Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Are you my mother or my enemy

07-05-2022, 09:14 PM
Backdate before boarplot

He was going to get back at her, back at the woman of the pack for attacking him without giving him warning. So, with a calm expression, he would search for @Sindri, his body loose and his tail remaining down. For now at least. He wanted to catch her off guard as she had done to him earlier. He cared very little if she was an elder or ranked high in the pack, this was all about equality and some shit like that, right? Nonetheless, he would sniff out the woman, aiming to approach her with a small smile.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
07-10-2022, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 10:53 PM by Sindri.)
If Leviathan was looking for equality, he best keep searching. The Regent's position had not been given lightly and she, as anyone else within the pack, would not obtain leading positions without first working their ass off for it. It was only the best of their skillset which made it into the royal court (none yet, mind you) and still Sindri's position sat superior to them.

When the boy came to her, his body relaxed and a smile on his face, this made Sindri's brow rise. Mistake number one, acting to be completely comfortable when normally you were a rigid, paranoid mess. It left Sindri questionable of his intentions now. “What is it?”
the staff team luvs u

07-25-2022, 09:45 AM
He hadn't really thought about the fact that she would likely be on guard if he acted nice. But it was a little too late for that. However, as she asked him what was up, he would stay quiet and instead, aim to push towards her, hoping to tackle her as he aimed a bite to her neck. Sure, he was annoyed at her for attack him last time, but he wasn't planning to kill her. He just wanted to spar and show her that, regardless of rank, you get what you dish out. Most would likely be afraid to act this way to not only an elder, but a higher rank. But not him.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
08-10-2022, 11:03 PM
Sindri had questioned, yet Leviathan had offered nothing in return. He only lunged, aiming to tackle her and seize her neck. But Sindri was as swift as she ever was.

She wouldn't evade him- couldn't. She jumped back but his momentim still had him coming upon her. His tackle was something she wouldn't try to match with her own and instead rolled with the punches- literally. As he slammed into her body and she was trying to jump back, she toppled onto her side and rolled around back up onto her feet in order to try and sprint away.

She had managed to flee his bite but her shoulder was already throbbing from the impact of the growing boy.

Coming from the side, Sindri aimed for the hunk of skin that attached between his upper thigh and his torso (flank area), to loosely bite and slice her teeth downward along the length of it.
the staff team luvs u

08-26-2022, 01:24 PM
He was happy that his tackle hit her, though it was clear that she knew what was happening enough to not get hit by his bite. She was much swifter than him, an expert at moving her body in ways that he couldn't in order to get out of situations. Which was exactly what she did, twisting her body to bite at his flank. Instead of keeping her bite there though, she slid her teeth down, opening gashes down his flank and causing him to hiss in pain. But that didn't stop him.

Instead, he would aim to twist his body in an attempt to push his back end towards her. He hoped that he would be able to slam his side into her enough to knock her off balance or even stun her for a moment. If it ended up pushing her teeth further into his flesh, than so be it. It was clear the boy didn't care for how many battle wounds he got in a fight, as long as he beat the opponent.

"Karma's a bitch." He growl out simply, though there was no hatred in his voice. If anything, a slight bit of excitement and happiness could be found. He was glad that he found someone he could train with at full strength and wouldn't chastise him for it. 

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
09-04-2022, 03:35 PM
A pooling of blood filled her mouth and his hiss is still heard through ears clamped to her skull. He gives her the ass, swinging it around and into her to knock her off her footing. Sindri felt her teeth sliding further down his flank until they lost their grip and clanked back together. Sindri promptly fell onto her backside.

But his words left her growling, a smirk toying over parted jaws and tongue lolling out to the side. On her back now from Leviathan toppling his ass-end into her, she kicks all four of her limbs out and up, so to slam them into Leviathan's undersides and away from her.
the staff team luvs u

09-29-2022, 12:20 PM
He chuckled as he knocked her over, similar to the same way he did last time. "You really need to learn to dodge that." He chuckled as he turned to look at her, quickly aiming to pounce on her and pin her to the ground. However, he wasn't ready for the barrage of limbs that were thrown out, hitting him hard in the chest and abdomen and throwing him off of her. 

