Celnes is taking all the children to Exalted Grotto, which is the communal den.
Winter only graced them with one snow-fall and resulted in a hunt, but since then the snow has been relatively bare.. Except the factor that the cold was ever-so lingering. She muled with thoughts and after some time decided it was best to bring the youngest to the overall community den, for the warmth of all bodies who slumbered within would help then the few inside the dens.
She took @Faust, @Selwyn, @Weirs and even @Declan, though if surely @Antornuat wanted, to return with him so. She actually did not know where the owl-woman slumbered, whether it was the grotto itself, or somewhere else, "this will all be your first winter. It can be beautiful, but it's also dangerous. Warmth is overall important, so when you feel yourself growing cold, find an adult and return to the grotto. This is where most tend to sleep."
the staff team luvs u