Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

do you happen to have anything shiny?

Afternoon Partly Cloudy 49° F
04-30-2022, 10:03 PM
 @"Aruna's Misfortune" — but everyone is welcome!

Haleia had awoken peacefully in the meadow, spectacles of blue flowers surrounding her and her slumber. She had a soft coven about her, as she did every day, that glowed in the light when dared to be. Haleia was everything in her mother, and nothing of her father. 

That's how it should be. 

What would the maiden come across today? So many opportunities presented themselves before her, so much to discover. Her favorite places were the dense forests or the raging snows of the tundra— no one ever appeared to be there, and there were so many things to collect. It wasn't that she didn't love others- she did! She did! However, she's been surrounded by a crowd her entire life...and the silence was nice...

Wasn't it?

Well, she thought so at least...

Yet the warmth of another at her side called for her distantly. The need, the urge, the pleasantry of someone smiling downward at her beckoned her. It needed her, just as she needed someone else. A soft sigh perched at her lips at the thought, but she rolled to her side. Destined to dream of something else. 

so excited!

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05-01-2022, 02:30 AM
She barely spent any time on Empyrean's mountains anymore. Ciri, fast approaching her second birthday, had spent the past year exploring the territories surrounding home - often not returning for days at a time. Her mother worried each time, naturally, but made no effort to clip her wings.

She was an Ostrega, after all.

The sky was littered with clouds, but an afternoon sun shone bright when they parted. Its rays warmed the wanderer's back as she picked her way through unfamiliar land. She shoved at moss-covered rocks to observe the bugs hidden beneath, watching with curiosity as they scurried away at the exposure. At a particularly large stone, Ciri hopped up onto it to use it as a vantage point - and that's when she saw another wolf among the flora.

She froze, and stared. Her raven ears stood tall atop her small crown, pricked forward. When the body moved, indicating life, Ciri slackened - content that death had not claimed her.

From her perch, the young rogue emitted a soft bark to announce her presence.

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05-01-2022, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2022, 07:47 AM by Aruna.)
[Image: Aruna_Medallion_2.png]

The sun was heading for the center of the sky, its rays broken as lazy clouds drifted across its path. Unfortunately, her arrival here had brought her two seasons forward into spring. The obsidian princess longed for winter and eagerly awaited its return in the coming months. The sun never did her any favors, her charcoal pelt soaking it with undesirable efficiency.
She had spent little time emerging from the mountains but quickly found herself yearning for them once more. Aruna had strayed out to a meadow peppered with flora and perhaps some unnoticed fauna. Bushes and flowers had settled on the plateau in certain spots, providing it with species of vegetation. 
Shoving through the foliage that caressed her coat, Aruna admired the unfamiliar scenery. Moments passed when a bark emitted a ways behind her. When she turned to look, a chocolate pelted she-wolf stood a distance from her, but the wolf was not looking at her. Icy gaze narrowing, the loner let her eyes wander, seeking out whoever else this wolf was searching for. Lifting her elongated muzzle, she took in the scents, pinpointing her target.
There. A wolf who resided within the flowers with a pelt of ivory and brown accents along her back and head; she was no short of beauty and elegance. Lifting a paw, the woman approached slowly, perching herself on a flat rock.

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05-01-2022, 04:40 PM
Haleia had found her peace, rolling in the grasses. Occasionally, a sneeze would escape from her nose, leaving her embarrassed. Even if no one was around to see it, it was still common courtesy, right? 

Well, apparently she was wrong. 

No— not about common courtesy, but that she was alone. Haleia was extremely mistaken. From the bushes and stones, she heard a soft bark emit from them. Startled, she jumped up, her fur becoming riled. She'd extend her head, attempting to see over the stone. A wolf of bronzed browns lay upon them, dark raven ears perked upward. Haleia was about to call to her, but then she became even more startled by a wolf of silver and iron approaching her, too. upon a stone. 

Becoming rather nervous, Haleia flattened her ears to her head, lowering her head in a non-threatening manner. A blush filled her cheeks, red hot and burning. Haleia realized that she was exposed, naked, and vulnerable. These wolves could be dangerous for all she knew!

Meekly, she responded with her own bark to both of them. "Apologies...I hadn't realized that anyone was here-" She'd turn her head away from the apparent audience, looking down at her collection of small stones. She had picked them up before she settled for a midday nap, little holes in the dirt shimmering as evidence of where she dug.

