Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens

Midnight Sunny/Clear
05-23-2022, 10:33 PM
@Olive // right before the wedding/festival, same day that Olive meets with Valeska, but in the evening.

There had been a rare moment of excitement in bringing Vincent home; it was not often that Harper found herself recruiting others, nor one that seemed interested in plants — and finding someone to recruit for Elysium, who liked plants and could have had a career as her apprentice would have worked perfectly.

But it would seem that Vincent was unhappy within Elysium; he would leave for days on end, only returning with some random plants he’d found on the way back, or food — as if some weeds and a small offering could excuse this sort of behavior. Harper had watched him come and go, slightly annoyed - but if he didn’t want to be within Elysium, as he had made it quite clear, then Harper would not stop him.

Elysium wasn’t the sort to keep wolves if they did not wish to stay; she would find someone better to train as an apprentice. Her thoughts drifted to Uriel, and Harper pondered if the golden woman would want to learn more under her, or if pack life was something she would consider; Harper would make plans to seek her out after the wedding -

For now, once she was pleased with the decorations for the evening, Harper would find some Nootka Rose and head to a clearing, where she could view the night stars, and take her medicines in peace. For a rose, this plant looked more like a camellia, with its delicate and broad petals, and yellow center.
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05-25-2022, 01:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 06:46 AM by Olive.)
This part of life never got old: the part where she got to explore new lands, meet new people, and engage in new experiences. Olive fancied herself something of a successful and adventurous diplomat, having absconded to Elysium and not only secured an alliance, but scored an invitation to a wedding. What auspicious timing; what luck! What's more, is that Olive even had a few days to explore Fate's Respite before the festivities began, which meant that Olive would be able to acquaint herself with a new culture, and a new people — it also meant that she would spend a little more time away than she expected, but @Tiberius had done time to her many-a-times, so it was a bit of a taste of his own medicine.

Still, it was her first day here, so Olive had spent some time wayfaring across the valley, wide-eyes and mouth agape at the sights and sounds; the entire landscape cast in shades of various greens and browns and blues. Mildly, Olive imagined this might be the type of land Tiberius wished to find for the future home of Duskguard. Secluded, northern — not nearly enough snow or ice for the arctic titan, but Olive enjoyed how the late warmth of spring enlivened her, and she felt a little naughty being so close to where Vanderfell and Shiroshika called home. It was all intoxicating.

The pale sylph carried her small bouquet with her, well-used to the feel of herbs and plant life betwixt her jaws. Some creatures managed to weave bags to haul such things, but Olive appreciated the earthiness of it all. It did not encumber her in the least. Only when she tried to speak did she suddenly become aware of the ever-present bundle, as she did when she came across a dark she-wolf, rummaging amongst roses. She let out a muffled syllable, the sounds getting caught at the roadblock between her lips —  so Olive delicately placed it to the side, approaching her with ears and tail held low, hopefully accounting for any surprise at seeing a foreign wolf within her pack territory. "Hail," she offered subtly, wondering if the woman might have time for a chat.

She looked quite busy.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
05-25-2022, 07:46 PM
^^There were one, too many scents that did not belong within Elysium’s helm; scents that spiked Harper’s need to investigate (and conquer) for security measures — but with the wedding and the festival literal hours away, Harper told herself that it was just special guests arriving.

That’s all it was, no need for security measures such as scooping them out and questioning them — if Valeska saw her doing such a thing, she’d have her head, Harper was certain! And with the recent news, all of which was bad, that Harper had given her just days prior, she didn’t want to trouble her sister any further — especially days before the wedding.

And as a native to these lands, Harper did not want to leave their guests without an informal guide to help them, should they get lost. As the sister to one of the brides, she needed to be around and easily reachable, should there be any mishaps.

She had eaten a few rose petals, (though she still didn’t think the Nootka could really call itself a rose with its pathetically small heads,) when a combination of similar scents came in the breeze, followed by a subtle greeting. Glancing up, with a petal or two still on her lips, Harper was surprised to see Valeska staring back at her.

Only, it wasn’t Valeska, but someone else. For the briefest of moments, Harper thought of precious Miko. Her eyes lingered over the woman’s pelt, and then towards the bouquet at the woman’s feet.

“Good evening,” Harper greeted with the lick of her lips, as she came to nibble on one of the remaining rose petals that was on her lips, in wonder of how fast it would take for her to feel any different.
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06-02-2022, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 06:46 AM by Olive.)
Olive took a moment to appreciate the woman before her, nose-deep in small, pink blooms. They looked like the smallest version of a rose, but Olive was nowhere near close enough to confirm anything more about it. She canted her head, and gave a broad wave of her tail, uncertain if she should first explain who she was, where she was from, or why she was here.

