
Nestled in an unforgiving snowy realm, the wolves of Winterhelm are known for their lineage of warriors and giants in stature. Resilience and survival are their lifeblood, and they prioritize their kingdom's perpetuation above all else. Survival and the maintenance of their dominion are paramount, and they are willing to make tough choices to protect their kingdom. In Winterhelm, only the strongest, both physically and in spirit, can navigate the unforgiving terrain and lay claim to this icy domain.

This pack has disbanded.


04-22-2024 Winterhelm was updated by zina
12-25-2023 Winterhelm was disbanded by Canis Major
10-24-2023 Winterhelm was updated by Aso
10-15-2023 Winterhelm was formed by Aso
10-13-2023 Winterhelm was approved by Aso
10-12-2023 Winterhelm was submitted by Adonis Crownore

Point Logs

Submitted Awarded
+5 submitted by Adonis 10-15-2023 Awarded by Aso 10-15-2023
+1 submitted by Khione 10-13-2023 Awarded by Aso 10-15-2023
+2 submitted by Adonis 10-13-2023 Awarded by Aso 10-15-2023
+2 submitted by Adonis 10-13-2023 Awarded by Aso 10-15-2023
+5 submitted by Cain 10-13-2023 Awarded by Aso 10-13-2023
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