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05-01-2022, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 11:53 AM by Ciri.)
Her attention remained solely on the wolfess who bore furs of feathered ivory, vivid eyes taking in the warm shades with interest. She differed greatly from Ciri's kin in Empyrean, those who mostly bore obsidian or agouti pelts of bronze or gold. It was clear to see that the stranger was lean and long-legged, elegant.

Strange, but beautiful.

Only at the clack of claws upon stone did the blackbird feel the jerk back to reality, and she pointed her muzzle toward an unexpected approach. Another she-wolf had hopped up onto a nearby boulder and Ciri took a moment to appreciate her, too.

Were all the Northern she-wolves this lovely?

“Sorry, I-” the young Ostrega swept her tail in a soft wag as she once more regarded the masked fae, ears sweeping backward guiltily as she offered an apologetic smile, “I didn't mean to intrude.” She inhaled deep, and made to glance toward the other wolfess curiously, “my name is Ciri.”

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05-01-2022, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2022, 06:03 AM by Aruna.)
[Image: Aruna_Medallion_2.png]

Cautious as to not startle the pale huntress any further, the she-wolf remained in place, head hanging low, almost like a bow. Her movements were calculated and graceful, though not overly so. While she had forgotten bits of her mother's teachings, Aruna made a point to address maidens such as herself with grace and respect; this was no exception. Admittedly, if these wolves were male, she would not have treated them with the same respect. Her mother taught her to be wary of them, perhaps due to her own experiences.
While the other dames spoke, Rue stood in silence, analyzing the situation; it was clear the ivory wolfess was not expecting company, nor was the ebony. Alas, they were joined now in an awkward harmony; a meeting of maidens. "It is of no consequence; I wasn't aware of either of you." She replied formally, a slight rasp tinging her voice. It was rare she had such pretty company; both the pale and dark she-wolves were rather captivating.
Beats of uncomfortable silence passed before the ebony spoke once more. Apparently, her name was Ciri. It suited her. "Aruna." She announced her name, lifting her head. She was the last of the Stormguardians; she may as well be a little prideful about it.
the staff team luvs u
05-01-2022, 10:03 PM
The young female apologized and Haleia began to shake her head, a smile forming on her lips. "Oh dear, no need to apologize—Ciri!" Haleia would stress, glancing towards the other maiden who approached.

She spoke cooly with pride, calling herself Aruna. With respect to both, Haleia dipped her head. 

"My name is Haleia- or just Leia for short." The woman would smile brightly, noting the beauty in both females. A question popped into her head, and her eyes lit up with curiosity; "Do either of you belong to a pack? I've feared I've been on my own for a long time...and the company seems nice." Haleia sat down in the field, a paw over one of the crystallized rocks that she had dug up from the dirt. 

"I apologize if it's such a intrusive question! I'm quite lonely out here is all and-" A blush passed through her cheeks and she lowered her head dismissively. "Sorry I-I ramble when I'm nervous."

the staff team luvs u
05-02-2022, 09:53 PM
She could smell a gathering upon the wind — but not the smell of a pack itself. The land was unclaimed, and yet the gathering of wolves was around, it brought a curiosity to Miriam. She couldn't detect like any was from a particular area, scents clashing one another as slowly she would follow the trail, and hear voices within the distance. But she couldn't see them just yet, just hear the mutterings of each voice without the proper knowing to what they said. 

Her paws went over the hill, standing to it's peaks as she smiled lightly upon three — a gathering of females who all were soft in appearances. Like roses within an orchid, a true garden that brought but a glimpse to what she assumed the Summerlands may just be like.. Maybe a bit distracted by the overall serenity that there was, she somewhat was far too open within their view to simply turn around unnoticed.

"Apologies, I hope I am not disturbing something," unaware that another had said the same thing.

the staff team luvs u
05-15-2022, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 12:04 PM by Ciri.)
Aruna and Haleia - appropriately beautiful names for such exquisite women.

Ciri flitted her vibrant gaze between each of them, grateful for the warmth with which each she-wolf had greeted her. The girl smiled brightly and shifted, careful as she leapt down from her rocky perch, and moved in closer to the paler of the duo. With a wagging tail she reached to sniff at the tufted furs of her neck, keen to test if she'd recognise any scent she might carry.

