Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

heaven and back

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
09-04-2022, 10:34 AM

She wondered on bringing her children here. The Moors had been her safe haven, rolls hills of beautiful flowers and aromas, she had come here often since her arrival in these lands and the Goddess could not help but feel possessive of it. If she was the one to introduce her children to it, she would then need to share it and find no peace when she so desired it. Freya was not ignorant to the notion that they would come across it themselves once they were old enough to adventure but... 

The decision was made. They could find it on their own, once they were older. For now it would continue to be her peace, her quiet, until the day she would need to share. 

The floral scent was strong as a soft breeze rolled through the hills, Freya's nose twitching to the pleasant scent as she rose her head to the sky with a deep breath. Some found it too strong, sickly and unforgiving but she found it delightful, reminding her of a life that had been one of her favourites to have lived. The Titaness would flounce forward as she stretched out her limbs, petals and grass tickling against her legs as she caught sight of a grazing heard across the way on another hill, multicoloured eyes watching them graze peacefully.

Delightfully the goddess would stoop to the earth, rolling her shoulder in the flowers as she rolled upon her back, wiggling.

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"A deep, lasting emotional or spiritual connection between characters, typically of a psychic or magical nature."

To find out more about Freya's soulbound adoptables, please look here! Interested? Drop me a message. 
09-11-2022, 08:37 PM
The Alpine Moors was a changer to what Aries knew. A land of snow and ice with but minimal flowers, she does not remember a field of so, only patches or otherwise a regular forest. It was amazing, what the Primordial land had ; something she has never seen before so close to a home that felt familiar. Laid claim to the Frostfang, but lately Aries had found herself brooming outside of it and exploring lately. Especially now she was less-needed as midwife, and did not wish to disturb precious family moments. When she returned from her duties as a messenger.. 

Aries breathed in the land, the overwhelming smell of flowers and pollen was in the air and.. She could smell a wolf in the distance, curiously cocking her head to see a pale golden woman.. But by no means, did her pelt smell of a loner.

the staff team luvs u
09-17-2022, 03:11 PM

Mid-roll did her multicoloured gaze spy her, a stark contrast against the colourful hills. A body of winter, silvers and whites and Freya pulled herself to her belly, watching her. Pretty, from a distance though still no comparison for her, she thought. That was good, too, for if Freya had felt a momentary touch of threat, she might have done something reckless. Something permanent.

"You can come closer," she bade wryly, curling her tail above her bodice where she lay, strewn in the flowers. "I'm not feeling hungry enough to bite, shall I promise you that?" Was she flirting? Perhaps. She could, given their beauty was not exceeding hers. Nor matching. Freya hummed, waiting.

the staff team luvs u
"A deep, lasting emotional or spiritual connection between characters, typically of a psychic or magical nature."

To find out more about Freya's soulbound adoptables, please look here! Interested? Drop me a message. 
09-22-2022, 10:04 PM
"I did not wish to disturb you." She nestled in a flower bed, the beauty suiting within her divine beauty. She was of a pale coat, and almost seemed to blend into the moors itself. She looked around, the hills intertwining and the vague scent of packs treading over, a smell lightly though ; a sure fire of no claim, but who knew if another would be around. She was friendly, letting Aries blossom to a smile as she approached.

Perhaps too naive for her own good.

the staff team luvs u
09-23-2022, 11:31 AM

Well, she had already done that, hadn't she, Freya thought wryly though not in true malice. It was funny, the disposition of kindness when clearly had she not wanted interaction, she would have kept moving through the Moors. Freya grinned softly, the expression sitting delicately upon her freckled features as the other approached, "I invited you, did I not?" The Goddess mused, not faking her desire to chat as she might sometimes. She posed the question almost cheekily, wanting the other to feel welcomed and not discarded.

"Come," she told, letting her tail cast through the flowers as she motioned for the other to join her in her lay. "The beauty of the Moors demand to be shared," when Freya wanted them to be, of course. She sometimes felt somewhat... possessive over them yet this one had done nothing to irritate her. She was allowed to venture closer.

the staff team luvs u
"A deep, lasting emotional or spiritual connection between characters, typically of a psychic or magical nature."

To find out more about Freya's soulbound adoptables, please look here! Interested? Drop me a message. 
09-28-2022, 04:17 PM
She approached, settling near the woman. Petals flocked to her pelt, she was like a blending to the land itself and the closer that she was, the acknowledgement she could smell the pack upon her pelt even more, "it's quite an amazing sight," Aries said, "I cannot help but return here a few times." With every moment she came to, away from the tundra — the woman was always entranced by the site of the moors. The way the hills rolled about and fluttered with their purple hue, and the grass that settled between the flowers ; anyone would fall in love, and would want to stay nevermore.

"Do you live around here?" Aries finally asked, an inquiry perhaps, of her pack.

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