Possibly the only other wolf Olive had witness consuming flower petals was herself, so without much thought, Olive concluded that this must be another healer. A smile spread across her lips as slow realization dawned on her; there was only one prolific Elysian healer she had heard of time and time again, so ruffling the thin fur on her shoulders, the ashen woman cooed "Do you happen to be Harper?" and gave a sidelong glance back towards her stalks of calendula and motherwort, excited to make make her offering to an adept of their craft.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
06-10-2022, 08:19 PM
^^Had her sister’s wedding not been in a few days, this entire conversation would have likely gone into the other direction. Harper, as a whole, was a very suspicious canine. So, when a wolf of silvers came calling, who already knew her name, and dressed herself of familiar scents — Harper pondered just who this female was, and what, frankly, she wanted.

But she couldn’t say all of that outright. She didn’t have the room to be suspicious. It was Valeska’s wedding, and guests were arriving. Harper herself had arrived with the leaders of Northfall.

She’d thought for a moment, how funny it might be, to lead this female astray; no, she could say; I’m not Harper, but I think I saw her down by the lake. But if this was someone who’d already met with her sister, then her accent would have given her away, and well, that would make Harper look like a total turd - but she was not the turd of Canis. That title belonged to someone else.

It could be possible that Valeska sent Olive to Harper; she carried a bundle of green and yellow; motherwort and calendula. Motherwort was used for bleeding, and calendula was a member of the daisy family, good for treating pain.

An interesting choice of herbs to bring to a wedding. Harper tilted her head for a moment, licking over her lips. Her eyes widened, and when she spoke, there was a faux urgency in her tone. “Oh no! You found me! If you’s come to steal me away, it has to wait til after the wedding, I’m afraid.”

This was, of course, followed by a very long series of giggles and laughter; a joke, clearly, that Harper nodded her head, grinning at the other female. Laughter was the best medicine, after all, and given the herbs that Olive had brought, one might think she was in need of aid.
the staff team luvs u
06-27-2022, 02:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 06:46 AM by Olive.)
The woman spoke and made it known that she was Harper, in words enrobed by a thick accent. Olive smiled, somehow already feeling a flame of envy flare up towards this woman; so well known for her healing prowess, so cultured and so exotic, draped in all manner of dark, dusky colors that she adored so much upon Tiberius’s frame. She couldn’t help the cock of her head, as she surveyed the woman feign surprise. “Hail, Harper” she chuckled, unable to perceive any annoyance that the other busied woman might be truly feeling.
Olive felt light-hearted and welcome, almost receiving a high from the experience of being full-immersed in the packhood of another. It always fascinated her, to see new lands and meet new wolves who were greater in her in an multitudinous variety of ways.
“I have heard of your prolific healing skills,” she began, before even introducing herself.  “You aided the great Kuhn, who is most dear to my partner @Tiberius and I…” Olive knew the great debt she felt towards her own saviors, the army which had included Kuhn. It seemed the least she could do to honor his great works, was to thank the healer who had done the job.
Olive padded ‘round in a tight circle to grab the herbal bundle, almost dancing as she did so, bringing it closer to Harper for her own inspection.
“I wanted to gift you with a gathering of the springtime’s best healing herbs, to replenish the stores which you might have exhausted with your work.” Olive knew that it was not a simple to easy task to bind flesh, and mend wounds. It took a toll not only on the energetic capacity of the healer, but their tool-stores. The pale seraph placed what remained of the bundle (for she had parceled some off for the gravid Valeska, who seemed similarly interested in her offering) at Harper’s feet.

“I’m Olive, of… Duskguard,” the woman finally introduced, softly speaking towards the earth with her head bowed, as she backed away from the herbs. It still sounded strange to say; so new upon her tongue. Wasn’t it only just a few days ago that she would have called herself a wolf of Evenrise?

She glanced up towards Harper, awaiting her accented verbiage to pour forth.

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
06-29-2022, 09:46 AM
^^As Olive would chuckle, Harper would smile with the welcoming wag of her tail and respectful nod of her head, in greeting towards Olive. This was a welcoming time of their lives, and Harper would do her very best not to scare off or frighten Valeska’s guests — but Harper couldn’t tell if Olive here had come all this way to find her, arriving at a convenient time, or if she had truly been one of Valeska’s guests.

