Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Never know what I should do,

Morning Overcast
09-02-2022, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2022, 08:21 PM by Miriam.)
As she roamed through the temperate, her eyes had caught the glancing of an elk within the distance. Carefully it tread, returning to a forest that smelled heavily of pack and elk within the mixture, that Miriam couldn't help but cock her head, lightly interesting was within. Although she could not be so daring to enter ; already risking once by being chased in the reach, it wasn't wise to repeat an unfortunate accident that would copy the onyx snake of yonder.

She approached the range, noting more elk gazed about and curiously so, they were snaking on the floors that were around. Nearly gone, but could see the stems that once were.. Were they that good? Miriam approached a flower, that spooked a few elk and they returned to the forest that she could not follow. Bending down, she sniffed it curiously.

the staff team luvs u
09-12-2022, 01:11 PM
She had awoken recently off to the east by a lake. It was a fine lake with fresh water and muddy shores, but it was not for the likes of Cippa. There was an ache to move in her bones and so toward the west, she set off. Through a large coniferous forest, she was distracted by a rumbling noise. Whatever was headed her way made the ground tremble beneath her paws. Ducking to hide in the shadows of the brush, her grey-green eyes watched the fearful elk rush up the nearby slopes. What had spooked them? Had it been a predator? Were there bears in this area?

Curious about whatever had startled the elk, Cippa moved from her hiding spot toward a break in the trees. Off in the distance, as she paused near the edge of the plains, Cippa could see a figure snuffling at some flowers. A wolf, perhaps? Alone with no one else around. Was she like the other woman she had met? Not that she was a particularly social wolf, she was curious as to why she'd scared the elk off without giving them a chase. Was there reason to let a perfectly good meal go?

Moving out into the open, her darker chocolate pelt was a sore spot against the tan-yellow grass of the plains. It would not matter as the breeze that brushed past her would carry her scent toward the other stranger. Cippa noticed the vibrant flower the girl sniffed at. Again, what was a wolf doing sniffing flowers and not chasing down meals? Questioning the likes of this other girl, Cippa stopped a distance away as her head lilted slightly to the left. Wide grey-green eyes blinked a few times before letting out a quiet chuff in the girl's direction.


the staff team luvs u
09-20-2022, 08:29 PM
She was half tempted to bend down and take a bite herself, something about it was awfully tempting. The colors, the smell.. Even glancing to the now empty field, it was prominent the elk were eating as much as they could! She, like many other wolves, was a meat-eater, but wasn't too foreign to eating plants and other stuff alike, but she doesn't think she ever ate a flower like this..

Though another chuffed at her, a raising of attention as she looked who called to her, a murky wolf. A mixture of grays and brown, swamp-ish, it reminded Miriam. Something of the bog that was a stark contrast to the golden around, "yes?"

the staff team luvs u
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