Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Setting Sun

Sunset Sunny/Clear 48° F
08-02-2022, 08:30 PM

 With wings stretched wide and and beating, Ookpik soared over the Tooth-Mountain, wolf-scent fresh. He'd been observing them with an amber gaze, squinted and tracking their movements.
 Their figures where slim and petite among the snow, but one stood out; His fur was black as night, clearly leader, and he was most often accompanied by a white one who seemingly had a pup. Ookpik wasn't sure he'd enjoy a little chaotic fur-ball in his tundra, but he managed to grow used to the other one.

 He swooped low to the fangs, talons grasping for a mouse that lay idly among the crevices. Silly creature. The owl caught it within a matter of seconds, the rodent hanging limply between his claws as he veered towards a mountain ledge where he'd made his nest.
 It was comfortable and mossy, full of soft snow and decorated with a few tundra flowers. It was nice, and it was home. Was this how the canines felt? Perhaps. Ever curious was Ookpik.

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08-03-2022, 01:27 PM
The vale was rather interesting, a forest sat in the midst while guarded by great mountains all around. She could see caves in the midst, she could see flocks of birds hovering in the clouds of them all ; trees that scattered the top and twirled all around them. A rock solid defense, she would surely say — where a haven lays within the middle of a flushed forest full of prey for the predators around, not just the wolves.

Curiosity brought her slowly to some of the peaks, feeling her breath grow short on the tough trip above.. Aries was not used to climbing such slopes, and laughed lightly to herself over underestimating and maybe, realizing it was a mistake. But ah! She was awfully curious of the view as the sun rose lightly, and for a moment took a break on a slope..

Distances away did her golden gaze catch the movement of another, and smiled lightly at the view of a snow owl trecking back to it's nest. They reminded her greatly of home. The one before her was surely not the first owl she had seen, but perhaps the closest.

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08-04-2022, 12:35 AM

 He was tucking up in his nest comfortably, pecking snow out of his wings, until... 
 There, a wolf! All too close for his liking, but Ookpik was the curious boy who loved to analyse and observe, so, with slight reluctance, he stood from his nest, perfectly groomed wings stretched out to soar down to the wolf. With a leap, a flap and a few seconds he was perched on a branch a few ways away from the wolf. With a tilt of his head, the owl began to speak;

 “Hver ert þú, úlfur?” He chirped in a questioning tone. Wait, no, Ookpik doubted the wolf would understand Owl-tongue. The bird hummed for a few moments, before switching over to wolf-tongue, not his most favourite language due to all the growling and barking... “Who are you, wolf?”

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08-05-2022, 10:23 PM
They came closer! A surprise, especially with how wary owls tended to be around land carnivores. A surprise but blessed nonetheless, frankly enjoying able to see one so closely that was within the cache, and fully admire what they looked. Dressed within the whites and speckles with a few tips of brown, they were a representation of what stood within the tundra itself, and a strong presence within the land kissed with snow.

But ah, perhaps she was even more blessed, for they were a divine avian, and spoke to her! She was beaming within a smile, "I am Aries," and was awfully curious of the tongue of wolves upon them so. Much like @Kuhn, but she recognized the chattering of bird-talk before switching through. How mysterious!

"Have you always knew how to speak wolf-tongue?"

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08-06-2022, 03:53 AM

 Aries, said the woman. A name which did not seem to fit. Ookpik sent his gaze over her features for a moment, analysing. Aries, it sounded powerful, fiery, but the girl before him was tall and lean, quite the opposite of the stumpy, fiery ball of anger the owl pictured in his head.
 Nonetheless, with a spread of one wing, he introduced himself; “Snæuglan” Wait, nope, wolf-tongue, right. “Ookpik, if easier to say in wolf-tongue.”

