Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
the king's table

Group Only
Dragonford Isles
06-05-2022, 04:33 PM
For everyone whose partner cannot/has not shown! Or otherwise ditched.

As the party went on and pairs were to form, Vendrussel sat upon her rock and laid idly. Some members were currently out of the sepulcher, either upon their own adventures with her blessing, or otherwise on guard-duty. She didn't mind truly, if some went to explore — just that if some went, others could not. The point of a defense was needed. Though she too held a great wanderlust eons ago, and so far it has been settled now with more.. Developments over the past few months. Less likely to leave days away.

She would only hope.. That those who do, would return. Already some had left and she vowed to not let them return, for those who turn away from Dragonford, are not permitted back. Especially if words of toxicity are spewed to her face — but they were not wolves who would hunt down them either. Some suited to the isles, and others did not.. She could not take offense to anyone who did, especially not with blood drawn upon the beach.

Those who stayed, she'd be loyal to. Protect them and the pack itself, find ways around.. If she could. Like any, she wasn't perfect. But at the very least, can create festive's to lighten the area.

So laid at 'The King's Table,' and yawned.

the staff team luvs u
06-16-2022, 06:13 PM
Jun had not found his partner. He supposed that was okay, but a little disheartening. He wanted to participate, but instead, he would climb the rock that Vendrussel sat at, instructed to do so if their partner had not shown.

Her scent of the pungent ocean embraced her coat, the coolness of it causing his head to sharply turn towards her, ears perked. "Bored?" He'd joke lightly, seeing her jaw extend open in a yawn. Jun wouldn't blame her, seeing as the others merely conversed amongst themselves below.

Jun would take his seat beside her, a few inches of space between them. He could feel her warmth radiating from her body, causing him to inhale. For the time being, he'd watch the others, his curled tail shifting behind him with moderate excitement.

the staff team luvs u
06-23-2022, 02:36 PM

 Vedette sat idle for a good amount of time. Molten orange eyes shifting as partners were united and others were left waiting on their partner to either find them or round about to the table that Vendrussel sat at. She bided her time until it became clear that she would not have a partner joining her. It didn't bother her. Maybe the other was busy or not even in the Sepulcher at this time. Either way, she picked up her lone body and shuffled her way other to the King's table. 

 A man sat near Vendrussel, someone else that she had not met. Once she approached, she bowed her head before the head of the dragon, her body following in a kneel before she sat a few feet away from Ven. It was a respect thing more than anything. "Thank you for this evening, and allowing us to sit with you." There is little emotion in her voice, but wanting to come off as sincere. It was rare that sentiment ever came forth. Her eyes shifted to the man, boring a hole through the center of his head as she stared. Social cues were never something that had been fully taught to her. In her mind, staring was not rude. It was a sign of confidence. She could look another man in the eye and never falter. Whoever looked away first always seemed to be the weaker willed. "Vedette Izzo, the dusk dragon." She introduced herself, giving her title along with it. 

the staff team luvs u
07-01-2022, 02:56 PM
"Perhaps." She grinned at him, looking around lightly for his partner. It seemed he didn't show unfortunately, but it is what it is, not everyone could drop their duties or come in the whim. Some she didn't blame either if they didn't want to join, although a moment to bring some together.. Not everyone preferred that, or was to shy. Most if not all thankfully came, and the ones she knew that didn't were in the truth busy of other deeds. Maybe they would arrive at the next one.

Vendrussel waved her paw and laughed lightly, "this event is not one so serious, anyone is welcomed to dine and join myself or others." Vedette was an interesting one, the opposite of Jun she would say. They'd make a great pair for these meal ; but for the meanwhile it'd be all three of them. One was a serious general, the other a less ambitious noble.

"Have you two faired well in Dragonford so far?"

the staff team luvs u
07-05-2022, 09:35 PM
Jun's eyes latched onto the woman of the color of sand. Her eyes held an eerie-grey emotion, lackluster in every forte. Jun couldn't help but chuckle lowly, finding amusement in such a stone-cold expression. Her eyes didn't give anything away about her— most of the time, eyes were the key to the soul— but he was always up for a challenge. 

She introduced herself as the Dusk Dragon. Interesting. She certainly breathed as the sun would set beyond the horizon, and perhaps too, a creature would emerge from those hollowed depths. Her eyes had been doted with a smooth orange, a puckering yet the vicious tone of it. His eyes were a mere contrast, his disposition opposing her own. Jun side-eyed Vendrussel, finding it almost humorous that she clouded herself in such high respect for the blue dragon. Vedette practically kissed her feet, swishing around to the opposite side of Jun. He couldn't help but find it all a bit...funny. 

"Jun," he'd introduce himself. He plastered a smirk on his face. "The sea dragon." Had he made a mockery out of her? Sure. But it was out of good faith, a good joke, maybe. But was this woman able to take a joke? By the look on her face, that resting dreary look, he'd assume not. He'd test it though. Face the waters like the dragon he was. 

At Vendrussel's soft question, his head would turn to the side, crooning towards her. "Oh yes, your high-dragoness. Your isle has treated me quite well." Mockery. Sarcasm. All of it, ridiculed in his tone. He didn't hide it either. After his little mantra, his eyes would soften with laughter.  "Do you need anything, my great savior? Water? Fish? Jewels, perhaps?" If she hadn't known he was joking now, this was a dead giveaway. Suck-ups to higher authority always made Jun laugh, making a punchline out of it. His head would pull away from hers, his shit-eating smirk coming back. Teeth glimmering, he couldn't be happier.

the staff team luvs u
07-10-2022, 11:35 AM

 In the distance, it seemed most had found their partners and were enjoying eating together and celebrating. It was probably best off she'd been separated from another. She wasn't much fun. She didn't know how to be fun. It wasn't really in her vocabulary, that word. Being an only child, secluded from most the world, and only having the company of her grandmother. It often meant she missed out on social cues or things like "fun". Ven assured Vedette that this event was not so serious. Had Vedette appeared serious? How she was right now, well, that was just how she was. She held her tongue from saying another "thank you". Respect was something she'd learned from being a soldier and it was burned into her memory, absorbing each of her lessons from that period of her life to every new day. Like clay waiting to be molded, she fit the perfect form her last general wanted, and now, hardened, it was hard to change. 

 After the dusk dragon introduced herself to the other patron of the Ford, he too introduced himself back. There was some tone to his voice that she could not decipher. Her eyebrows furrowed as his lips formed something reminiscent of a smile, but it was off a curve or two. Either way, whatever he was trying to do flew right over her head. "It's nice to meet you too, Jun, the sea dragon." She said, plainly. Just as they'd had ranks back in the army, she imagined that their dragon titles were just like that, meant to be known. 

 Ven's voice cut through the air of uncertainty, asking them how they'd fared here so far. Before Vedette can open her mouth, Jun has already started. At first, even though his tone was... odd, she looked towards the commander, waiting for her turn. But as Jun went on, it seemed less genuine and more... disrespectful. Vedette's jaw locked as her dark orange eyes flittered between Jun and Ven. A simple word, — a simple, certain look from her would cause Vedette to put him in his place if she so desired Vedette to. She stayed quiet, not even attempting to talk until Vendrussel did something, whether she schooled him or laughed it off — which Vedette wouldn't know why in hell she would laugh it off, but she also didn't know what tone Jun was using. This whole interaction made her uncomfortable, which grew an irritability in her throat and hackles. 

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