There was no mention of the wedding, or her sister, and had the woman not been so friendly with gifts, Harper’s natural suspicion might have been aroused. Instead, Olive spoke of Kuhn, and Tiberius; both of which she knew of. She’d even been (very) awkwardly thanked by the titan draped in such familiar colors that she had wished, deep down, that he had been Hatchet.

Harper was silent as she listened to her guest speak, brows rising in surprise to the medical bundle as it was presented to her; the second time she’d ever been given a gift, but this time, not a weed. When Olive finally introduced herself, Harper glanced back up to the woman with a chuckle, definitely taking note of the pause in her introduction.

“Hail, Olive of Dussgwod.” Some words were still difficult on a Russian tongue, and Harper would smile semi apologetically. Unlike her sister, she did not apologize wholeheartedly.

“First, let me welcome you to Elysium. We is prepare for sister wedding to her beloved angel in the next coming days, so you’s arrive good time. Someding tell me you’s know you’s way ‘round garden…?” Harper nodded towards the bundle she had received, carefully picking it up and placing it back down at her feet. “It nice to have plant friends!” She would just nod towards the herbs with a welcoming smile, through grinning back up at her softly.

“Ah, Tiberius. I met with him during time in Northfall. Handsome man; remind me of me brother, who I lost at early age. But, ah, it warms me heart to know that the great Kuhn has such lovely fri - er, ah, no, family! Any family of Kuhn is family to me, also.” Harper would smile again with the wag of her tail; this made it easy on her, for Olive looked like Valeska (and Miko) and Tiberius looked like Hatchet. She pondered over what Tiberius’ background was, and if he might truly be her brother, without ever knowing it. Was that even possible?

Ah, another investigation for another time!

“Thank you, Olive, for the gift. Last time I got a gift, some poor bloke gave me a weed.. So I will cherish this, as I cherish Kuhn, and you’s and Tiberius - but surely, you not come all this way to thank me..” Or did she?

“I’s sure Valeska already invite you to wedding? Will you be in attendance? I would love to know more of you and Dussgwod.”
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07-23-2022, 09:36 AM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 06:46 AM by Olive.)
Harper gifted Olive with more dulcet, beautiful tones — which Olive received heartily, drinking in her every word, delighting in how the healer pronounced words such as ‘dussgwod’ and ‘ someding.’ Olive was welcomed warmly into Elysium, yet again, and the pale priestess could not help but feel a sort of resonance, an inner agreement, with the energy of this place. The name rang as something deeply familiar within her bones, same with the women who populated it. For some reason, it was almost as if Olive could scent a willow grove on the winds.
— or, maybe it was more likely the Olive was simply high on the platitudes that stemmed from Harper like so many flowers in a field. First there were compliments for Tiberius, then for any friends of Kuhn, then there was a sad mention of a departed brother, but it was all made right in the end by her recognition of her found family. It was nice to see another who could rejoice in the memory of those they loved, just as much as they rejoice in their life. Death was only but a different (more omnipresent) type of existence, and those who still lived could feel their presence anywhere they wanted, even in the face of strangers.
It made sense to Olive then, why she should be met so warmly at Elysium when the pack who lived just south had a far more sour disposition towards her showing up, unannounced. Shiroshika had turned her away, and Vanderfell had spurned them out of their hunting grounds. Elysium, however, invited her to their wedding.
“I only just met Valeska, and she extended an invitation to me. I could not be more thrilled to celebrate this occasion with you and your family.” Olive shared her gratitude heartily, only because this was how she too desired to entreat with strangers, neighbors, with kindness and assumed mutual benefit. “Truly, I came to seek you and extend my gratitude! And to introduce myself to our friends in the Mountains. However…” She allowed her voice to drift off wistfully, rapt in the coincidences that had brought the two healers in the same vicinity. “I, too, am excited to meet another who shares my affinity for the healing arts.” The Priestess came to sit, fully believing she now found herself in a full-blown conversation with Harper, the infamous healer.

“Oh, but is being a weed not a matter of perspective? There are so few plants in this world that are truly without their use.” she didn’t intent to condescend, if that was how it was taken — but Olive found it rather endearing that someone would gift a plant who’s value was mostly ornamental, as this was clearly the intrinsic value that the gift-giver had, and Olive would have to agree. But the topic did not stay there, instead Harper asked about Duskguard, and of herself. In this, Olive was relatively unpracticed. Everything was so new, and in flux; how was is possible to answer these inquiries, when what she knew as true was ever changing?
Olive chuckled, realizing she had lapsed into her own inner dialogue, and fallen silent for a mere moment. Shaking the fur on her shoulders, the woman looked towards Harper.
“As a weed learns to take hold in places that seem hostile, Duskguard is still in its infancy — as is the pregnancy which inspired us to take such action.” It was the first time she had mentioned anything about this, to anyone other than Tiberius. It was still far too soon to know with any certainty, but for the moment, Olive indulged in the smallest mention of it. “But things seem to be off to a wonderful start.” The pale sylph leaned closer, ears craning forward.

