Demonia Empire

All Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil Characters can find a home here; So long as they Obey their Viscountess.

Work Hard, Play Harder is the theme here. While the Citizens are often lacking morals they work hard for their home, but they play even harder. Indulging in what many may consider evil and wrong.

This pack has disbanded.
Demonia Empire

The Demonia Empire

De - Monie- uh 
Founded 5 / 11 / 2022
Acronym: TDE or DE

Viscountess: Reign Saxe
Council Members: | N/A


The Viscountess
Reign Saxe is the Viscountess of The Demonia Empire. She is the Final Authority within Demonia. Her Word Is Law.

All Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil Characters can find a home here; So long as they Obey their Viscountess.

Work Hard, Play Harder is the theme here. While the Citizens are often lacking morals they work hard for their home, but they play even harder. Indulging in what many may consider evil and wrong.

Major Traditions 
The Gauntlet
Blood Rites
Arranged Marriages
The Bear Pit

Minor Traditions
Empire Citizen's Births
The Full Moon Sacrifice
The Runt Removals
Incest Litters

Click a category to learn more!

Pack Beliefs and Ideals

Major Traditions

Minor Traditions

Laws and Punishments


The Hierarchy

High Court
Brief descrip of the category if there's anything special about them! What kinda ranks are found here?
Viscountess / Viscount The Ruler, They are the final Authority within the Pack. If a pair one is Considered the Viscount/Viscountess Consort 
[i]The Council—[/i][i]The Council is made of the Respected Leaders of each job within the Empire that ensures That Demonia is Thriving. They often hold meetings to advise the Viscountess/Viscount. they are respected members of the Empire and have Some Authority over The general population.[/i]
The Heir— [i]A child of the viscount/ Viscountess that will take over the Empire, Often Chosen out of three siblings, the council votes in the Heir.
Concubines / Concubinus:The Harem members of the Viscount/Viscountess, Often once with become the Consort

The Council
Lead Ambassador
Lead Executioner
Lead Huntsman
Lead Warrior
Lead Medic
Lead Spy


Citizensthe general population within the empire.
The YouthChildren born to The Empire, including High court children.
SidiThose who have been marker or claimed. They lost their rights and freedom to a specific person or the empire as a whole.
Sidi YouthChildren born to a sidi Parent, even if the other parent is a Citizen or Higher Ranking Citizen. (Children are the only Sidi who are Capable of raising station to Citizen, and its at the Viscount/ Viscountess' discretion and rare)

The Empire’s Population

Active Statistics
6♀ · 5 ♂ · 0 ⚥
4 Adults · 7 Pups
1 Births · 0 Deaths

High Court
Viscountess: | @Reign
The Council: | N/A
The Heir: | N/A
Concubines / Concubinus: | @Creole

Key: H - Hiatus, LA - Lead Ambassador, LE - Lead Executioner, LHM - Lead Huntsman, LW - Lead Warrior, LM - Lead Medic, LS - Lead Spy

Citizens: | @Mentu - W | @Valkyrie - W | @Sati - H | @Twilight - H | @Auris - H |
The Youth: | @Hel | @Nai (Anai) | @Draven | @Cilicia | @Cain | @Pharaoh | @Lia (Ophelia)
Sidi: | N/A
Sidi Youth: | N/A[i]

Key: H - Hiatus, A - Ambassador, E - Executioner, HM - Huntsman, W - Warrior, M - Medic, S - Spy




03-28-2023 Demonia Empire was disbanded by zina
08-09-2022 Demonia Empire was updated by Aso
05-11-2022 Demonia Empire was approved by Aso
05-11-2022 Demonia Empire was submitted by Reign

Point Logs

Submitted Awarded
+2 submitted by Reign 09-14-2022 Awarded by Plymouth 09-15-2022
+1 submitted by Reign 09-14-2022 Awarded by Plymouth 09-15-2022
+3 submitted by Reign 07-16-2022 Awarded by Aso 07-16-2022
+4 submitted by Reign 07-09-2022 Awarded by Chan 07-09-2022
+1 submitted by Reign 07-01-2022 Awarded by gerra 07-01-2022
+5 submitted by Reign 06-28-2022 Awarded by Chan 06-28-2022
+0 submitted by Aerys 06-20-2022 Awarded by Aso 06-26-2022
+1 submitted by Aerys 06-20-2022 Awarded by gerra 06-22-2022
+4 submitted by Reign 05-25-2022 Awarded by Zina 05-27-2022
+4 submitted by Reign 05-25-2022 Awarded by Zina 05-27-2022
+3 submitted by Reign 05-18-2022 Awarded by Minxy 05-19-2022
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