'nother feesh... Ya wannit?” Ketamine offered as she pushed the last of her fish stash at her after she had practically swallowed the meal whole. She wasn't hungry at the moment, hunger usually only came once a day for her if that, and knew the flesh would have just rotted in her home and left a stench that wouldn't ever quit. She didn't need that.


“Curses from the depths.”
"I listen."
“зависай для меня ”

the staff team luvs u
09-09-2022, 07:20 PM

Kee-ta-meen? Maybe? It was a bit of a jumble, but she got the gist of it. She nodded, bending her neck at the second nod to scoop the fish so graciously offered. She ate as quickly but as daintily as possible. Once the two fish were mostly devoured, she raised her head.

"Well, I am very sorry for dropping in... unannounced. It is quite rude" Nikki admitted with a sheepish chuckle "I've been meaning to visit the sea, but meeting a new friend is also nice." Old friend and new in one.

"But thank you, for your hospitality" she added kindly "I was hungry, but I thought it'd be dangerous to go outside to fish." She glanced over her shoulder at the storm. It seemed to be getting worse -

But it usually did near the sea.

the staff team luvs u
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