Wanna get a few more threads with him technically in Haldis before he boogies. Perhaps @Sorina ? Otherise, anyone from Haldis is Welcome!!
Finally he had come back, carcass in his jaws. An offering of goodwill as long as a show of his strength. He enjoyed the killing of large beasts, and the act of hunting them. Yet his stomach never had enough room. He was happy to have a group to bring it home to.
Erebus' paws ached slightly from the dragging of the ungulate. Having torn off the horns so they would no longer rake into the ground and work against him.
He gave a brief howl once in earshot of everyone's dens and chosen resting spots. Hoping someone would come out and either help him drag it the rest of the way or begin to eat it where it lie. Either way would be helpful.
the staff team luvs u