“Not intrusive! I am from Empyrean, a ways South-West of here,” she answered brightly, always happy to share the location of her home base with others who did not pose a threat to her family, “we claim the mountain closest the ocean.”

She lifted her muzzle to blink over a shoulder, searching to see if Aruna had also moved to close the distance between their unexpected trio. Much to her surprise, Ciri caught sight if yet another young wolfess who'd happened across their little group, and she lifted her dark ears curiously.

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05-15-2022, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 02:37 PM by Haleias.)
The woman of a darker, more oak-like complexion jumped from her perch and Haleia turned to look towards her, wondering what exactly she was doing. When Ciri's nose touched her neck, she froze, a light blush stringing to her cheeks. 
She spoke of the pack...Empyrean? Mountains...and oceans? Haleia liked the sound of that. Her ears would perk, not based by the closeness of Ciri's presence. More rather, Haleia was intrigued by what she offered. The maiden would seek to move herself closer to Ciri with excitement, her tail matching the same enthusiasm as hers. 

"Empyrean? That sounds just magical, Ciri— Oh please, please tell me more!" Haleia would practically beg the female, jumping into a playful position with her eyes lighting up as the universe does in the dead of the night. Haleia would look to Aruna, beckoning her to join her at her side. The maiden was full of life, basking in the attention. 

Haleia would return to her regular stance once she heard the light voice of another, a woman no less, whose scent she was not familiar with. Wrapped up with excitement Haleia called out to @Miriams , "Oh, please join us! The more the merrier," A bright smile plastered across her face filled with euphoria.

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05-15-2022, 04:07 PM
[Image: Aruna_Medallion_2.png]

The dark she-wolf began to move, stepping from the rock upon Ciri's glance, azure eyes glimmering in the sun's light. Haleia raised her voice once more, soft and sweet. Apparently this Ciri belonged to a pack, Empyrean. They hailing from the mountains by the oceans. Leia sounded so excited about the pack, so.. hopeful. Aruna wished she could feel the same excitement they did, but that part of her had since died out.

Regardless, the huntress approached the dames, sitting quiet. "Do not jump so fast, Leia. Packs are a huge commitment, you should think about it first." Aruna spoke from experience; she devoted her life to her pack, only for it to be raided and destroyed by strangers. She held a weary look in her eyes, visibly uncertain. Her shoulder glided smoothly against Haleia's as she dropped to her stomach, laying peaceful. "What are they like, their dynamic?" She questioned skeptically.

Then there was another. A silver-lilac she-wolf rounded the hill, calling out to the maidens. Her ears pricked, alert as Haleia called back, inviting the lavender pelted wolf over, "Come sit." She invited, though hesitant. Haleia had a kind heart and was rather gentle, a thing not many had. A gift to be protected. 

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05-15-2022, 05:55 PM
With a skip in her step did she approach, as none of the woman denied such a pleasure and even invited her! She sashayed over, a pleasant smile upon her face as she would find herself in particular next to the more soft, tan-like gold hue. She imagined if angels came from the Summerlands, they were as soft as the one before her ; creams that brought a blush to anyones face. The other two held a more cool within tones and in features, and she smiled warmly at them all with a greeting, "I am Miriam, Miriam Iris Willows," so that she was not a complete oddball within the mixture, or an unknown face.

She wanted to get to know them better as it seemed rare for a few non-pack wolves to gather and chatter. It reminded her of home, where the other maidens would gather and talk — of but life and pleasantries. Surely too, her home would welcome all these woman. As she got the jist but was rather late, Miriam clarified curiously at the brown girl, "You are from a pack nearby?"

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06-03-2022, 02:32 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2022, 02:32 AM by Ciri.)
I'm gonna fade here since Aruna is on hiatus.

“Yes, Empyrean,” the blackbird repeated for the newest arrival to their little group, with a tip of her chin in the vague direction of her family's mountain home, “my aunt and uncle are its Alphas, and our ranks are mostly held by family. There are several who don't share our blood among us, though.” Ciri smiled, perhaps a little sheepishly. While her feelings were still torn on her place in the world, would it be more acceptable to disperse from Empyrean if she recruited others to make up for her own absence?

She went on to share more of her family's pack, keen to represent its suitability, and was content to talk with the other she-wolves for as long as they would allow until the time came to part ways.

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