“If you don’t mind my prying — under who’s tutelage did you study?”

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
08-02-2022, 07:14 PM
^^Harper had an interesting relationship with Death and should the two ever meet, Harper was sure that she’d beg for him to take her, too. Or, depending on the mood, and who was taken, He would be greeted with a display of canines.

Harper was not familiar with the structures of other packs; even when she had been Queen of Eventful Horizon, most of the pack seemed to avoid her. Shameful, really, since Harper had spent most of her honeymoon on the western side of the mountains to get to know them. Mordecai was the only one who welcomed her as though they’d been family all along. Otherwise, it was almost as if she’d never been married at all.

But Valeska ran a tight ship of friendliness and welcomeness of Elysium, and she knew that if it ever got out that her sister had made anyone ever feel unwelcome, especially so close to her wedding, that Valeska would be unhappy and having a pregnant, unhappy alpha-sister was unwise. Mostly because sitting on her, Harper’s preferred method to dealing with such things, could not be done if she looked like a balloon!

“You come alone? Then you will be my guest, even if Valeska invited you first.” Harper would insist, nodding her head and wagging her tail. “Gives us plenty of time to pick each other’s heads about plants and medicine, yes?” Harper cooed softly.

And then, of course, Olive broke Harper’s doubts. She had come all this way to extend her gratitude of Harper’s work on Kuhn. And… Harper smiled. Truly, she was touched; that someone could care so much for her friend, that they would come out of their way to thank her.

She would smile, nodding her head, and then giggling towards Olive. It was true! Weeds could be anything in the garden that the gardener didn’t want growing there. “Aha, so you truly are a fellow plant nerd,” Harper would grin with a giggle. She hadn’t taken it as condescending, thankfully, but an honest question - because it was.

And then, there it was; the mention of Olive’s pregnancy, and Harper arched her brows, and looked to Olive in a new light. “Ahs! I thought you were just positively glowing! If you need anything, you's know where to find me, yes? But.. con.. uh, oh boy.. Con.. grad.. Youuuuu.. Lay.. tons! ”

What a big word! Harper paused, then tilted her head. “Big words are hard for a us Russian ladies.” Harper would giggle, which stopped when Olive leaned forward, and Harper thought she might ask a serious question then, but then she would smile; a sad smile.

“My mother’s. My mother was a woman of the tundra, as was most of my family. When we - my mother and I - were exiled, she taught me everything she knew, to distract me from the anger I felt towards the man I had known to be my father, and to make sure that I always knew how to take care of myself.”
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08-24-2022, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 06:48 AM by Olive.)
The conversation with Harper was warm, and endearing. Somehow it was like talking to an old friend, despite them only just having met each other. It was a strange sensation, to find such familiarity with someone she didn't know; but just as strangely, Olive had begun to expect such nonsensical things from this land. 

The pale sprite could not help but snicker at the several different attempts to pronounce the word 'congratulations,' but she bowed her head in gratitude despite herself. A thank you was a thank you, no matter how one pronounced it. It was such a fun secret to keep; but it was more fun to divulge it to her newfound plant-friend. 

In exchange, Harper offered insight into her life that Olive assumed, she afforded very few. Olive pursed her lips, but nodded along.
"Anger and passion can be quite the accelerant for learning and invention, no?" she agreed, looking up to the ever-taller Harper, and fluffing her tail with a wag. Perhaps learning a trade to distract one from visceral anger was not the ideal way to learn of a calling, but everyone became who they were supposed to be somehow.

Two things, now that they had progressed through the beginning of a conversation, had become clear: One was that Harper was entirely too busy preparing for her sister's wedding to engage in idle chit-chat, and another was that there would be more far opportunities like this one to come. Olive allowed her gaze to dart about the immediate vicinity, preparing her departure.

"Harper...I shouldn't monopolize your attention any longer. Might you point me in the direction of a body of water, to refresh myself?"

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[Image: Sprite-0005.gif]

duskguard  /  healing    /  lineage
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