Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I been sitting all day, Sitting here

Evening Partly Cloudy
08-24-2022, 07:57 PM
Set after This Thread | Looking to giver her a bit of a spook

 Leaving that strange situation, Aika had made her way north, finding a sandbar to safely cross with little worries. As a treeline emerged from the grass, the girl weaved through them, disappointed that none were wisteria, but glad to be hidden in the density of the forest. Her mind lingered back to the plains every now-and-then, but she'd been certain to tell @Izumi and @Taro that she wouldn't take any longer than a couple of days... or weeks...
 But, she struggled to feel guilty once she found a tree dripping a red liquid. Shivering in an uncomfortable manner, Aika clenched her teeth as her head felt . . . SoreThe princess was almost about to ask if the tree was okay, but she soon realised that asking a tree if it was okay was a little bit silly. Nonetheless, the girl leaned a single paw on the trunk, head tilted and frowning. “これはサインですか?” Her voice quivered.
 “私はそれがないように祈ります。..” And with that, Aika turned from the tree, subconsciously on higher alert than she'd normally be if she hadn't seen that blood red tree. “... それをさせないでください。” A prayer to those above, and a hope for safety on the rest of her journey.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-25-2022, 05:44 PM

I can try XD

 He spent most of his time in Northfall, tending to his den, annoying wolves when he could, sucking up to Ragnar when he wasn't. Now, he was off and on the prowl looking for absolutely nothing at all. So, when he finally found something interesting he decided to stop.

 He knew this spot. The bloody trees with the sticky sap. Maybe he could get a little bit of a taste...

 He tried landing on a limb where he thought none of the sap would stain him... but joke was on him, he still got it on his wing. With an annoyed clack of his beak he tried to clean it off... but got more on his other wing... and then all over his body until he looked like a bloody black bird.


 And you know what was worse? Some stupid wolf babbling on in some dumb language like the Shiroshikans. He glared at her back and then quite suddenly, fluttered over and landed on the tree that she was talking to. "KRAKAK! WHAT YOU DOING, STOOPID WOLF?!" Gross, absolutely disgusting. He was covered all over in this sticky sap and now this wolf was about to get a dose of his ire. "TREES DON'T TALK! YOU GOT WORMS IN YOU BRAIN?! KRAKAW!" He caw-screamed at her huffily.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
Content Warning
08-25-2022, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 02:39 AM by Aika.)
This content is not visible to non-members.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-25-2022, 09:57 PM
 The obnoxious avian let out a cruel laugh. "Good! You being annoying! Krakaw!" And stupid, did he say that already? Bah! Wolves were always so weird! There were seldom any smart ones, save for his wolves.

 Wait? Where was she going? Dd she have the audacity to huff off and leave him after she was being so irritating? How dare she?! He let out a caw, watching her with beady eyes before flapping his wings and hopping to a tree closer to the wolf that was stomping away. He might have grown bored with her, might have left her alone so that he could tend to his feathers... but she did something that made him flap his wings and fly directly over her.

 She said "I don't like you". Now, it was war.

 "Krakarak no like you either! Krak! You stoopid wolf! You make dumb nonsense words. You talk to TREES! Krakaw!" He griped and complained at her although it was somewhat amusing. He flapped his wings, growing more annoyed with the sticky feathers as he croaked with irritation, "ЧЖь! Яшкзса окънсхж яьз! Яшкзса окънсхж удво!" He landed in a tree and began to try to preen again, briefly distracted from picking on the poor wolf.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
08-25-2022, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2022, 02:56 AM by Aika.)
To set the mood . . . this . . .

 She marched onwards, ears flattened to the ravens deafening cries that probably would've made her other siblings snap. To be so blatantly reminded of the past infuriated Aika, and she was likely to turn and aim with her claws out-stretched sooner rather than later. "Krakarak no like you either! Krak! You stoopid wolf! You make dumb nonsense words. You talk to TREES! Krakaw!" 'Krakarak' seemed to be this birds name, and Aika snarled under her breath.

