optional! Celnes informing of the religion — at this point the pups know of her opinion of it.
"For us Deorwine, that is mean 'friend of the elk.' We are blessed with the name in honor of the High Elk, and the Apostles that follow Him — accept us. It is said our ancestor made a pact, and for us to abstain true hunting of them, He would lead us to Prosper." As her children grew and wandered around more often, especially further away from the Crown itself.. The Queen took them out within the forest stroll, a lesson to them all of their noble blue-blooded lineage. Bits and pieces were shared, as well as to hold themselves in the pride of who they were. But she couldn't remember too many moments that brought them all together, to explain once in for all, the thought of pelt colors.
"Not all of us are related, for some can gain the name. To approach the King of Elk, and he who does not react in an anger of displeasure, is shown they have the ability to become a Déorwine. Though the chance is only given twice." A few of her children may question in the future for those of the many 'cousins' Celnes holds, but the reality was she was not truly related to many of them. It felt easier to simply refer them in friendlier terms, a false sanctuary of a smile as she held a familiarity of a title before them. A few were though true in blood, but many were far from the branch to truly be related to the noble one. At the time being, only herself.. And her children, were the heirs to the clan.
"The High Elk was betrayed at one point, and due to that he took away the colors of those who sinned. Stained in white — proof of a sign of what had been done.. And those who follow the path of the same sin, without correction." A slight glance looked upon her two daughters in particular, though a brush besides her youngest son, Aldritch. He carried no white, unlike the two, but instead he was fully pitched into a gray love. She flickered her tail, and motioned onward. They were following the herds path, a circle around the forest as on occasion they would find a stray Elk, peacefully in slumber.
"That does not mean they are true evil, or even purely cursed. For us, that is the sign from the High Elk Himself, to either that has been done, or can be. It is up to us, to see if they have strayed from the beloved path, or if they haven't — to push them to the right path of holiness, and righteous. Abstain from evil that was once destined from their path, as white foretells us."
Ah — but it remained unknown if the Queen truly believed this. She often flaked between religion, and more then believing, grasped it within her palm and twisted it how she saw fit. As the time being, white was said to always be cursed, and that the Déorwine should avoid. Though she touched it up ever so slightly, a mention that rather then purely detested, there was a chance of change. Even if documents that were forged for the Déorwines A smile passed to her face, as she warped the religion ever so slightly, to turn it more weaponized to her beloved rule.
Only a few new the true factors, but there was only one in the forest that took that seriously. At least Corliss, was absent within her children's life.
"It is up to us, the royalty of Déorwines, to observe all who cross our path. It is up to you, to determine whether they strayed from sin, or continue to that path. Protect oneself, and those you love."
the staff team luvs u