 How long had he been able to speak in wolf-tongue?
 “Picked up from wolf in tooth-mountain,” He hummed for a moment, “You there often, big black wolf and wife? Puppies?” His speech was broken, odd, as though it was coming through a cheese-grater. Ookpik didn't understand much of the canine language, but he tried his best. His curiosity wouldn't allow him otherwise.

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08-07-2022, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2022, 03:18 PM by Ari.)
New encounters, beasts and avians who spoke of wolf somehow in a realm she felt she didn't belong to, but lived in. Fallen from the sky, torn away from the fresh womb of the glade of home — now born to the life of the bound midwife and helpful medic, yet, so bare in knowledge. The more she lived within the primordial lands, the more she was surprised ; to the tiger, to the owl, and beamed with a smile. Divined, surely so, she may not pray to the Gods so often and yet all seemed to link back to. Destiny, perhaps, a string binding them all.

Broken tongue but understood, English specifically was a bit difficult to learn on the tongue, so she nodded, "I help as a medic and midwife."

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08-07-2022, 07:30 PM

 The raptor watch the wolf as she spoke. A medic and a mid-wife, hm. “Is why you out of den so often? Collect plants, herbs?”
 Perhaps he could help the woman fetch supplies; Most days all the owl would do was observe an analyse, so it'd be a nice change of pace if he could do some more productive things.

 “Any way, mid-wife, what that?” Ookpik wasn't familiar with a lot of wolf terms, but he'd been trying his best to learn from the tooth-mountain wolves. He'd seen Aries help deliver puppies, was that what a mid-wife was? He'd have to await her response.
 Or.. not. “You help pups? Deliver, yes?” The curious boy couldn't hold back. He had to get his questions answered!

 It wasn't like anyone could blame him, right?

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08-11-2022, 02:27 PM
Aries nodded, "much of my time is gathering and foraging. Although I will admit.. Some part of me is curious and selfishly wandering the land." Being a new face within this tundra, her heart greatly wondered how it'd look. Survey the land as so, a general grasping to what was here and around the terrain. She generally grasped of the snow land, and the great plains that was, the few scattering of forests and pines, and beyond were mountains she had yet to even step to. 

"That is what a midwife does, to help deliver and raise the pups alongside the mother. Support, you could say," Aries explained with a beaming smile, all too warm feeling she was welcomed to such a task. It was unexpected perhaps, for a woman of Gods origin to accept her so willingly into a pack and another paw forth. She tried to serve as she could.

"Have you been in this mountain for some time?" Tearing her gaze away she looked at his nest, well-built on the cliff that surely wasn't recent..? Though at the same time she couldn't accurately say how fast an owl could build one, but with feathers, flowers and a lovely nest, was he not a native in this vale? She had seen many owls, but this one was quite special in being a divine.

the staff team luvs u
08-15-2022, 01:22 AM
Apologies for the delay! It seems my muse comes in bursts lmao

 "Much of my time is gathering and foraging," Ookpik blinked at the sentence. Much of his time was gathering and foraging, too! Perhaps... would Ookpik get to be a forage-buddy with a real wolf?!

 "Although, I will admit...' He subconsciously leaned forwards, as if Aries were revealing a secret to him. 'Some part of me is curious and selfishly wandering the land." Oh, the owl though it'd be something worse.
 “Not selfish for wanting to explore!” He exclaimed. It was a natural curiosity, of course!

 “Ookpik explore lot's, too,” He gestured to his nest with one wing, then pointed to aalllll the tundra. “Is Ookpik selfish? No! Ookpik is wanderer who fascinated with new thing!” Like you, he wanted to add. How could a wolf sound so... unsure of themselves? When they had all the power?

 The "That is what a midwife does, to help deliver and raise the pups alongside the mother. Support, you could say," fell on deaf ears, though he 'nodded' idly. "Have you been in this mountain for some time?" Oh now that was a good question!
 “All Ookpik life, yes,” he chirped proudly. “All Ookpik family has. Aries ever seen them?”

 Hang on.. Did wolves eat owls?
 Certainly not... Right..?