 “Krakarak is the real one with worms in his brain..! She hissed, back fur bristling. Now he was following her, and Aika thought for a moment that he'd torment her until she died a second death. When she turned back to look at him, though, it seemed that the sticky, blood-red sap had gotten caught on the birds wing. Perhaps that was why he was being so sour. The woman felt a twinge of empathy for him, until he shouted again.  "ЧЖь! Яшкзса окънсхж яьз! Яшкзса окънсхж удво!"
 She laughed sarcastically; “Now you're making up nonsense words,” Aika jeered, side-glancing to see Krakarak preening his feathers delicately. The woman knew how he'd react to that, but she still felt like watching him scream and yell and shout about how she was the annoying one and a "stupid wolf," since he seemed to love that term so much.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-26-2022, 07:22 PM

Beautiful XD

 How dare she!? Insulting his native tongue in such a manner! "You take back! KRAKAKAR! Krakarak speak beautiful Corvid Tongue! You don't know what is beautiful on your ears! You got no good taste! Krak Krak!" He pointed a sticky wing at her accusingly, shaking it in a severe manner as he tried to shame her. He harrumphed and huffed at her, puffing up his feathers in a very annoyed display.

 "Take back or else! Krakaw!" He flapped his wings at her, glaring his beady purple eyes and cawing at her as if it was intimidating. "Krakarak not speak 'nonsense words'! You say 'he speak beautiful raven words'! Krak! You say now!" He demanded rather rudely.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
08-27-2022, 07:05 PM

 "You take back! KRAKAKAR! Krakarak speak beautiful Corvid Tongue! You don't know what is beautiful on your ears! You got no good taste! Krak Krak!" Aika snarled, wishing for the ability to flatten her ears further into her skull; Suddenly the woman felt quite envious of deaf people, but she quickly shunned that thought. No, even if there was an annoying, idiot, mean bird flapping and screaming at you, there was no right to wish those sorts of things.

 “良い神!” She cried to the bird. “黙らせたことはあるか?! それとも、一日中叫んで叫んで叫ぶ必要があると感じていますか? どうしてこんな感じなの? どうしたの?!” She knew the bird would only say that Aika was spitting nonsense words again, but she didn't care! Aika was going to express her frustration in japanese and japanese only, and no one could tell her otherwise. Not even Izumi! No one!

 “あなたはとても迷惑です!” Aika shouted to the bird, and then he continued; A thread, it seemed; stupid bird. 
"Take back or else! Krakaw!" The raven threatened. "Krakarak not speak 'nonsense words'! You say 'he speak beautiful raven words'! Krak! You say now!" Aika hummed, as if she were going to, but then quickly turned her head and continued walking away. “I don't listen, She begun. “To annoying ravens that do nothing but scream, and winge, and whine!

 Then, she flicked her tail absent-mindedly. Salt in the wound, though she was never this rude. And while 1% of her felt a little bit bad for the bird, the other 99% thought quite, quite differently.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-28-2022, 11:55 PM
 "Nonsense, dumb made up WORDS! KRAKAW!" He screeched back at her as she yelled back at him in those words that he couldn't understand. Then, then because he was so annoyed... he did something that he didn't often do. He narrowed his beady eyes and opened his beak to replay her words back at her, like a recording device. “あなたはとても迷惑です!” (You are so annoying) He didn't know what he was saying, but he was doing it to be obnoxious. He wanted her to be even more irritated because it brought him some deranged sort of joy when she refused to be obedient and listen to his ten thousand percent totally reasonable request.

 He cawed and screeched and flapped his sticky wings overhead. He'd worked himself up into fine little tizzy. "You better listen! Or-- Or--" Or what? "Krakarak sic his big pack on you! Krakarak gottem big pack! Huuuuugggeee! Krak Krak!" He spread his wings to emphasize just how large. "Krakarak live in Northfall! His pack listen to him and do what he say! Krakaw! He king of pack and pack kill you!" And then he grinned, eyes glinting cruelly. "Then Krakarak feast on you bones!" He cackled at his threat, hoping that he'd scared her... even though he was embellishing... a lot. "Unless you apologize to Krakarak! Right now! Go on! Do now!" So very bossy...

