Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

My Prize

Late Evening Sunny/Clear
Compendium Entry

The Oasis

A random haven found within the sandy dunes of the desert, a freshwater oasis along with tall coconut trees can be found as a refuge for any thirsty travelers. Shorthaired hares, camels, rats, mice, various birds and some fish makes this a lonely paradise as most who arrive often do not leave out of fear of never finding their way out of the desert.

04-11-2022, 04:47 PM
The man spent most of the night dragging the girl's body back home, finally making it back. It seemed she remained unconscious for the duration of the trip which save him the headache and her the potential pain. However, now that they were back home, he would place her body nestled between the trees of the oasis, where she would at least have to pay attention to not run into anything should she try to bolt. 

Moving down to the water, he would drink a little bit before reaching in with his paw. With a splash, he would splash some water on her, trying to get her to wake up. "Come on, I ain't got all day." He muttered to himself, waiting to see how quickly the girl would wake up and already ready to catch her should he need to.

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04-11-2022, 05:17 PM
Nyra didn't know what had happened until it was too late.
One second she was fighting for her life in the Nestle, the next she was waking up with water in the face.

Immediately, the warrior was scrambling to her paws, not yet feeling the full of her headache from smacking her skull into a rock. 
She bared her teeth and was about to lunge for Satan for a next go round when the migraine kicked in.
Nyra went from warborn-fury then, to rage and pain.

And as she went to attack him, instead of a predatory lunge she instead stumbled and collapsed back down on the bank of the water with a semi-defeated growl.

"Where the fuck am I?" She snarled at the man then, hellfire eyes trying to analyze her surroundings despite her vision trying to blur at the edges.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
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04-11-2022, 05:23 PM
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04-11-2022, 05:36 PM
When the man finally answered her, Nyra's gaze glinted with open defiance. 
As he snapped his fangs toward her, the soldier snapped back in tandum, hoping to clip him on the nose, or the lip maybe, as a show that she would not be so easily cowed as others might be.

"Shove your threats up your ass." She spat, seething through clenched teeth as she heaved her aching body back up on all four paws. She leveled his pinkish gaze with a scathing glare, tail flagged high over her hips.
He seemed the type to get his panties in a twist over a show of dominance, and she was betting on that assumption.
She might've been less of a bitch if he hadn't just swiped her against her will, but that was not the case here.
And despite the slight shaking of her legs from her body both being overworked plus still recovering, she forced herself to stand tall and firm against the attempted oppression from this bastard.

She couldn't run, not yet. She needed to rest a bit more for that.
But she could be a defiant lil' shit.


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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
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04-11-2022, 08:17 PM
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04-12-2022, 12:58 AM
Warden points desired here! <3

Nyra grinned wickedly as he lunged at her.
Round two: FIGHT!
Even as he took her to the ground, she was writhing, snapping and snarling viciously, not allowing him to gain any purchase for longer than a second or two before she would aim her teeth for any part of him she could reach.
However, eventually, she felt him grip the back of her neck, the attempt to shove her face into the sand.
Nyra growled savagely and flailed, clawing and kicking at any parts of him she could make contact with.

Her golden gaze screeched loudly the refusal to stand down, as did the baring and snapping of her teeth as she writhed in his grip.
With a last dedcided effort, she would attempt to launch her hind legs with all the force she could muster - into his diaphragm.

Get the fuck off, you bastard!
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
04-12-2022, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2022, 01:16 AM by Satan.)
This was getting absolutely fucking annoying. However, he wasn't ever one to turn down a fun fight. His hackles raised as he gripped her neck, pushing her down onto the ground below them. His ear pinned back against his head and his eyes narrowed, keeping them both protected from her flailing limbs. His legs were tense as he pushed her down, trying to wrestle her flailing body. However, with claw pushing all around, he knew he would have to do something. He felt the claws rip through the skin on his legs and he would attempt to move forward, biting down harder on her flesh as he tried to shake his head from side to side. 

He wanted to shake her body around, uncaring if she hit against anything around them. He felt the blood dripping down his legs but right now this was more important. He had a hold and he wasn't going to let go. With a soft 'oof' he felt her slam upwards into him, causing him to lose his breath for a moment and unfortunately let go of his hold. Backing up for a moment, he would attempt to catch his breath before rushing in again, claws forward in an attempt to slam into her side with tooth and nail.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-12-2022, 01:27 AM
The Warmaiden was quick to start scrambling to her feet as soon as her mirror image relented against his will.  
But the victory was not hers today. 

No sooner did she get to her paws again, before Satan slammed into her, sending Nyra sprawling a foot or two across the sand with a sharp yip.

This time, she did not have the strength to spare to get up again, for when she tried to heave herself off of her side, her body refused to cooperate. 

Hatred in her gaze, she glared at her assailant, nothing left to put up a good fight. 
She would instead bide her time, and make a break for it as soon as the opportunity arose.

For the moment though, she was stilled.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
04-12-2022, 01:32 AM
The man felt the connection as his body slammed against hers. It was perfectly position to do exactly what he wanted. she was on her side and she was too weak to fight anymore. With a snarl, the man would back, moving only about a foot away as he sat down. The blood on shoulders and paws coated his fur but he didn't mind it. Instead, he stayed up watching her, narrowed eyes challenging her to move again. 

After a few moments, he would finally begin to lick his wounds, though keeping a side eye on her the whole time. This bitch was testing his patience but the main reason he hadn't killed her yet was because she had been amusing him with how well she fought back. He loved a good fight, so kidnapping a fiery soul like her was something he really enjoyed.

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[Image: 594e2082-689d-11ed-b829-057c57b7de88.gif]
04-12-2022, 09:47 PM
Nyra continued to just lie there and breathe for a while as the tyrant licked his wounds and sat only a foot or so away.
She would need to be fast.

Very fast.
Faster than she was sure she could run right now.

Worth a shot.

After about ten minutes, maybe twenty, the behemothian female suddenly lurched upwards, stumbling to her paws and yet nimbly taking herself into a dead sprint. 
Northeast, though right now she didn't know exactly where it'd take her.

Unmindful of the drips of blood she left behind to solidify her trail for him to find her again.
She just ran.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous 
04-13-2022, 01:49 AM
Admittedly he wasn't paying as much attention to his new captive as he should have been. He learned that quickly as she rushed to get up. He had assumed that she was too weak to run or fight anymore, but he was wrong. He had to say, she was very impressive. That just made him want her even more. 

With a snarl, he pushed himself off of the ground, moving swiftly to follow behind her. He was a bit smaller than she was, his body toned from his continuous fighting and chasing. That was the only thing that really gave him an advantage as she did have a head start. However, he didn't mind. She was hurt and weak, he would catch her eventually.

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