When the man finally answered her, Nyra's gaze glinted with open defiance.
As he snapped his fangs toward her, the soldier snapped back in tandum, hoping to clip him on the nose, or the lip maybe, as a show that she would not be so easily cowed as others might be.
"Shove your threats up your ass." She spat, seething through clenched teeth as she heaved her aching body back up on all four paws. She leveled his pinkish gaze with a scathing glare, tail flagged high over her hips.
He seemed the type to get his panties in a twist over a show of dominance, and she was betting on that assumption.
She might've been less of a bitch if he hadn't just swiped her against her will, but that was not the case here.
And despite the slight shaking of her legs from her body both being overworked plus still recovering, she forced herself to stand tall and firm against the attempted oppression from this bastard.
She couldn't run, not yet. She needed to rest a bit more for that.
But she
could be a defiant lil' shit.
the staff team luvs u