His underside bled a little, but he didn't mind, he just kept going, a grin clear on his face. Quickly he would try to recover and lower himself to the ground, trying to come at the side while she was still on the ground, hoping to get little nips and bites, similar to what she did to him before. This was never really his forte, the quick bites and run, but he had saw her do it to him, so he figured he would try it.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
10-30-2022, 06:27 PM
“Figured I'd let you think you could win.” She responses through barred teeth and a snarl there after. After all, he might have been larger then she, younger and with more energy, though he still needed to learn how to use his strengths and this would only come with time and practice. He had gotten quite a good start, however it was a shame in the way his family had delivered it, or so it seemed.  Sindri toyed with this boy like she did with both @Hank and @Lóki, though each of her relationship with these men in her ranks all had a bit of difference in the way she treated them, though enjoyed them all the same. It was other women which Sindri never seemed to be able to get- none before Frigg and none ever since. 

After wildly kicking out at Leviathan's undersides, causing him to jump away, Sindri quickly flipped then onto her stomach in order to protect her underbelly and throat, for which he would not be able to obtain while she was in this position. Her limbs remained under and close to her body, tail curled along her flank. A protective and yet almost submissive position as he came charging back at her. 

He dances around her, going for the side, striking at flank, shoulder and backside, tugging and biting, leaving small marks in his wake. It was her own tactic being used against her and she laughs with a sudden show of happiness, that he retained these things since their last spar. “Good! But you cannot out maneuver me.” She barked out as she sprang forward to attack, going to bite at all places of his body in the same manner, though she looked for more specific hits- the fleshy meat above the elbows of his front legs, his forehead and brows, to where thin skin bled so much and could blind his eyes, the tendons of his back legs, above his hocks. Now, it was really only a manner of who would tire first.
the staff team luvs u

12-06-2022, 08:34 AM
The man snarled at her, though the grin was clear, he was having the time of his life. Even as she spoke, he felt a bubble of pride. He enjoyed learning more and, sparring with her did exactly that. 

Though, it was clear she was much better at that than he was, being much smaller and quicker alongside her experience. And so, as she started springing around him and nipping at his fleshy bits, he knew he was done. And so, he would lay himself down, a show that she had won. 

"Alright, you win this round." He chuckled slightly, stretching out his body as he took note of all the small puncture holes around his body. The ones on his face hurt the worst, but he made no move to ask for any herbal support. "One of these days, I'll beat you." He vowed with a grin, watching her closely.

the staff team luvs u
He does. He speaks. He thinks.
WARNING: 3-3-3 Character
12-13-2022, 12:32 PM
The sand and ash young wolf laid, a silent sign of his defeat, at least this round. Sindri quickly sat then before him, panting and regaining her composure as he spoke. Her back end and sides along her flank ached. She was older then he, but not yet outmatched.

“I hope that one day you will.” She spoke honestly, nonchalant. If he did, that would mean he was improving. That would mean he was learning from the lessons which she given hum through these spars. “But I won't make it easy.” She said with a playful and dark smirk.

War was upon them. A war which Sindri intended to win. Everyone within the ranks should at least know the basics in order to defend themselves or the pups in the ranks should they be attacked. Not everyone were warriors, Sindri knew, but this young wolf was proving himself he had what it takes. With Sindri's own children grown and most gone, Sindri was happy to have found Leviathan to help hone his skill. In time, Leviathan could make for a fine warrior in her army.

“Where I am from, some are offered something called a 'given name'. It is unique to our first name and not aligned with our family one.” She spoke, a 'humm' under her breath. “It is often given from their accomplishments, skill or noticable appearance. Not everyone may find themselves with a 'given name' in their lifetime.” Standing upright again, she looks to him down the bridge of her slender nose. “I am given 'Swiftkill' by my hunting and fighting technique. For you, I shall call Redeye.” She would call him 'Redeye' then, much for his obvious hard crimson glare.
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