09-07-2022, 08:43 PM
looking for kids!
They were growing so large, that it felt a bit too short how they were as small as but two of her paws and now could topple her over. Chubby and sweet that they were, all little girls who held dazzling personalities. Ah.. But admittingly she sometimes worried for @Dalmatia, who was but a little bit shyer then the rest ; but she looked healthy every other way. They were guarded safely, tucked into the vale where no one could harm them, not even the uncle tiger, who lovingly visited. He was such a michevious fellow, Aries thought with a smile as she tucked into @Olive 's den.
"Hello little one's, how are you all?" She would hope they were alright with her, something to be familiar with.. Just enough to check if they were alright appropriately, but imagined their mother was doing that plenty of fine. Maybe it was just her little excuse to see children. The twins @Aurelia and @Euphemia were always an amazing sight, and the little girl @Tiberii who was a copycat of her father was growing more beautiful everytime. Ah, but perhaps handsome was the better choice, she was a little tomboy.
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