Aries Bird Buddy beginning to blossom...

the staff team luvs u
08-19-2022, 07:14 PM
honestly a big mood, don't worry about it, my own muse comes in and out with characters too, you're always free to DM me for much needed replies due to that honestly LOL

"You are quite kind." Adoration for owls, the beauty that came from it and admitting of minor jealousy that would come from those who managed to find themselves with those companions. A bond that cross-bred away from words that could not be said ; yet Aries found herself talking to a bird that would never happened within her homeland, that it was a simple star-struck moment.

She would never eat someone who was a divined like so, but didn't even think at the moment to re-assure him as he talked without fear to her, "my parents are deceased, but I have a sister.. I'm afraid I do not know where she is." Somewhere, in another realm, there was @Wren. However Aries was not aware she too landed in this realm once the whole village fell into the sinkhole.. There was saddness when she expressed this, as truly did love her family. Bonds were close, and she always was taught to cherish those were family, and friends she would then count as so.

The hare couldn't help but wonder, how was everyone?

"Are the owls I see around your family?" she hadn't hunt any, but wouldn't that be a terror if she accidentally done so earlier?

the staff team luvs u
08-20-2022, 05:38 PM
Short shitpost cos Ookpik is getting boring </3

 "You are quite kind." Ookpik spread a single wing, then lowered the upper-half of his body in a bow-like position, a few happy chirps escaping his beak.
 “So is Aries,” He commented. 

 And then, the wolf let out the real heart wrench-er; "my parents are deceased, but I have a sister.. I'm afraid I do not know where she is." The owl hummed for a second.
 “Ookpik could... look for Aries's sister?” Maybe? It depended where she was. Desert? No thanks. Plains? Not really.. for him. But mountains or tundra? Yep! That worked!

 “Ookpik not sure if any of these owls are his family.”
 He stated, turning his head – in that way all owls do – to see if he could notice any familiar nests. “No... I don't think so. None here, anyway.” Though he was starting to wish the wolves here could be his family... hm.

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08-23-2022, 05:33 PM
"I couldn't ask that of you.. I do not even know whether she too, arrived in this realm." Although Aries appreciated it, she had no idea if any of those from the Winterglade had also fallen here, but since awakening alone with no sight of them.. She continued assuming. But it seems she was not the only one without family, for those Ookpik grew up in these mountains, the owls were unfamiliar. A golden gaze looked beyond, she could see the forest that stretched out into a vale, and saw those who brushed in the wind above — an owl or two, swivvering for perhaps a mouse or hare for a hefty meal. But none were his?

"Perhaps we can make new family, and become friends." She smiled warmly, hoping that the avian would take this offer to be friends despite, the species that divided them.

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09-11-2022, 05:59 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2022, 05:59 AM by Ookpik.)

 Well, maybe her sister hadn't showed up in this realm, but Ookpik would still look for her, either way. HA! No stopping him! "Perhaps we can make new family, and become friends." Ookpik's eyes went wide – at least, wider than usual – and a he said no words, until; “Yes! Yes, Ookpik love that!” He hurridly agreed. “Ookpik your friend now. Okay? And Aries is Oopik's friend.”

 Thank goodness she'd said it first. The owl hoped that their bond could grow over time... maybe he could join her pack. Were birds allowed in packs? Whatever, that'd just be something he'd have to ask the big black wolf, surely.

would u like to fade here?

the staff team luvs u
09-11-2022, 07:05 PM
you are so good!! sometimes muse comes and go and i totally don't mind, as i too take forever LOL

"Yes, friend." She was more then happy to as the owl accepted and seemed delighted ; Aries greatly enjoyed forming a new companionship. She wanted to build bonds stronger then she had in Winterglade, although there was friends that she missed, and her dearest sister.. It was true, she had to move forward, and accept what was. The Gods willed something, surely, just as they willed this moment.

good fade!

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