“Figured I'd let you think you could win.” She responses through barred teeth and a snarl there after. After all, he might have been larger then she, younger and with more energy, though he still needed to learn how to use his strengths and this would only come with time and practice. He had gotten quite a good start, however it was a shame in the way his family had delivered it, or so it seemed. Sindri toyed with this boy like she did with both @
Hank and @
Lóki, though each of her relationship with these men in her ranks all had a bit of difference in the way she treated them, though enjoyed them all the same. It was other women which Sindri never seemed to be able to get- none before Frigg and none ever since.
After wildly kicking out at Leviathan's undersides, causing him to jump away, Sindri quickly flipped then onto her stomach in order to protect her underbelly and throat, for which he would not be able to obtain while she was in this position. Her limbs remained under and close to her body, tail curled along her flank. A protective and yet almost
submissive position as he came charging back at her.
He dances around her, going for the side, striking at flank, shoulder and backside, tugging and biting, leaving small marks in his wake. It was her own tactic being used against her and she laughs with a sudden show of happiness, that he retained these things since their last spar.
“Good! But you cannot out maneuver me.” She barked out as she sprang forward to attack, going to bite at all places of his body in the same manner, though she looked for more specific hits- the fleshy meat above the elbows of his front legs, his forehead and brows, to where thin skin bled so much and could blind his eyes, the tendons of his back legs, above his hocks. Now, it was really only a manner of who would tire first.
the staff team luvs u