Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
I do what I want when I'm wanting to,

Group Only
05-02-2022, 02:26 PM
Celnes left the den, asking either @Hawking or @Teodora to watch so. There was invaders within the forest as of lately ; and she wasn't so cold-hearted to simply leave them to fend to themselves. Especially when they were relatively known by a few — though the Queen hasn't officially truly announced it, and most likely, would not be giving them an event. She didn't find their birth something to celebrate.

Nonetheless there was other matters to tend to. In particular called for the young that remained within the forest, @Warwick, @Maral, @Rohesia, @Melrose, @Vermillion. She didn't think it ventured to something like an entire pack meeting, especially with how little her daughter desired attention, after all..

"Though a few have seemed to be lost, or elsewhere within the temperate," a hinting to the memory of Warwick, possibly assuming of their location. It was still undecided whether it was true or not, and yet to truly motion toward the Nightwalkers if they really hold her young. She would think at the very least, that the boogeyman would send someone. Yet something also tells her he doesn't care enough for the triffle of children — shown by his uncaring whether he was involved in the litter, or not. She'd have to see it herself.

"Vermillion will be heading to a pack within the plains, Greenwood, relatively soon," she wasn't expecting cheers or anything, but Celnes smiled rather.. Lonely, at them, "if you wish to say goodbyes now is the time."

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05-02-2022, 02:29 PM
Vermillion was pleased that her mother didn't announce it. Yet.. Wondered if she thought it really wasn't that important her young sinner was leaving Elkshire as a whole. She didn't know her mother assumed for her return — and yet also knew at some point, that the Queen would visit Greenwood. She just hoped the appearance of Kore wouldn't put her off. Could be also said to the same of Greenwood, colors that she truly didn't know. 

But she as excited. She wanted to see beyond and be something other then a Deorwine, and though was looking at her paws.. She couldn't hide the smile of excitement toward what will occur. Soon, she and @Remus would set out for Greenwood.

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05-02-2022, 03:44 PM
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There was a call for summons. The duke had been nearby, always keeping a close eye on his mother's requirements as of late anyway, so it was no detour in the course of his day. 

It had been only been a relatively short time ago he recalled Vermillion voicing her troubled mind. While it still came as a shock, it didn't perhaps have the same impact as it would have done had she not been so open with him. 

The dukes' ears twitched as they stood tall being fed the news of another farewell. Moving his eyes from his dam to trace the lining of his sister's portrait, she looked the happiest she had been since... his first memory of her. A twinge gnawed at his heart, torn between losing another sister, though he could not be that selfish brother. 

He moved to her, steady in his motion and pushed his nose gingerly into the cushion of her cheek. 'You are free, Vermillion. Of your burdens here', a gentle whisper to her, knowing of her struggles. The duke pulled away, a half-smile in an attempt to hide his sadness as he looked at her, 'But I shall come visit you, meet your new pack and home. And you must not be a stranger to us either'.

He knew the latter was a request that would likely not be fulfilled so soon nor eagerly. 

Warwick moved back, to allow others their own moment to express their own goodbyes.

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05-03-2022, 02:38 PM
She had not yet found the words to inform Elkshire's Queen of her encounter with Aldritch, but it plagued her mind in the days that followed. Had he been right? Did Célnes care fir him enough to look for him, he who'd been blessed with furs that were not tainted by white? Maral, not wishing to provoke her mother, had avoided ger entirely upon returning to their forest, but she could not ignore her summons to rally the siblings who had not dispersed.

Once eight, now five. And as Célnes took charge of the family gathering, it swiftly became clear that only half of the original number would remain.

Maral's dark eyes were cold on Vermillion, a deep frown tugging at her maw and pinching her brow. Of all those who chose to leave, it was the loss of this sister that the shadow knew she would feel most.

She was silent, as the others were sure to expect of her. Maral turned her face away as Warwick stepped forward to wish their littermate a fond farewell, and she scowled off to the side. Feeling more betrayed and disappointed by her family than ever before, Maral quietly took her leave from the scene without a single word.

the staff team luvs u
05-04-2022, 03:03 PM
Her daughter looked pleased, and her son like an older brother giving unknown words of reassurance. Whispering, that Celnes did not try to overhear, but was warmed at the thought of such a relationship blooming. As she taught her brood, that thought of a white would need guidance, and she was fully proud of Warwick taking in with that charge — at least, so the Queen assumes of so. 

Though an eye toward Maral.. Who departed ; a mental note to talk to her after.

"She will depart in a few days, take time to enjoy what little that there is."

the staff team luvs u
05-15-2022, 05:02 PM
For a moment did she feel blessed ; for the siblings she separated herself from came forth and brought slight affections. Though she couldn't help but have a gaze who lingered toward Maral who left shortly after.. Though both 'sinned' by standards, the two weren't very close. In truth Vermillion kept her distance from all, and found herself continually interacting with those on the outside until finally, she found a courage to truly step out.

"Visit with Maral, please." She felt comfort at Warwick, who though did not understand her position within Elkshire still offered comforting words and the truth of freedom. It was there. She was perhaps, too giddy on her face. She would definitely leave soon, though.. Soon her mother too, would also visit Greenwood.

She just hoped she'd be accepted.

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2022, 06:20 AM
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He too watched as Maral did not impart with a farewell, but a reserved retirement lead her away. He frowned at this, he understood goodbyes were not easy, and each of the eight slowly flew their nest, with only 4 now remaining, he and three sisters. But it was not just hard on her, it was hard on them all. (With the exception of mum because, you know, sinned child). 

Warwick looked back to Vermillion, a smile to encourage her all was well and he nodded at her plea.

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