06-05-2022, 04:33 PM
For everyone whose partner cannot/has not shown! Or otherwise ditched.
As the party went on and pairs were to form, Vendrussel sat upon her rock and laid idly. Some members were currently out of the sepulcher, either upon their own adventures with her blessing, or otherwise on guard-duty. She didn't mind truly, if some went to explore — just that if some went, others could not. The point of a defense was needed. Though she too held a great wanderlust eons ago, and so far it has been settled now with more.. Developments over the past few months. Less likely to leave days away.
She would only hope.. That those who do, would return. Already some had left and she vowed to not let them return, for those who turn away from Dragonford, are not permitted back. Especially if words of toxicity are spewed to her face — but they were not wolves who would hunt down them either. Some suited to the isles, and others did not.. She could not take offense to anyone who did, especially not with blood drawn upon the beach.
Those who stayed, she'd be loyal to. Protect them and the pack itself, find ways around.. If she could. Like any, she wasn't perfect. But at the very least, can create festive's to lighten the area.
So laid at 'The King's Table,' and yawned.
the staff team luvs u