canis major
a flexible, creative, collaborative writing game
Welcome to Canis Major
a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)
Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.
Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:
There is no set activity requirement to write
The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress
A term coined from making a new thread, it directs the desire to make more threads to roleplay with another player. A separate post/roleplay then their current ones or a brand new one.
A continual back and forth posting between two players for an amount of time until otherwise. Back to back posting for specific characters or threads.
An 'original character,' created with your own lore, plot, personality.
Referring to a character itself, a nickname from OC.
Motion to end the thread as it is reaching it's conclusion.
Post Splicing
When multiple actions or pieces of dialogue are written in a single post that each require a reply, thus splitting/splicing the line of narrative action in the thread.
When people go against another wolf or creature, there tends to be a few styles people abide by. Everyone has their own preference, and by no means does canis enforce any of it as none is an 'official' way of doing so.
Health System
Some people prefer the health system. They start with a set of health such a 30 HP, and each 'round' as a set of points they take away. Doing so, they use a dice roller and set it how they please. As an example some set the dice to 10, and happened to roll a 3 within that round. Now their health is at 7, and makes a post corresponding to that. They do so until there is no HP.
Shadow has 30 HP
Roles a 7 out of 10 against Angel
Angel has 23 HP
roles a 5 out of 10 against Shadow
Shadow has 25 HP.
Highest or Lowest Wins.
Continuing the dice, sometimes people prefer the quicker method. They choose a set number, such as 10, and roll to see who is the highest, or lowest to win. It determines by the people which way they desire to go. However once decide a winner, they go by the posts based on that.
Shadow rolls a 5 out of 10.
Angel rolls a 7 out of 10.
They decided highest wins, thus Angel wins the fight.
Free for All
This has no gimmicks or gadgets to abide by. Soley by the peoples discretion how much their character gets hit, and who is to lose.
Group Fights
This is where multiple characters come to play, usually meaning more then 3 players are participating. Though it can be said these are not often, as many times these type of threads take a while. Players use different means, and each has their own set of pros and cons to it.
Posting in rounds means you can only post ONCE every 'round.' This is usually indicated by the first poster, who tends to give a set of rules and a 'due date' to post. This due-date is to represent when everyone should post before a certain amount of time, especially if waiting upon others. Sometimes if everyone does post, they will skip the date. However if someone does not post, they tend to be skipped and the thread begins 'round two.' This is indicated by the same thread-maker, who then gives another date.
This is often the most used of them all, as it is organized. This gives everyone a chance to post regardless of frequency some may post, and gives a moment for everyone to at least either fight, or even speak during meetings. This style is usually used in any type of thread that requires multiple people.
This type if often the most chaotic of the mixture, and yet can be noted either between very fun, to stressfull. This is when there is no posting order and someone could respond whenever they want, and in this way those who are more active and want to participate more, may not be hung dry by waiting upon others. In this case though, those who do not have free time tend to be lucked out and left behind.
Free-For-All Rounds
A mixture of the two above. While there is no set order to do, there is a certain criteria that is still asked to follow. In most cases whoever is setting the rules, may ask people not to post at least until 2-4 other people have responded in the same thread. Sometimes may bypass if a few days have passed, for they do not want to continue a stall. In these threads instead of a due date of a 'round,' there could be a due-date when the thread will start to conclude, or where they hope to be. Within this type it can't truly be said they know when it will end, and either can be shorter, or loner.