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Once more, Maral returned to the place where she last saw @Aldritch. Despite knowing in her bones that her ashen-furred brother would not linger where Elkshire were sure to search for him, she wanted to look for any suggestion of where he might've gone.
She was alert as she picked her way through a dense forest of proud evergreen trees that grew along the lower slopes of the crag's spires. Her paws brought her in the direction she suspected Aldritch had gone, though he'd left no real trace of having been in the area that she could detect. The wet weather hadn't helped, and Maral paused a moment to gather her thoughts and listen quietly to the pitter-patter of rainfall on the canopy above.
Silently, she carried on until she located a little cave. The scent of wolf was relatively fresh at its entrance, and the shadow paused to sniff at the moss-covered stone before ducking her head and venturing deeper within. She could hear the echo of dripping water deeper within the hollow, but what really captured her attention was the clusters of jewels that made the walls on either side if her shimmer in the dim light.
the staff team luvs u