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
08-29-2022, 04:38 PM

 The girl bristled in annoyance, her back and neck fur rising as this bird only screamed and cawed further. “あなたはとても迷惑です!” The raven shouted back. Aika swung her head, a horrified expression on her face as a snarl grew deep in her throat. It only took a couple of moments for her to leap for the bird, jaws snapping and claws out-stretched. She wouldn't get close enough to do anything, she knew, but Aika still hoped that her actions with give the bird a fright.

 "You better listen! Or-- Or--" “–Or what? "Krakarak sic his big pack on you! Krakarak gottem big pack! Huuuuugggeee! Krak Krak!" Aika scoffed; Sure, an entire pack would be "sent" on her because . . . A bird frightened her? And begun yelling at her because she was talking in her mother tongue? Rolling her eyes, the lady furrowed her brows and wrinkled her nose-bridge. She wanted to get out of here.
"Krakarak live in Northfall! His pack listen to him and do what he say! Krakaw! He king of pack and pack kill you!" “上の神々、私は見捨てられてきました。.. そして、馬鹿な鳥によって、すべてのものの!” Muttering to herself, Aika turned to the bird again, putting on a fake "apologetic" face. “Well I'm sorry, Krakarak. I didn't mean to offend you.

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
08-31-2022, 10:48 AM
 She leaped and snapped at him. If there was one thing that Krakarak was not, it was brave. He was profoundly a coward. A bully. Who picked on anyone he deemed unable to harm him or without the ability to fight back. So, when she leaped and snapped those sharp teeth at him the bird screeched in a fear and flew to a higher branch. Pouting down and glaring at her. The audacity, all he was doing was trying to get his well-earned apology!

 "Nasty wolf! Krak! Nasty!" He croaked disdainfully as he stared down from his new perch.

 But then, the tides began to change!

 Could it be that she turned over a new feather? No. Yes! Yes she had! He looked quite smug at the "apology", not realizing that it was sarcasm. It went straight over the not-very-bright bird's head. He puffed up his feathers, looking quite annoyed and put out. He was just hamming it up though, acting injured and so very very upset. Despite the fact that he was giddy on the inside for "getting his way". "Hmph!" He turned his head away, saying nothing as he looked away from her.

 "Krakarak guess is fine." He looked back at her, beady eyes glaring. "Better not do again!" He shook a wing at her severely, pointing and intending to "shame" her for the audacity of upsetting him.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
09-01-2022, 01:17 AM

 Being called a “Nasty Wolf” wasn’t nearly as bad as dying, but it was still crappy! Aika resented the fact that she’d been insulted, and even more so that it’d been by a bird! A bloody bird of all things! The lady had the urge to just gobble the annoying-er chicken up, but no, it flapped to a higher branch, and the woman felt bad for even thinking about killing it.

 She almost snorted when the raven thought she actually meant her “apology.”

 “Of course, your excellency, Aika jeered. “I promise by all the gods above, whether good, or bad, or ugly, that I will never, ever forsake you in such a way, ever again. I apologise for my brutish behaviour.” Now, hopefully, Krakarak would leave her alone, and Aika could be on her way, seeing the world and making friends! Yay!

the staff team luvs u

日本 & Common
09-07-2022, 04:38 PM
 "Excellency"! He... he paused for a second, wondering if he was being duped by this elusive thing known as "sarcasm" but then he mentally waved it away. Of course not. Wolves weren't smart enough for trickery such as that. No no no. It was far more probable that she meant it! He clacked his beak together most delightedly, practically dancing on his branch at her honeyed words. "Good! Krakarak forgive you. He no sic pack on you." The bird was pleased as punch that she was "apologizing" to him. "Good you see Krakarak for his 'excellence'" And then, he waved a wing at her. "Now shoo! Krakarak need clean his feathers." And, whether she left or not, he would attempt to clean himself again. Pleased that she had been enlightened about all that was good and Krak.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
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