04-20-2022, 11:58 PM
— backdated to the a couple nights after the portals opened
Hades stared at the skies with a blank look. Whatever was happening, he knew that the rest of The Pantheon had no ideas past what they'd seen before - and the only person who's opinion he hadn't heard. He and Persephone hadn't exactly seen eye to on on the matter of Minthe. While @Persephone hadn't told him to send her off she also hadn't seen the point of keeping Minthe captive. Despite the fact that Minthe had goaded him into it, and then refused the terms that Hades had laid out, and Hades couldn't allow her to walk over him. He tore his gaze from the skies and then returned to the Underworld he knew so well.
“@Minthe” He said her name gruffly, not bothering to check if she was awake or not in her little cage. “You need to see this - I want to know your impressions.” He hadn't lead her up from the depths of Tartarus since she had been imprisoned there, and leading her up was a careful maneuver. “A few seasons ago a figure appeared, none of us knew what it was or anything about it. And now - now there are more.” He tried to speak as calmly as he could. It wasn't exactly a social call, he didn't know how she'd respond or if she'd even care. But he'd never known her to ignore her curiosities and he was betting on that.
Once they were back on the forest grounds Hades took in a deep breath, the storm brewing far off almost tasting heavy on his tongue. “The mortals here don't seem to have any inkling of other worlds - but none of us could figure it out.” Which disappointed the King utterly. It bothered him to no end to not know what was the reason behind it all.
Hades stared at the skies with a blank look. Whatever was happening, he knew that the rest of The Pantheon had no ideas past what they'd seen before - and the only person who's opinion he hadn't heard. He and Persephone hadn't exactly seen eye to on on the matter of Minthe. While @Persephone hadn't told him to send her off she also hadn't seen the point of keeping Minthe captive. Despite the fact that Minthe had goaded him into it, and then refused the terms that Hades had laid out, and Hades couldn't allow her to walk over him. He tore his gaze from the skies and then returned to the Underworld he knew so well.
“@Minthe” He said her name gruffly, not bothering to check if she was awake or not in her little cage. “You need to see this - I want to know your impressions.” He hadn't lead her up from the depths of Tartarus since she had been imprisoned there, and leading her up was a careful maneuver. “A few seasons ago a figure appeared, none of us knew what it was or anything about it. And now - now there are more.” He tried to speak as calmly as he could. It wasn't exactly a social call, he didn't know how she'd respond or if she'd even care. But he'd never known her to ignore her curiosities and he was betting on that.
Once they were back on the forest grounds Hades took in a deep breath, the storm brewing far off almost tasting heavy on his tongue. “The mortals here don't seem to have any inkling of other worlds - but none of us could figure it out.” Which disappointed the King utterly. It bothered him to no end to not know what was the reason behind it all.
the staff team luvs u